Painting Challenge Update

We have some more galleries opened this week, and the second or even third submissions from some of the early birds.

Opening her score for this year, Ashley submitted some sci-fi infantry. Ashley has entered six of the last eight year’s of Challenge, with a very genteel average of 171 points per year.

Also new into bat this year is Carole, who began this year’s Challenge campaign with some WW2 Soviets…a whole platoon of them in fact. Carole has been present in each of the eight year’s that the Challenge has run, with a very strong average score of 1,553 per year.

Our third re-starter is Stumpy: a prolific re-baser of already-painted figures (an achievement in itself given how much most people detest basing). Stumpy is also an eight year veteran of the Challenge, with an average score of 2,106.

Finally we have John Emmett, who has been with the Challenge for the last three years. His first entry includes, but is not limited to, an entry from last year that I missed. Over the last three year’s John has amassed an average score of 893 points, and I recommend a visit to his galleries to see his work.

On top of the above, we have another entry from Lloyd this week (some weird looking aliens from Khurasan).

As always, do visit the individual galleries on show: plenty of inspiration to be had.

Egyptian Officer from Stumpy

Artillery for the Gebirgsjaeger

With the 17th Century Cossacks now done, I needed something to paint whilst I decide what’s next.

Regular visitors will know that I re-photographed a lot of my collection of 15mm WW2 figures over Christmas, and re-building their galleries inspired me to fill in some of the gaps.

One such hole was some heavier artillery for my German Gebirgsjaeger mountain troops, and I remembered that somewhere in the lead mountain lurked the figures I needed. Much banging and crashing and sorting through boxes and cupboards later, I found the packet I was after: a Battlefront special order of two 105mm GebH 40 mountain howitzers (the GebH is short for Gebirgshaubitze).

The GebH 40 was the heaviest mountain howitzer ever made, but still broke down into four loads on single-axle trailers towed by kettenkrads or five pack loads carried by mules. Some 420 were made between 1942 and 1945, firing HE, AP, smoke and illumination shells.

Manpower Shortage

So I had the guns but no crews…and with Battlefront working on a reduced inventory (COVID etc) I needed to delve a bit deeper into the Lead Mountain to see what I could find to use.

First off were a few Gebirgsjaeger infantry, including two officers who would now command the gun teams: two down, eight to go.

Next I found some spare crew for the heavy mortars already in the Gebirgsjaeger collection, and although they are obviously toting mortar bombs rather than artillery shells or charges, they would do: six down, four to go. That’s where I hit the wall: no spare German artillerymen anywhere!

I did, however, find some Battlefront British artillerymen in shirt sleeves and some spare Gebirgsjaeger heads from Peter Pig’s head swap portfolio. A snip, a drill and a pin later, and I had my ten crew.

Making a Match

The next problem, of course, was how to paint them to match my existing Gebirgsjaeger: something made more difficult by the fact that I’ve been using Contrast paints almost exclusively for the last few years and the Gebs pre-date that change.

Fortunately I keep a rough record of what colours I paint things: nothing fancy, just a spreadsheet with rows labelled things like “Headgear”, “Coat”, “Trousers”, “Boots” etc. To give you an idea, the list for the Gebs was so old that it pre-dated the new GW acrylic range, so I also had to look up, for example, the fact that GW Graveyard Earth was now called GW Steel Legion Drab and, as you will see, I still didn’t get it all correct.

Some advice to all you painters out there:

  1. Never throw any spare figures away

  2. Always have a supply of spare heads (Peter Pig recommended)

  3. Always write down what colours you use for your figures

The Finished Product

So here they are: two 105mm GebH 40 mountain howiters:

These look great…but I am going to have to repaint the greys because I now realise that the grey doesn’t match the Shadow Grey highlight that I used on my originals. Apparently I should have used a colour called The Fang but didn’t: I looked in the pot and thought it looked a bit blue.

So it’s back to the painting table for these guys when I get a moment: the colour will have to go on over the varnish but it’s only for a touch-up highlight so should be okay.

Here’s the infantry guns picture so you can see what I mean:

Next up: a massive bit of hole-filling for the WW2 Poles!

