Vis Lardica
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Scorecard 2025
Gallery: Burt, Steve
Gallery: Cooper, Nick
Gallery: Douglas, Mervyn
Gallery: Emmett, John
Gallery: Flint, Carole
Gallery: Helliwell, Andrew
Gallery: Plowman, Ralph
Gallery: Sapper
Gallery: Stumpy
Gallery: Vis Bellica
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Video: How to Play IABSM, Part Two
Video: How to Play IABSM, Part Three
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Other After Action Reports: WRG 6th
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After Action Reports
Scorecard 2024
Gallery: Burt, Steve
Gallery: Cooper, Nick
Gallery: Darkin, Des
Gallery: Davenport, Jonathan
Gallery: Douglas, Mervyn
Gallery: Emmett. John
Gallery: Flint, Carole
Gallery: Helliwell, Andrew
Gallery: Kay, Chris
Gallery: Luther, Mark
Gallery: Plowman, Ralph
Gallery: Sapper
Gallery: Scott, David
Gallery: Slade, Matt
Gallery: Stumpy
Gallery: Vis Bellica
Scorecard 2023
Gallery: Bowler, Lloyd
Gallery: Burt, Steve
Gallery: Cooper, Nick
Gallery: Douglas, Mervyn
Gallery: Emmett, John
Gallery: Flint, Carole
Gallery: Helliwell, Andrew
Gallery: Hodge, Derek
Gallery: Kay, Chris
Gallery: Luther, Mark
Gallery: Plowman, Ralph
Gallery: Pollard, Ashley
Gallery: Sapper
Gallery: Scott, David
Gallery: Slade, Matt
Gallery: Stumpy
Gallery: Vis Bellica
Scorecard 2022
Gallery: Bowler, Lloyd
Gallery: Burt, Steve
Gallery: Cooper, Nick
Gallery: Douglas, Mervyn
Gallery: Emmett, John
Gallery: Flint, Carole
Gallery: Goodrick, Pete
Gallery: Haines, John
Gallery: Helliwell, Andrew
Gallery: Hodge, Derek
Gallery: Kay, Chris
Gallery: Luther, Mark
Gallery: Plowman, Ralph
Gallery: Pollard, Ashley
Gallery: Sapper
Gallery: Scott, David
Gallery: Slade, Matt
Gallery: Stumpy
Gallery: Vis Bellica
Scorecard 2021
Gallery: Anzani, Joe
Gallery: Bowler, Lloyd
Gallery: Burt, Steve
Gallery: Cooper, Nick
Gallery: Douglas, Mervyn
Gallery: Duffell, Andy
Gallery: Emmett, John
Gallery: Flint, Carole
Gallery: Haines, John
Gallery: Helliwell, Andrew
Gallery: Hiett, Travis
Gallery: Hodge, Derek
Gallery: Kay, Chris
Gallery: Luther, Mark
Gallery: McGinn, Joe
Gallery: Melville, Doug
Gallery: Plowman, Ralph
Gallery: Pollard, Ashley
Gallery: Ralls, Jason
Gallery: Sapper
Gallery: Scott, David
Gallery: Slade, Matt
Gallery: Stoesen, Chris
Gallery: Stumpy
Gallery: Vis Bellica
Scorecard 2020
Gallery: Bloggs, Fred
Gallery: Bluemoose Ken
Gallery: Bowler, Lloyd
Gallery: Burt, Steve
Gallery: Cornwell, Chris
Gallery: Douglas, Mervyn
Gallery: Duffell, Andy
Gallery: Emmett, John
Gallery: Flint, Carole
Gallery: Haines, John
Gallery: Helliwell, Andrew
Gallery: Hiatt, Travis
Gallery: Hodge, Derek
Gallery: Hooge, Neil
Gallery: Kay, Chris
Gallery: Luther, Mark
Gallery: McGinn, Joe
Gallery: Melville, Doug
Gallery: Plowman, Ralph
Gallery: Pollard, Ashley
Gallery: Ralls, Jason
Gallery: Sapper
Gallery: Scott, David
Gallery: Slade, Matt
Gallery: Stoesen, Chris
Gallery: Stumpy
Gallery: Vis Bellica
Scorecard 2019
Gallery: Bloggs, Fred
Gallery: Blue Moose Ken
Gallery: Bowen, Ed
