Khurasan's Ursids are a cracking set of figures: what's not to like about huge bears with BFGs and wearing sunglasses? Unfortunately, they didn't sell well, so it's unlikely that Jon will expand the range.

This left me with a single platoon of infantry but, fortunately, Stan Johansen also produces a range of bear-style 15mm sci-fi figures. Admittedly they are a little smaller than Khurasan's Ursids, necessitating the adoption of the greater Ursid/lesser Ursid paradigm, but their mix of small arms and grav platform-mounted support weapons are quirky and lends itself to the idea of a militia formed of lesser Ursid mining engineers. The only problem is the postage to the UK!

Fast forward a couple of years, and Trilaterum launch a range of large 15mm figures that include the Barad: a race of either pandas or bears that wear Japanese samurai (or kung fu panda!) style armour and carry the biggest of BFGs. By happy co-incidence, the Barad also use hover disc technology, so fit right in with the Lesser Ursids. Many of them also sport sun glasses…so it probably is true that Ursids are naturally sesnsitive to bright light!