More 2022 Painting Challenge Galleries Opened

Three more “regulars” back for the Painting Challenge.

First up is Steve Burt, who has participated in every year of the Challenge since we began, making this his ninth consecutive year. Steve has averaged 1,238 points per year, with a personal best of 1,716 in 2016.

Next is Andrew Helliwell, a prolific painter, who missed the first year of the Challenge but has been a steady participant ever since. Andy’s average is 2,329 per year, with his last two years both being over 3,000 points.

Finally in this set, we have Nick Cooper, who starts his second year of the Challenge. last year Nick managed 1,536 points: a very respectable first outing!

Already registered Mervyn and Lloyd also sent through a second set of entries this week. Do check out the individual galleries, but here’s a taster:

Cossack Artillery

Fanfare please: the last of the Cossacks roll off the production line!

Well, I have one more, unopened packet of Moloitsy, but even if I did want to paint them up, there’s no room in the two Really Useful boxes that I’m using to store the Cossacks in (it’s a bit like a tabor after all!) so who knows where I’d put them. Bored of painting Cossacks now, anyway: with 231 painted since 21st October, I feel I have more than done them justice.

Just working on my tan, Alexy

First up, in the photo above, is a Light Gun base to augment stationary infantry or tabor units. Figures and gun are from By Fire & Sword, and very nice they are too, if a trifle tall.

I do like how the Contrast paint has covered the torso of our sunbather with the ramrod: that’s just one coat of Darkoath Flesh over the grey undercoat. Loving Contrast paints very much!

Next up is a standard artillery base. Not quite such a good photo, though.

You can see that I have had to import some spare Peter Pig artillerymen as the original artillery pack only contained enough gunners for two crew per piece. I’ve painted the Piggy’s contribution in the same green both on the above and the next piece: I’m calling them non-Cossack mercenaries used to train or improve effectiveness!

I do like the pose of the chap in the red trousers on the left: the one with his foot up on the barrel and staring dreamily into space. You can’t quite see it in the pic, but in his other hand, the one by his waist, he’s holding what looks like a piece of paper. I like to think it’s a letter from that special little Cossack lady expressing her love and admiration…but it’s probably a Dear John or a bill!

Finally, here’s a little gallery of the single siege artillery base I’ve painted up.

This artillery set comes with not only it’s own resin gun emplacement, but also with a separate “slide-in” base for the gun and gunners so that you can also use them on their own, behind a tabor for example. Very nifty and much appreciated.

Again, not enough crewmen though, so I’ve added a Piggy mercenary and a couple of spare command figures (the standard bearer and the drummer) to make the scenic base a bit fuller.

So that’s the Cossacks done now (or as done as any wargames project ever can be) and it’s on to the next section of the lead mountain.

No sneak previews, but I think I’ll be moving forward through time to WW2…

Free IABSM Early War Polish List Re-Vamped

I’ve been doing some work on my collection of 15mm WW2 Poles (for the early, 1939 September War rather than the later periods) and whilst looking through the I Ain’t Been Shot Mum theatre book on the subject I noticed a somewhat embarrassing omission in one of the lists.

This has been corrected, and the v2 edition is now available to download from the Buy IABSM Theatre Supplements section of this website. Click here to go straight to the page.

Don’t worry about the “buy” bit, this theatre book remains FOC both here and on the TFL site to start players off on their IABSM journey: and where better to start than the beginning of the war (let’s not think about the Marco Polo bridge incident!).

The early war period is one of my favourite to play, and the German, and the Soviet, invasion of Poland has got a little bit of everything in it. There are also sixty (yes: sixty) scenarios available for IABSM across the two September War scenario books. You will have to pay for them, but at under a tenner for each (£8.29 to be exact) that’s only 28p per scenario.

If you’d like to read some of the After Action Reports from games that have used the scenarios, there are about twenty of them on this website, not all of them from me. Here’s a link to a good one featuring scenario #03 and you should be able to find more by navigating from there.