Gallery: Bowler, Lloyd
Gallery: Burt, Steve
Gallery: Clarke, Richard
Gallery: Cornwell, Chris
Gallery: Davenport, Jon
Gallery: Douglas, Mervyn
Gallery: Duffell, Andy
Gallery: de Terre Neuve, John
Gallery: Emmett, John
Gallery: Fat Wally
Gallery: Flint, Carole
Gallery: Haines, John
Gallery: Helliwell, Andrew
Gallery: Hiett, Travis
Gallery: Hodge, Derek
Gallery: Hooge, Neil
Gallery: Johnston, Owen
Gallery: Kay, Chris
Gallery: Luther, Mark
Gallery: McGinn, Joe
Gallery: Melville, Doug
Gallery: Plowman, Ralph
Gallery: Ralls, Jason
Gallery: Sapper
Gallery: Scott, David
Gallery: Slade, Matt
Gallery: Stoesen, Chris
Gallery: Stumpy
Gallery: Vis Bellica
Gallery: Yuengling, Jon
Scorecard 2018
Gallery: Bloggs, Fred
Gallery: Blue Moose Ken
Gallery: Bowen, Ed
Gallery: Bowler, Lloyd
Gallery: Burt, Steve
Gallery: Cornwell, Chris
Gallery: Davenport, Jonathan
Gallery: de Terre Neuve, John
Gallery: Douglas, Mervyn
Gallery: Duffell, Andy
Gallery: Fat Wally
Gallery: Flint, Carole
Gallery: Freerange Egg
Gallery: Haines, John
Gallery: Helliwell, Andrew
Gallery: Hiett, Travis
Gallery: Hodge, Derek
Gallery: Hooge, Neil
Gallery: Johnston, Owen
Gallery: Kay, Chris
Gallery: Lampon, Steven
Gallery: Luther, Mark
Gallery: McGinn, Joe
Gallery: Melville, Doug
Gallery: Plowman, Ralph
Gallery: Ralls, Jason
Gallery: Sapper
Gallery: Scott, David
Gallery: Slade, Matt
Gallery: Stoesen, Chris
Gallery: Stumpy
Gallery: Treadhead
Gallery: Vis Bellica
Gallery: Yuengling, Jon
Gallery: Bond, Geoff
Gallery: Bowen, Edward
Gallery: Bowler, Lloyd
Gallery: Burt, Steve
Gallery: Cabey Cabey
Gallery: Catchpole, Jim
Gallery: Davenport, Jon
Gallery: Davies, Keith
Gallery: de Smedt, Kohn
Gallery: de Terre Neuve, John
Gallery: Douglas, Mervyn
Gallery: Duffell, Andy
Gallery: Fat Wally (Kev)
Gallery: Flint, Carole
Gallery: Freerange Egg
Gallery: Gatzemeyer, Garrett
Gallery: Gilbride, Chris
Gallery: Haines, John
Gallery: Helliwell, Andrew
Gallery: Hodge, Derek
Gallery: Hooge, Neil
Gallery: Humm, Dave
Gallery: Kay, Chris
Gallery: Lampon, Steven
Gallery: Luther, Mark
Gallery: MacNeill, Craig
Gallery: McCarthy, Andrew
Gallery: The Mad Padre
Gallery: McGinn, Joe
Gallery: Melville, Doug
Gallery: Naylor, Richard
Gallery: Nissvik, Thomas
Gallery: Old Pivot
Gallery: Owen
Gallery: Pollard, Ashley
Gallery: Plowman, Ralph
Gallery: Ralls, Jason
Gallery: Sapper
Gallery: Scott, David
Gallery: Slade, Matt
Gallery: Stoesen, Chris
Gallery: Stumpy
Gallery: Treadhead
Gallery: Vis Bellica
Gallery: Weathersby, Brian
Gallery: WillieB
Gallery: Yuengling, Jon
Scorecard 2016
Gallery: Baldwin, Paul
Gallery: Blankenship, Paul
Gallery: Bloggs, Fred
Gallery: Bond, Geoff
Gallery: Bowen, Ed
Gallery: Bowler, Lloyd
Gallery: Burt, Steve
Gallery: Catchpole, Jim
Gallery: Clarke, Richard
Gallery: Davenport, Jon
Gallery: Davies, Keith
Gallery: de Smedt, Koen
Gallery: Douglas, Mervyn
Gallery: Duffell, Andy
Gallery: Egg
Gallery: Fitch, Doug
Gallery: Flint, Carole
Gallery: Gatzemeyer, Garrett
Gallery: Gilbride, Chris
Gallery: Helliwell, Andrew
Gallery: Hodge, Derek
Gallery: Hooge, Neil
