IABSM Figure Galleries
/No gaming face-to-face for a bit as everyone’s nervous about catching COVID just before Xmas.
I don’t blame them actually: having had it in early December, I can recommend avoiding it if possible: four days of the worst head cold you could possibly imagine followed by a couple of weeks of an annoyingly constant cough. I’m still largely deaf in one ear (problems with the eustachian tube!) and have no puff at all.
But enough of the complaining…
IABSM Figure Galleries
I’ve been schroffing up some of the galleries of my collection of WW2 figures: filling in the gaps that I’ve, er, filled since I first created them; making sure the links work; and adding in a couple of Japanese companies from the relatively new Blitzkrieg theatre pack.
You can visit the index page, here, where you can find links to the various galleriers.
A Gap Filled: German motorised light artillery battery
My next task is to re-photograph all the units that are currently shot against a white background, or just photographed anyhow for the painting challenge, against a more set up background like the German guns, above.
That’s a hellishly long task, though: find the figures, lay out each unit, photograph each unit, load the photographs onto the PC, edit each image, go back and re-take the photos where the original shot didn’t work, build the web page, load the images, caption the images, link the page and, finally, check it all through for errors.
I reckon each gallery takes 4-6 hours to complete, so don’t be surprised if I prioritise other things! The results are very satisfying, though, so well worth it I suppose.
It also gives me a chance to make sure all the figures are stored in the right place: there’s nothing more annoying than being unable to find a unit of tanks that you know you have but that aren’t where they should be!
They’re here somewhere!