Re-reading a lot of them whilst writing this post, one thread that seems to run through them is how close the games are…that and how disastrous it is to put me in charge of Polish cavalry. There’s something about massed cavalry in IABSM that just screams “Charge!” to me, usually with unfortunate results for the horsemen involved!

A rare victory for the Polish line cavalry and lancers

So if your new year’s resolution is to start a new theatre or period, please do give some thought to choosing the September War: I’m certainly dusting off my figures and looking forward to working my way through the scenario books again.

First Painting Challenge Galleries Opened

It’s that time of year when I have to build all the Painting Challenge galleries for the 2022 event, so lots of short posts rather than a bi-weekly long one.

Today we welcome back Lloyd “The Hat” Bowler for his eighth year of participation in the Challenge. Lloyd is a prolific scorer, averaging 2,887 points per year, including a personal best in 2020 of 3,709 points: an extraordinary achievement.

Today he submits some 15mm sci-fi: bugs and a couple of buildings from Khurasan’s range.

Next up is Mervyn Douglas, who has gone one better from Lloyd and been with us right from the start: this is his ninth year of taking part in the Challenge. Mervyn’s average score is 2,352 per year, setting a personal best last year with a score of 3,006.

Today Mervyn submits more 28mm Ancients: some Persians and Greeks.

You can see the full pictures of their submissions in their individual galleries: use the Navigation Bar at the top to find them. You could also look at their previous work, grouped by year, also available from the NavBar.

Cossack Command

I’m now just working through the last few bits and pieces for my Zaporogian Cossack army for the (unofficial) eastern European version of For King & Parliament.

Here’s the latest offering, once again showcasing the beautiful banners that come ready provided by the chaps from By Fire & Sword.

Cossack Cavalry

It’s always nice to see who’s going to be first to get an entry into the new year’s Painting Challenge and, this year, it happens to be me: the extra bank holiday day giving me the chance to both start and finish a couple of units of Cossack cavalry.

These are more from the By Fire & Sword range, and very nice they are too. It was also such a relief to paint a “regular” unit (i.e. one where the figures are all the same) after the five units of Tatars that were my final entries into last year’s Challenge.

And that, of course, is one of the reasons that I have been able to finish them so quickly: less time switching between paints and poses. That and the fact that they have very little in terms of “webbing” or equipment.

Oh, and if anyone is wondering how I got the roan colour on the unit with the purple and yellow banner, it’s using GW Contrast Fireslayer Flesh with a Cygor Brown mane and tail. I think I should have given them white socks as well, but that can easily be fixed the next time I want a roan horse.

Only a few more Cossacks to go now…

More WW2 Galleries Updated: Allied Airborne Troops, Late War Germans

Six more galleries showcasing my collection of 15mm WW2 figures have been updated. This time it’s the turn of the Allied Airborne troops and the Late War Germans.


Air Landing Company 1943-45

Parachute Company 1943-45

There are a few gaps in the rosters that I would like to fill, but the thought of painting any more of the camouflage Denison smocks worn by the Brits is enough to persuade me to concentrate elsewhere!

Late War Germans

Gebirgsjaeger Kompanie 1943-45

Panzerkompanie 1943-45

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone, and may 2022 bring you lots of life, love and good gaming!

To start your New Year off with a bang, here are some of the late entries into last year’s Painting Challenge:

Review of the Year 2021

2021 was another year largely disrupted by the continuing COVID crisis. I even caught COVID myself, in early December, and was very under the weather for a few days. Despite that, it’s actually proven to be a bumper year for me wargaming-wise. Here are a few of this year’s highlights.


Another great year as far as actual gaming is concerned, with 47 tabletop battles fought. This is actually the highest number of games I’ve ever played in one year, beating last year’s record of 42 games by 12%.

That works out at almost one per week on average, a figure I’m pretty happy with considering I don’t belong to a club and rely on a small circle of good gaming friends to provide opponents.

The main focus was Pike & Shot: 47% or 22 games, with the play-testing for The Siege of Norchester scenario book for For King & Parliament being responsible for fifteen battles.

The moment my Commanding General and a Brigade Commander died in the same combat right at the start of playtesting the Skirmett’s Orchards scenario from “Norchester”. Not my finest hour!

