TFL Painting Challenge: a Wednesday update

Entries for this year's challenge still steadily pouring in. Here's the latest batch:

  • Kev pops in a few more ECW markers for Baroque.
  • Mervyn adds to his SP Indian Mutiny collection (I liked the 'rocket man' joke)
  • Carole starts the OpFor for her Imagi-nations campaign
  • Mr Luther has completed some of his never-ending projects
  • Andrew Helliwell brings his monster re-basing session to an end
  • The Hodge-meister goes all undead on us
  • Steve Burt has built a building for his Egyptians to fight over
  • Fred Bloggs submits some Austrians and a fistful of orks
  • And finally Mr Naylor also sends in some Austrians: a gun and crew

Todays pics are below:

Undead chariots from Mr Hodge

Sepoys for SP Indian Mutiny from Mervyn

15mm Cavalry Markers from Kev

IABSM AAR: Operation Compass #04: Nibeiwa

A quick battle report from the Stipsicz Hussars, whose excellent blog can be reached by clicking here.

The Hussars return to the sands of the Western Desert to play out the fourth scenario of the Operation Compass scenario pack: the British/Indian attack on the camp of Nibeiwa.

Click on the picture below to see all:

Those of you who read the report will note that the Hussars comment that all the scenarios in the Compass pack so far seem very biased towards the British.

Well, that's because they are designed that way for two reasons: firstly, they are historically accurate; and secondly, the idea is to give the British players the sense of superiority (and the Italian players the sense of inferiority) that were such characteristics of the campaign as a whole. It gets more difficult for the British as the pack goes on!

Japanese Self-Propelled Guns

With Battlefront bringing out their new range of Pacific Theatre miniatures, I thought it might be about time to catch up on the models I missed from their pre-war Manchurian Theatre range. I do always seem to be one range behind!

First off the production line are the Type 4 Ho Ro self-propelled guns:

So, wanting to put a bit of background in for this post, I've done a bit of research. Apparently only twenty-five Ho Ros were ever produced, which means that I have about a sixth of the entire production run!

They were also not very useful, as the crew had no protection,  and you had to turn the whole vehicle in order to acquire your targets. Excellent!

They also fought only in the Philippines and on Okinawa: so no good for Manchuria either.

All in all, an excellent example of a model that I am going to struggle to field on the tabletop. I wonder how many other wargamers have collections full of the same!

TFL Painting Challenge

A quick painting challenge update today.

In no particular order, we have:

  • Steve Burt with a few more Egyptians
  • Carole with the last of one half of her Imagination project
  • The Hodge-meister makes up for lost time with a big entry including a core Peninsular French force for SP2
  • Thomas make a welcome reappearance with a double handful of 28s
  • Mr Luther submits a huge number of 6mm vehicles rescued from the dark recesses of his lead mountain
  • and finally Mr Slade...with huge numbers of FWI infantry and a rather pleasant log cabin

Today's pics are from Carole, as I like her colour scheme; Mr Hodge and Mr Slade:

IABSM AAR: BoB #3D: Zhena

The first battle report from the games of IABSM that I ran at this year's Operation Market Larden games day in Evesham.

For those not familiar with the event, some thirty Lardies gather deep in the heart of tractor country for a day of superb gaming followed by a curry and the usual mild drinking session! My thanks, as always, to Ade for organising the event so well.

Back to the action.

My morning game featured scenario 3D from the Bashnya or Bust! scenario pack: a small German force holds the village of Zhena during Operation Bagration. The Soviets are attacking in large numbers, but reinforcements are on the way. Will the vital road junction be held?

Find out by clicking on the picture, below:

TFL Painting Challenge: Large Update

Sorry there was no post yesterday: I was in Evesham all day at the annual Market Larden wargaming day. I ran two great games of IABSM taken from the Bashnya or Bust scenario pack, but more on that later in the week.

Meanwhile, the rest of you were thundering in your entries to the painting challenge, so in no particular order we have:

  • Three entries from Matt Slade: AWI British, some markers, and some 28mm Panzer IVs: this is obviously an attempt to get me to withdraw my threat of docking him 1,000 points for claiming that Highlander 2 is a great film! Highlander, yes, but Highlander 2? I don't think so!
  • Steve Burt sends in some more Egyptians
  • Carole pops in some Imaginations cavalry and a few bits and bobs for her ACW collection
  • The Mad Padre has five lovely 28mm figures, including three not-Foyle's War characters
  • Kev, our favourite Fat Wally, posts some more ECW figures
  • Mr Plowman has a dozen Dark Ages foot that made an appearance in Evesham in the raffle
  • Mr Helliwell is still basing like mad (240 foot figures!)
  • As is the Oracle (I didn't forget the tree!)
  • and last but not least, Mr Naylor shows us some Austrians in 15mm

Today's pics are a mixed assortment:

Characters from the Mad Padre

Re-basing from Messrs Helliwell and Oracle

Carole's Imaginations Dragoons

6DW: Israeli 3rd Platoon Finally Done!

As regular readers of this blog will know, I have been avoiding finishing my third and final Israeli infantry platoon for a couple of weeks now.