Gallery: Humm, Dave
Gallery: I Am Bruce
Gallery: Lowth, Kev (Fat Wally)
Gallery: Luther, Mark
Gallery: The Mad Padre
Gallery: McCarthy, Andrew
Gallery: Melville, Doug
Gallery: Naylor, Richard
Gallery: Nissvik, Thomas
Gallery: Oracle
Gallery: Owen
Gallery: Plowman, Ralph
Gallery: Pollard, Ashley
Gallery: Ralls, Jason
Gallery: Sapper
Gallery: Slade, Matt
Gallery: Stoesen, Chris
Gallery: Stumpy
Gallery: Treadhead
Gallery: Vis Bellica
Gallery: Willie B
Gallery: Yuengling, Jon
Scorecard 2015
Gallery: AJH
Gallery: Bairos, Vidal
Gallery: Baldwin, Paul
Gallery: Bax, Dick
Gallery: Blankenship, Paul
Gallery: Bloggs, Fred
Gallery: Bond, Geoff Bond
Gallery: Bowler, Hat
Gallery: Burt, Steve
Gallery: Corbett, Wulf
Gallery: Danziger, Richard
Gallery: Davies, Keith
Gallery: de Smedt, Koen
Gallery: de terre neuve, john
Gallery: Douglas, Mervyn
Gallery: Duffell, Andy
Gallery: Egg, Freerange
Gallery: Eggman Glass
Gallery: Eriksson, Leif
Gallery: Fat Wally
Gallery: Flint, Carole
Gallery: Gilbride, Chris
Gallery: Hedglin, Nils
Gallery: Helliwell, Andy
Gallery: Hodge, Derek
Gallery: Hooooge, Neil
Gallery: Humm, Dave
Gallery: I'm Bruce
Gallery: Luther, Mark
Gallery: The Mad Padre
Gallery: Maerk
Gallery: McCarthy, Andrew
Gallery: Melville, Doug
Gallery: Miller, Andrew
Gallery: Miller, Steve
Gallery: Milne, Neil
Gallery: Mikkola, Topi
Gallery: Mr Nouveau
Gallery: Naylor, Richard
Gallery: Nissvik, Thomas
Gallery: Owen
Gallery: Pedivere
Gallery: Pingu
Gallery: Pollard, Ashley
Gallery: Plowman, Ralph
Gallery: Ralls, Jason
Gallery: Sapper
Gallery: Skelton, Dom
Gallery: Slade, Matt
Gallery: Stapells, Tony
Gallery: Stoesen, Chris
Gallery: Strom, Joakim
Gallery: Stumpy
Gallery: Topyob
Gallery: Treadhead
Gallery: Vera, Benito
Gallery: Vis Bellica
Gallery: Willie B
Gallery: Yuengling, Jon
Gallery: Catchpole, Jim
Gallery: Alexandros
Gallery: Ambler, Craig
Gallery: Armstrong, Keith
Gallery: Bailey, Dave
Gallery: Bairos, Vidal
Gallery: Bax, Dick
Gallery: Bloggs, Fred
Gallery: Bond, Geoff
Gallery: Burt, Steve
Gallery: Carnegie, Ron
Gallery: Carole
Gallery: Catchpole, Jim
Gallery: Clarke, Richard
Gallery: Corbett, Wulf
Gallery: Danziger, Richard
Gallery: De Smedt, Koen
Gallery: de Terre Neuve, John
Gallery: Deeks, Jon
Gallery: Douglas, Mervyn
Gallery: Duffell, Andy
Gallery: Egg, Free Range
Gallery: Erikson, Leif
Gallery: Fat Wally (Kev)
Gallery: Fiene, Ben
Gallery: Gilbride, Chris
Gallery: Hodge, Derek
Gallery: Humm, Dave
Gallery: Llano, Manuel
Gallery: Luther, Mark
Gallery: Melville, Doug
Gallery: Mikkola, Topi
Gallery: Miller, Andrew
Gallery: munsterfan8
Gallery: Murray, Jim
Gallery: Nissvik, Thomas
Gallery: Owen
Gallery: The Mad Padre
Gallery: PatG
Gallery: Pingu
Gallery: Plowman, Ralph
Gallery: Pollard, Ashley
Gallery: Ralls, Jason
Gallery: Slade, Matt
Gallery: Stoesen, Chris
Gallery: Strom, Joakim
Gallery: Stumpy
Gallery: Thomas, John
Gallery: Treadhead
Gallery: Vera, Benito
Gallery: Vis Bellica
Gallery: Warrior in the Attic
Gallery: Weir, Jim
Gallery: Whitaker, Mike
Gallery: WillieB
Gallery: Yuengling, Jon