After that, Ancients, with 32% or 15 games, all but one using To The Strongest, with the other being Infamy!

Finally, there were a smattering of Napoleonic (4), 19th Century (3) and WW2 (3) battles.

Interestingly, just about half of them (twenty-three to be exact) were fought remotely using Zoom in the first half of the year when we were all still in lockdown. They were nearly all grid-based games (either TTS or FK&P) as they particularly lend themselves to gaming over the ‘Net.

The gaming table set up for an online session: Marian Romans versus Gauls IIRC.

Not sure that I have a favourite game, but very pleasing was the opportunity to get some of my 19th Century figures back onto the tabletop after over twenty years: see the section on Re-Basing, below, for more.

Painting - Overview

Not a particularly good score in this year’s Painting Challenge but I think this is mostly because I’ve produced very few terrain items compared to previous years. I’ve also been gaming more and, as always, it’s a matter of balancing what free time I have between the painting and the playing. This year felt about right.

Painting - New Armies

Three new armies were started in 2021, all in 15mm.

A long term project, I now have three battalions of 15mm early period French Napoleonic infantry completed. I’m not pushing these particularly: they are a side project for whenever I need a break from painting hordes of something else. The main problem, as ever, is that I am yet to find a set of rules that I like sufficiently enough to inspire me to move Boney’s boys onto the main production line: something else to be rectified in the new year.

AB Figures painted mostly with Contrast paints. Those cockades will be the death of me!

Zaporogian Cossack Commanding General

The other two armies are both for the unofficial Eastern European version of For King & Parliament from the Tales From A Wargaming Shed blog, and are connected in as much as I have built a Zaporogian Cossack army with Tatar allies. I would say that this army (or armies, dependent on how you look at it) are just about finished now, or as finished as any wargaming project can ever be!

Amusingly, when I started the army as an opponent for friend Bevan’s Poles (currently on his painting table) I imagined I would be painting hordes of light cavalry, but it turns out that these Cossacks were of the infantry variety not the mounted sort, hence the Tatar allies to provide decent horse. These are the Cossacks that fought on foot from behind war wagons.

I’m sure you’re supposed to do your research before you buy your figures but, in this case, it turned out to be quite fun to do it the other way round: I now know much more than I used to about the Zaps, including the fact that they mostly fought on foot!

Painting - Re-Basing

My 19th Century armies have spent a long time languishing in their boxes, so it was a real pleasure to find a set of rules (Neil Thomas’ Wargaming 19thC Europe 1815-1878) that inspired me enough to get some of them out and have a play.

A couple of games later and I realised that part of what had been preventing me from using them had been the weird basing system I had used when I built the armies some time ago: a consequence of using home-brewed rules based on a cross between Johnny Reb and Trevor Halsall’s 19th Century set.

The Re-Based Prussians

With more 19thC games on the horizon, there was nothing for it but to bite the bullet and re-base…so I did, starting with the Austrians, Prussians and French. Lots of wars between those three: Franco-Austrian (1859), Austro-Prussian (1866) and Franco-Prussian (1870).

In all I re-based over 800 infantry, almost 200 horse and about 20 guns/wagons: a horrible experience that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. The fear of breaking the models as you take them off their old bases (there were a few casualties) combined with the monotony of flocking making the whole thing very tedious and stressful.

But at least the figures look good now, and It has been a real pleasure to get them on the tabletop again after 25 years! Just goes to show that my adage about never selling any figures ever still holds true!

Back on the tabletop after more than twenty years!


Norchester: A Second Scenario Pack for FK&P

With last year’s Marlowe to Maidenhythe scenario pack for For King & Parliament selling well, I managed to follow it up with another: The Siege of Norchester. This now gives FK&P players 24 different games to play, each of which can be played on both sides and with or without the set deployments given. If my maths is correct, that gives 96 possible combinations before you have to play exactly the same game more than once. As the Lone Ranger said “my work here is done” and I need to find a new project to work on.