I don't know what it is, but sometimes your painting mojo just escapes you, and no matter how hard you try, you just cannot pick up a brush and go back to those figures that, only days before, you couldn't wait to complete.

So it was with my final platoon of Israeli infantry. They got to the half-way stage, and then no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't face finishing them. First I ran out of black paint, then I decided to clear a couple of backlogged big items from my painting table, then I just had to paint my new Ironclad Miniatures terrain: the sorry tale goes on!

Finally, however, they are done: completed in between waiting for the undercoats and basecoats and basing on the windmill and chapel to dry!

That's a complete infantry company done now, along with all the armour I need for the moment: just the support weapons to go!

Russian Chapel from Ironclad Miniatures

My stock 15mm WW2 Russian village consists of a large number of 4Ground wooden huts. Very nice, loving the smell of lasercut mdf in the morning and all that, but quite same-y.

I leaven them with different churches (I currently have two, but have my eye on at least three more!) but still feel that a bit of variety would help dress the table.

In yesterday's post, I mentioned how I had bought and painted an Ironclad Miniatures Russian Windmill at the Vanquish wargames show. This was a good start on the leavening front, but as I was about to pay for the windmill, the Russian chapel also caught my eye.

Okay, so it's not a full church, but would be ideal as dressing for small villages that wouldn't necessarily merit the full house of God treatment.

The chapel has the same footprint as a 4Ground hut, and looks as if it would take two FOW medium bases inside it (see below to see how it comes in two bits).

Again undercoating in sand, I painted the roof dark grey, and then washed it with a black ink. The whitewashed woodwork I achieved by block painting in a light grey, and then very heavily dry-brushing with white. Although the knob on top looks very dull, I've since brightened it up with a bit of extra shiny gold paint to properly give those enemy artillerymen something to aim at!

It's a nice little model: also recommended.

Russian Windmill from Ironclad Miniatures

This bank holiday weekend just gone, I was browsing TMP when I saw news of a new wargames show, Vanquish, just around the corner in Bourne End. 

Despite the fact that I usually only do Salute, Colours and Warfare, I thought it would be nice to support my local show, so turned up to see how it was.

Well, it was small, as one might expect , but had enough traders carrying things that I wanted to buy to make it very easy for me to make a few of which was Ironclad Miniatures' Russian Windmill in 15mm.

As a new purchase, this naturally went to the front of the painting queue (zipping past those Israelis!) and was completed very quickly on the bank holiday Monday.

It's a nice looking model. I undercoated in a sand colour (bought two cans accidentally, so sand is now my default undercoat!) then over painted that in a nice wood brown. On went a wash, then a dry brush in bone white to highlight, and then a final wash to soften the highlight. Recommended.

TFL Painting Challenge: Bank Holiday Update

Plenty of entries this week: easily enough for a cheeky bank holiday update before I get on with the chores:  doing the recycling, getting a new printer, cleaning the car, and (obviously) finishing the Israeli infantry!

So, in no particular order, we have:

  • Carole and her Imaginations
  • Steve Burt canters in with an Egyptian chariot
  • The Great Gatzemeyer pops in a Ringwraith and some armoured cars (my money is on the Ringwraith)
  • Chris Stoesen sends in a massive 15mm building: very nice
  • Mr Slade sends in some wagons and a Reaper Demon
  • Keith Davies has painted a couple of artillery pieces
  • More Austrians from Mr Naylor
  • Fred Bloggs sends in his Imaginations, and a couple of random Daleks
  • Melvyn has gone all SP2 Indian Mutiny on us
  • and last, but by no means least, Mr Helliwell sends in some figures and the start of a massive re-basing project

Today's pics? See below:

Matt's Demon

Chris' House

Mervyn's British Infantry for SP2 Indian Mutiny

Carol's Syldavian artillery

Q13: X-14A Raven Class VTOL

Following on from yesterday's post, here's the second of the 'big' things I've finished despite now having the black paint needed for my Israeli infantry: an X-14A Raven Class VTOL from Clear Horizon Miniatures.

This is a cracking little kit that is really easy to put together: literally you just stick on the engine nacelles and the weapon pods and then paint. I modified the kit slightly by using a spare twin-MG turret from a Khurasan tank as the under-nose weapon.

As for painting, I sprayed the whole thing desert yellow, then covered patches of it with blue tac and then sprayed the whole thing again, this time in army green. This wasn't entirely successful, as the paint peeled away with the blue tac in a couple of places, but these were tiny little patches and a bit of a re-paint over the top with a brush just gave the thing a bit of a worn-in look.

I then washed the model in a light brown wash, painted the weapons in the pods, and then blacked in all the intakes. The cockpit was done in a dark green, and then given a shine with white lines...which also hasn't worked quite how I wanted it too, but looks okay.

I then used spare transfers from the Egyptian 6DW set from Battlefront to dress the Raven, and Bob's your uncle.

This will serve with my Space Dwarves: either as roving ground support or as a means to 'battlefield' insert a couple of squads. What's also good about the model is that the back door opens on a hinge, so that you can actually have the model on the table with its ramp down. 

A lovely little kit:  highly recommended...especially as Clear Horizon also produce a bigger version called a Condor Heavy Lift VTOL, which will also shortly be added to the roster!

Q13: Big Oil Tank!

In yet further attempts to avoid finishing the last 6DW Israeli infantry platoon (my latest mojo for painting 15mm infantry has finally deserted me!) I have run out of the black paint I need to do their rifles and boots.

I'm on my way to get some now, as part of the Saturday morning chores, but in the meantime this gave me the excuse to polish off a couple of large bits (i.e. as far away from 15mm infantry as possible) that have been sitting on my painting table for some one case, for a very long time.

First up was a large tank-for-holding-chemicals from Critical Mass Games. I bought this as part of a set of habitation/factory pieces some time ago at Colours (before the skipped year due to the racecourse renovation!). It was a very good deal, and although I quickly painted up most of the pieces, this one (and the humongous factory bit) just didn't get done.

Well it is now!

It's a great piece that could also serve as some kind of tank in almost any post-industrial revolution game. Here it is shown with my Vornid/fungoid artillery crew for size comparison purposes.

Right:  off to get the black paint now...

IABSM AAR: North of Sitaria by Mark Luther

Another great AAR from Mark Luther, this time using one of the scenarios from Chris Stoesen's Campaign for Greece scenario pack as the basis for the game.

As Royal Engineers rig a vital bridge for demolition, a German motorcycle recce force hoves into view. Will the charges be laid and the bridge blown in time? And even if they are, what about the next bridge?

Click on the pic below to see all:

TFL Painting Challenge: Tuesday Update

Plenty more entries coming in over the last four days, easily enough for another update.

In no particular order, we have:

  • Fred Bloggs with some bison and some dwarves
  • Mr Bowler with some very nice looking 6mm camps
  • Carole sends in the first of her Imagi-nations troops
  • Mervyn is on the wagon...well, the ox-cart
  • Mr Helliwell makes a change from his Confederates
  • Ralph Plowman sends in some more cracking sci-fi material
  • and the Oracle sends in a colossal entry encompassing spaceships, 6mm troops, a gazillion re-based and painted 15mm troops, and even some 20mm troops

Today's pictures are from Mr Bowler, Mr Plowman and the Oracle:

6mm Celtic camp on DVD from Lloyd Bowler

15mm Armies Army APCs from Mr Plowman

20mm Britannia Gebirgsjaeger from the Oracle

And one more, as everyone loves a good elephant:

15mm Carthaginian elephants, also from the Oracle

Pegasus Bridge

Some time ago, pre-Xmas I think, I was feeling quite rich, or maybe in need of a little retail therapy, and bought the 15mm Pegasus Bridge model in laser-cut wood from Warbases. I believe I opened the box at the time, but then put it to one side as my focus was on other things.

Well, a few weeks ago, I'd had enough of painting Egyptians and Israelis, and decided to bite the bullet and build the bridge.

This proved to be an enormously fun task, even if sometimes it was quite challenging. Like when I didn't read the instructions properly and glued the wrong bit in place - a vital bit obviously - that then broke when I tried to remove it (Warbases sent me another with my next order: very generous of them, and just another example of their always-excellent service).

I used superglue to put the bridge together (hence my problem with the mis-glued part!) although white glue is actually recommended. This is because I am impatient, and can't stand waiting once I've started building something.

What's even better, is that the bridge actually lifts up, and stays lifted once fully, er, erect:

The canal pieces are from Hornby: very expensive (ridiculously so) bits from their model railway terrain range.

Anyway, once the bridge was built, I sprayed it grey, and then dry-brushed in a lighter and a darker shade of grey. Looks okay, but I'm sure that there are better ways of painting it to make it look even better.

The barriers go up and down as well, despite my best efforts to either (a) accidentally glue them in place and (b) accidentally paint them in place.

The above pictures don't really give you a sense of scale, so here are a couple of pictures of my 15mm British Paras occupying the thing:

In all, a great piece of terrain, and one that I can't wait to make the centrepiece of a game. Well done Warbases, and well done me!

PS I have decided to count this as four 15mm houses and a little bit more for the purposes of the Painting Challenge, and have awarded myself 50 points for the bridge. Very fair, if I say so myself. 

6DW: AMX-13 Light Tanks

The last of the armour for my Israelis for the Six Day War: a couple of French-built, AMX-13 light tanks.

These are more of the extraordinary vehicles that the Israelis seemed to have used. Here, you take a light tank chassis, with its associated thin-as-paper armour, and you put the biggest gun you can possibly fit in the turret. Definitely a case of hoping you get the first shot off!

Here they are:

As usual, these are Battlefront models from their "Fate of a Nation" range. One thing to note: all the pictures on the BF site have the road-wheels as having tyres (i.e. should be black rubber). Looking at photos, however, I can see almost none where the road-wheels are a different colour to the rest of the undercarriage. So, as a compromise, I have painted the tyre onto the spare road-wheel on the front deck, but left them off those in position: the rubber has obviously been covered in paint or dust or something!

Nice looking models that go together and paint up well. Recommended.