Here is the third after action report of a demo game with the scenario "Let’s get at the Bastards" from the supplement Cymru am Byth of the Too Fat Lardies.
On the 9th of August, 1944, northeast of Vire in the bocage, the Welsh Guards supported by tanks of the Scots Guards have to capture a group of buildings on the heights named Le Haut-Perrier. The position is held by elements of the 9. SS Panzer Division Hohenstaufen.
Sergeant Perry
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Initial deployment, German side
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The British force advances
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Mortar shelling on the sunken road
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A Panzer IV tries to stop the advance of the British right wing
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The British left wing attacks
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A Churchill moves through the hedgerows
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German squads try to assault the tank, but they fail
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And are mowed down by the following section of Welsh Guards
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On the right wing, the two Churchills hit the Panzer IV-H and force the crew to flee
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The StuG III decides to hit the back pedal
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A StuG III is destroyed
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A tank hunter team destroys a Churchill before being wiped out by a British section
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British forces are now controlling the entrance to the hamlet. Resualt: A minor victory for the British (out of time).