Less pleasing was the fact that I made little progress on my next IABSM theatre supplement: the Allied forces in the Far East. I did spend a lot of time researching the basic British and Commonwealth lists, which are finished, and have worked my way through specific lists for most of Malaya, but the sheer volume of what I need to do has slightly overwhelmed me. I shall re-approach the subject in the new year and see if I can get any further.

Looking Forward to 2022

So what do I want to achieve in 2022, what are my new year resolutions?

First up I’d like to hit 52 games in a single year i.e. an average of one a week. Might be tough, especially if lockdown lasts a long time, but it’s a good target to go for.

Secondly, I’d like to finish the IABSM Blitzkrieg Allies in the Far East theatre book for IABSM, and produce some kind of scenario or campaign pack for To The Strongest.

Thirdly? Well thirdly I’d just like to keep on painting and adding to my collection. I’d like to get an opponent for the Cossacks done, add a Crusader army to my TTS roster, and keep on filling in the gaps in my other forces.

Have fun tonight (COVID allowing!) and I;ll see you all next year!

TFL Painting Challenge: The Final Countdown!

Only today and tomorrow to get your last few entries in for the 2021 Challenge…although, as usual, I will accept a few post-new-year stragglers.

I shall also be running the Challenge next year (the ninth consecutive year, with all previous years’ galleries still available) so start planning your painting now.

Today’s entries are from six people who have been participating all year, and one from Mr Scott, who’s obviously been saving up all his work for just one December entry. Just goes to show that it’s never too late to take the Challenge!

Do visit the individual galleries (use the Navigation bar, in black, above) but here’s a selection of today’s entries to get you started:

Finally, make sure you visit the site tomorrow when I’ll be posting a review of my wargaming year…

More Tatars

After my brief diversion to the Far East, it’s back to the slightly nearer East with just about the last of the Tatars that I need as allies for my Zaporogian Cossack army. All that’s left on the Tatar section of the painting table are three command figures to use as a General should I want to field them in two brigades rather than one.

These are very nice figures but I’m still not convinced by the plastic horse, metal rider combination: I think it would work better the other way around. I will, however, save my final opinion until after I’ve used them a couple of times: the proof being in the (presumably left-over Xmas) pudding.

Japanese Staff Cars and the Japanese Gallery Re-Vamped

With everyone sleeping in until gone 11 o’clock this morning, there was time for me to finish off the two 15mm Japanese Type 95 Kurogane Staff Cars that I bought from Syborg 3D printing the other day:

These are absolutely lovely little models that, in the flesh, aren’t as layered as they might appear in the picture.above: the trouble with good cameras that pick up all the detail is that sometimes they pick up all the detail!

Syborg delivered these to me in just three days, and you get both versions in the same pack for the very palatable sum of just £4.

I can’t recommend these enough: just the thing to keep your Japanese staff officer from getting his boots muddy as he drives down the Grik Road!

Re-Vamped Japanese Galleries

In fact, these were so nice, and the house was so quiet, that I was inspired to re-photograph my Japanese collection against a jungle background as opposed to the rather stark, white background I was using before.

This actually took me an hour or so less than I thought it would (I had predicted 4-6 hours, but it took me three) and I’m very happy with the result. Check out the three galleries here:

Japanese 25th Army in Malaya/Singapore

Japanese 15th Army in Thailand/Burma

Japanese 14th Army in the Philippines

Here’s a selection of other shots:

Tatar Nobles

I hope everyone had a good Christmas Day, and ate and drank as much as I did!

I also managed to put the finishing touches to a base of Tatar nobles to further support my Zaporogian Cossacks:

These are lovely figures from By Fire & Sword, in 15mm, and painted mostly with GW Contrast Paints.

I decided to mount them in a “V” formation rather than in a simple line in order to differentiate them from any other horse that might be on the tabletop at the same time.

This has worked very well, and I am looking forward to the moment a unit of these bad boys drives into a unit of more traditionally, linear-mounted Dutch or Swedish horse.

More Marlowe to Maidenhythe AARs

As mentioned in previous posts, one of the things I like about publishing scenario packs (in addition to the extra money to buy more figures) is reading people’s AAR of the games therein.

I’ve featured a round of reports from the first scenario of the Marlowe to Maidenhythe pack, The Attack of Marlowe, and am pleased to say that the people playing through the campaign seemed to have enjoyed the first game well enough to play through the second: Widbrooke Common.

Here a link to the Blunders on the Danube blog where disaster is narrowly avoided during the game when one of the tables used collapses! Despite the unexpected earthquake (this is Berkshire after all!) this is a great looking game with some lovely figures deployed. Here a pic:

The Start of the Game

Then it’s on to the Troop Time! blog, where Widbrooke Common has also been played out, thankfully without any near-catastrophes.

The author of the blog, Zanoni, does mention that he’s disappointed that the M2M scenarios aren’t linked more closely, but as I’ve explained before, that’s the way they are designed.

As the first multi-game supplements for FK&P, I wanted M2M and SoN to be scenario books that primarily provided people with lots of easily run games i.e. without any barriers to playing any of the 24 scenarios provided in any order.

I did think about going the whole hog and writing a campaign based on a dependency tree and with characters/units who can progress or expire (much like I do for my IABSM scenario packs) but felt that, at this stage, what FK&P needed was just lots of individual games that people can play

That said, I also wanted to link them together in some way, so there's a strong campaign thread running through each pack, the games feature the same people and units throughout, and there a neat tracker provided so that players can keep a running score of how they are doing: hopefully a good compromise, "best of both worlds" product.

So hopefully Zanoni will keep playing through the pack: he certainly seems to be enjoying himself so far.

The two lines clash! Picture from the Troop Time! blog.

Now all we need is the Iron Mitten to catch up with his Widbrooke Common game!

Lard Magazine 2021 Now Available

Click on the Pic to Buy!

It’s Christmas, so it must be time for the annual Lard annual, the Lard Magazine 2021.

A mere six of your finest English pounds buys you a cornucopia of all things Lard. Highly recommended.

In this year’s bumper magazine we have:

Welcome and Introduction

Big Rich reflects on the last year and his hopes for the future

Bazooka Town. Joe Bilton

Won’t you take me to… A complete Late War Pint Sized Campaign set in the Ruhr Pocket for Chain of Command

Let’s Get This Project Started. Colin Murray

I’m coming up, so Colin had better get this project started. The boy from Buckfast offers some great advice for getting a new project off to a flying start

Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned. John Savage

Especially when she’s in a chariot! Get your wheelbarrow ready for this multi part campaign for Infamy, Infamy! set in rebellious Britain in AD60

We’re on a Highway to Hell. David C.R. Brown

Rocking his way to the Eastern Front for some ‘O’ Group action, it’s the Housewife’s Favourite himself. Nice!

Great War What a Tanker. Keith Jordan

A look at adapting What a Tanker for the very first tank on tank action, Keith Head to Villers Brettonneux. I hope he’s packed his wellies!

City & People. Sidney Roundwood

“Hullo clouds. Hullo Sky”. With the shackles of sanity abandoned, Sidney muses on creating terrain for the urban environment of 17th Century Paris. As you do

Red Star Rampant. Jim Jackaman

The 1939 Khalkin Incident see the Soviets Take on the Japanese in Bag the Hun. A full guide with seven spiffing scenarios to get you scrambling for your Yak

Desperate Measures in the Mediterranean. Charley Walker & Co.

The inseparable duo of Charley and Fred Worthingham present a Kiss Me Hardy scenario set in the Mediterranean of 1794

War Among the Ferns. Simon Walker

Simon presents a complete guide to the New Zealand Wars with Sharp Practice. A full breakdown or British, Colonial and Maori forces from 1843 to 1872. That’ll get tongues wagging!

An Incident at the Bay of Islands. Simon Walker

A scenario from the New Zealand Wars for use with War Among the Ferns

Building a German Church. Joe Bilton

With his architectural hat on and full health and safety clearance, Joe looks at building a German church suitable for his Bazooka Town campaign

Vox Normannorum. Olve Kroknes

A complete saga experience from the Viking era for Dux Britanniarum from the Pen of Norway’s Lardy Viking himself

Assault on Esperia. Tim Whitworth

An IABSM scenario from the soft underbelly of Italy in 1944 see the French confront German forces near the Liri River

Return to the Raevsky Redoubt. David C.R. Brown

Borodino, the epic clash between two Empires in 1812. Here, Godfather of Wargaming, Dave Brown, returns to the Grand Redoubt with General d’Armee

Rückzug. David Hiscocks

A Pint-Sized-Campaign set in France and Belgium in August 1944. Can the Germans stop the breakout from Normandy and the great swan? Call the RSPB!

Haitian Revolutionary Armies. Peter Davies

Sharp Practice Army lists for an unusual Napoleonic period confrontation in the Caribbean. Go on. You know you want to. Trent Miniatures. It’s calling…

Sour Grapes. Joe McGrath

Strewth! The Fallschirmjäger take on the Australians in the scenario for Chain of Command on Crete from Joe across the pond in the US with a scenario he ran at Historicon

The Roundwood Report Revisited. Sidney Roundwood

They said it would never happen, but Sidney is back and talking to Mark Backhouse about the forthcoming Strength & Honour rules from Reisswitz Press

Go Sharp Into the Desert. John Savage Pasha

John provides a full supplement for using Sharp Practice for actions in the Sudan between British, Egyptian and Mahdist forces. Break out the Factor 50 Quartermaster!

The Sands of Shah Wadi Wadi. Pasha John Savage

A short campaign of linked games for the Sudan. Can the Reverend and his daughter escape the evil Osman Dinna Munni? I suspect some girls will, some girls won’t. Which is a very old musical joke

Micro-CoC. Kev Pierce

An informative guide to playing Chain of Command with 6mm forces. I am honestly refraining from making a smutty comment. But you knew that.

The Australians at Pozieres. By Alex Sotheran

Rochdale’s finest son, aka Storm of Steel, leaves behind the glamour of the studio for the mud of the Western Front with this scenario for Mud & Blood

La Haye Sainte. By Joe McGinn

Joe Looks at gaming the assault on the world’s most famous farmhouse. Not the one in Bethlehem. The other one.

IABSM Figure Galleries

No gaming face-to-face for a bit as everyone’s nervous about catching COVID just before Xmas.

I don’t blame them actually: having had it in early December, I can recommend avoiding it if possible: four days of the worst head cold you could possibly imagine followed by a couple of weeks of an annoyingly constant cough. I’m still largely deaf in one ear (problems with the eustachian tube!) and have no puff at all.

But enough of the complaining…

IABSM Figure Galleries

I’ve been schroffing up some of the galleries of my collection of WW2 figures: filling in the gaps that I’ve, er, filled since I first created them; making sure the links work; and adding in a couple of Japanese companies from the relatively new Blitzkrieg theatre pack.

You can visit the index page, here, where you can find links to the various galleriers.

A Gap Filled: German motorised light artillery battery

My next task is to re-photograph all the units that are currently shot against a white background, or just photographed anyhow for the painting challenge, against a more set up background like the German guns, above.

That’s a hellishly long task, though: find the figures, lay out each unit, photograph each unit, load the photographs onto the PC, edit each image, go back and re-take the photos where the original shot didn’t work, build the web page, load the images, caption the images, link the page and, finally, check it all through for errors.

I reckon each gallery takes 4-6 hours to complete, so don’t be surprised if I prioritise other things! The results are very satisfying, though, so well worth it I suppose.

It also gives me a chance to make sure all the figures are stored in the right place: there’s nothing more annoying than being unable to find a unit of tanks that you know you have but that aren’t where they should be!

They’re here somewhere!

TFL Painting Challenge: Another December Update

I’ll be doing at least weekly updates for the Painting Challenge in December: means I can keep on top of the entries that always flood in at this time of year!

As always, I recommend you look at the individual galleries but, just before we get to the usual whistle-whetters, here’s a couple of pieces sent in by John Emmett: absolutely lovely. I don’t usually pick out individual pieces, but these two were just too good not to highlight.

And here’s a selection of the other entries received this last week: