A Few More Romans

I’m waiting for newly-ordered figures to arrive at the moment and, as I felt like painting something, thought I’d dig into the lead mountain and see what I could find.

Back when I started a Marian Roman army in 15mm, I ordered enough figures to field my equivalent of two legions: ten two-base units, with each base holding 12 figures. I painted up the first legion, no problems, but stalled a bit with the second, only finishing one unit. The problem was that I didn’t need them (six bases of legionaries is quite enough for most To The Strongest Marian Roman armies) and I was, quite frankly, a bit sick of painting them!

Fast forward to now, however, and painting up another two bases worth (i.e. 24 figures) seemed like just the thing.

These are Baueda figures, bought through Magister Militum in the UK, and paint up very nicely indeed. Rather than use Contrast Paints, I went back to a black undercoat for these: seemed more suited all the chainmail.

I had, of course, forgotten how fiddly the Little Big Man Studio shield transfers were! They are great, I hasten to add, and really make the unit a unit, and are easier (for me) than painting every shield with the winged pattern shown, but it does mean cutting out forty-four individual half-shield decals, which was a very tedious affair indeed!

So seven out of ten Roman units finished. I wonder if it will be another few years before I do the next one!

A Few Burgundians

Regular visitors will know that I bought a 15mm Burgundian Ordonnance army at the Warfare show last year. I’d already added some organ guns to its roster, but now needed to properly finish it off.

First up were some mounted crossbowmen, the only light cavalry in the army and thus the source of all of my scouting points.

These are Essex 15mm figures, painted with Contract Paints. Painting these after the Khurasan Normans was a real pleasure, and I am quite in love with the Essex style again. Their chunky, broad surfaces really take Contrast Paint well and I’d say that if you didn’t know they were 15’s, the photo above could show 25’s.

Next up were some light infantry handgunners, also Essex.

The photo above doesn’t really do them justice, but the Contrast white really works when placed next to the blue and the red: look at the chap second from the left in the back row (the one with the red hat). He’s the one that the photo has actually captured well.


Or troops from the Norman Kingdom of Sicily.

As the look and fighting style of the Siculo-Normans was heavily influenced by nearby Arabic territories, I wanted to used different manufacturers to the rest of my Normans (all from Museum Miniatures’ excellent CAD-designed range). Looking around the Internet, Khurasan and Baueda (available in the UK via Magister Militum) seemed the best best, so off my orders went.

First up, some of the Khurasan figures and, of them, first finished were the light cavalry.

I must confess that I am not quite sure what to say about these. I generally love Khurasan’s figures, and must have well over a thousand of them from various ranges. These come from their Norman range and whilst they look great, with very animate and all-action sculpts, the actual execution of the figures was less than what I expected.

The horses are beautifully animated, but arrived all crushed down on their bases. Straightening them took an age, and they are very fragile as well. I came very close to snapping them right off the base several times.

Same with the Siculo-Norman infantry. Every spear was not just bent but positively twisted, taking a lot of time to sort. Worse, the bases had either been sculpted badly or been carelessly clipped from the sprue: one corner was turned up slightly and thus every figure (all thirty!) needed the bases flattened and filed much more than I’ve ever encountered previously before they would stand up. A right pain!

So good and bad things to say. It won’t stop me buying Khurasan’s stuff in the future, but I will be cautious about this range.

Last of the Norman Milites

Here are the last of the Norman Milites figures: 15mm miniatures from Museum Miniatures’ CAD designed Z Range.

That’s eleven units of Norman cavalry (88 figures) I’ve painted since the first ones rolled off the production line in February, all of which were painted in ‘eights’ so with each horse and rider painted in a unique colour scheme.

These are lovely figures. I read a review somewhere else on the ‘net criticising them for not having enough depth of detail to take Contrast paints well, but that hasn’t been my experience. I highly recommend the Museum Z Range and now have Sumerians, Classical Indians, some Greeks, and now the Normans.

Must be time to get them onto the tabletop…

Siculo Norman Cavalry

As previously mentioned, I’m building my 15mm Norman army out to include Anglo-Normans and Italo-Normans.

One key difference between Norman-Normans and Italo-Normans is the influence that the existing mix of Greeks, Arabs and Lombards had, and I wanted to reflect that in the different troop types/figures that I would field.

The To The Strongest list allows for up to four bases of Norman knights, two bases of Mercenary Knights and two bases of Communal Knights. I could field the Norman knights via my Norman-Norman milites, so just needed a couple of bases of different-looking figures for either the Mercs or the Communal types.

Step forward Baueda (available in the UK via Magister Militum) who actually do figures specifically for the Siculo-Normans…so here they are:

Nice looking figures, although they are distinctly smaller than the Museum Miniatures Z range that I am using for the Norman-Normans. They also all have upright lances in soft metal which, to my mind, just means lots of bent spears that continually need to be straightened.

I decided to hand paint the shields myself rather than use a decal as a base. Not a process I enjoyed, but I did get better at it as I went on. I should really have added Baueda Norman command figures as well, but I wasn’t thinking when I ordered the figures so have no command types and have had to hang the banners on standard lances rather than the extended version that banner-carriers have.

So that you have a direct comparison, here’s another base of standard Norman-Norman milites that I have finished. Only two more of them to do now!

Matching Assyrians

As mentioned before on this blog, moving from one set of rules to another often involves certain tasks: the dread re-basing being the most common. Close on re-basing’s heels, however, is the need to add more troops to the army, either different troop types or just more figures.

My Assyrians for To The Strongest are a case in point. The collection I had needed a few extra figures for use with TTS, but that was with some single element bases combined into pairs of double element bases. That was fine, and I added a first wave of new figures that you’ll have seen showcased on this blog previously, but did mean that some of the double element pairs didn’t match. The second heavy infantry unit, for example, comprised one element of mixed Spears/Bowmen with one element of either Slingers or Archers. Not a problem on the tabletop, but it just didn’t quite sit right.

So I bit the bullet and ordered enough figures to match the mixed Spears/Bowmen base and set about attempting to paint the new figures to match.

The figures are Chariot Miniatures via Magister Militum - I seem to remember that I wanted a change from the Essex Miniatures that make up most of the army. Here’s the new element, painted and based, front and back:

But does it match the old element, I hear you cry? Not as easy as you might think, as I first painted the Assyrians in 2021, some twenty-two years ago and way before the introduction of the Contrast Paints I use these days.

Here are the two elements together:

The new base is on the right as you look at the picture above. It’s the one without the command figure with the different shield.

Not a bad match.

Obviously I can see every tiny difference, but to the average eye, particularly at the magic 3ft distance, they might as well be identical. Job done!

Even More Normans!

Not much gaming going on at the moment, so I had a chance to finish off some more Normans.

Off the painting table today are two units of light archers, the heroes, and the senior command stand consisting of William the B himself plus Bishop Odo (who you can’t see as he’s behind the flag).

These are more of the 15mm Museum Miniatures CAD designed Z Range, except for five of the Heroes who are from the Splintered Light Norman specials pack. I particularly like the chap at the back charging forward whilst swinging his sword.

I’ve also now ordered a ton of Sicilian and Italian style Norman spearmen from Baueda (via Magister Militum) and Khurasan, plus a few extra cavalry types to represent light cavalry and Sicilian style milites. Looks like I’m going to be painting Normans for some time!

Norman Archers

Had a real push on finishing the Normans last weekend:

There are two units of Archers and two units of Light Crossbowmen. These are 15mm figures from Museum Miniatures lovely “Z” range of CAD designed minis. Highly recommended for anyone looking for Normans in that scale.

With these figures finished, I can now field Anglo-Normans if I add my Vikings to the roster as quasi-Anglo-Saxon types. I could also field a Norman-Norman army, but it would be a very infantry-heavy one: I’m going to need to paint up some more milites before I can field mostly-mounted Normans.

Romans and Normans

Here’s a couple of bits of painting I’ve managed to complete.

First up, a unit of unarmoured milites for the Normans. Very much a question of one down and two to go on these: I’m writing this post instead of working on the next unit!

These are more from the Museum Miniatures CAD designed 15mm ‘Z’ Range, and very nice they are too. I went for the bright colours because these are wealthy individuals looking to look their best on the battlefield.

Next up was unit of Roman legionary engineers, which I will use as the Camp Servants that appear in the Marian Roman army list for To The Strongest that I work from.

These are 15mm Baueda figures ordered from Magister Militum. What I particularly like is that no two figures in a pack of eight are the same: that’s a decent variety for such a niche sculpt. I think I could have done a better job on the faces, though, and, for some reason, the Army Painter matt varnish has come up a bit glossy…but that will fade with time.

Right, better get back to those Normans…

A Few More Assyrians

I needed a rest from painting Normans, so I thought I’d fill out my Assyrian army a little bit more.

When I started playing To The Strongest, I resurrected all the Ancients armies that I used to use for Vis Bellica, the only problem being that a VB element was approximately half the size of the elements I use for TTS. Not a problem for most of my armies, as I always over-collected on what I’d actually need to play a game, but it was for the Assyrians: the trouble being that as it was a small, expensive (in points terms) army, I didn’t have multiple identical VB elements that I could combine into a smaller number of TTS elements.

So here’s one TTS element (or, I suppose, two VB elements) of Assyrian heavy infantry, spearmen with big shields in front, archers behind. The figures are from Essex: always dependable figures that do exactly what it says on the tin!

The other issue with matching older figures is, of course, that one’s painting style changes over the years. These days I almost exclusively use Contrast paints, my Assyrians are painted using a black undercoat with acrylics on top , so I had to effectively re-learn how to paint that way. Annoyingly, I couldn’t get the cuirass to look as good as the figures I painted some fifteen years ago. I suppose I’ll just have to buy some more to get more practice in!

More Norman Milites

The Normans are coming along nicely now: the last two bases of Milites rolled off the production line this weekend, along with the brigade leader, Bishop Odo in on-foot pose.

Again, the shields were the real pain to do, but do look good at tabletop distance.

That’s about half the Normans done now: just a brigade of knights not in chainmail, the archers and the lights.

Norman Crossbowmen

I needed a rest from doing kite shields, so decided to paint up some crossbowmen bases. These would have started to appear from about 1000CE onwards.

Again, these are very nice figures from Museum Miniatures. I have painted them up as relatively ‘official’ units, all wearing padded armour a bit like a fabric version of a hauberk.

I like the poses on these figures, particularly the ones I have used at the back who are using the stirrup to pull the string back.

I’m also going to do a couple of bases of light crossbowmen, but these two bases are the backbone of the missile defence of the army.

As you can doubtless see, I had problems with the shields of the command group, so I wasn’t completely free of the shield-curse yet!

More Normans

The Normans, excellent 15mm figures from Museum Miniatures, are continuing to roll off the production line.

Following from the armoured milites, we have the first of their foot equivalents: either Spearmen or Shieldwall dependent on which list you use.

As most of each figure involved chainmail or helmet, I changed from my usual Contrast Paints method to the method I used to use back in the day: black undercoat then paint up in layers from there. Not too shabby a result, I hope you will agree!

Once again, it was the shields that caused me the biggest bother, as it’s quite a large area to paint free hand. Again, I used the “decals that are a bit small then paint up” method: using the decals almost as a guide to what to paint where. Note that they don’t show as quite so rough on the figures actually on the tabletop: one of the downsides of having a good camera is that they take a real picture!

First of the Normans

My big project for the first part of 2023 is a 15mm Norman army using the excellent CAD designed figures from Museum Miniatures.

First up are a brigade of veteran milites or knights: cavalry in mail with their big kite shields and carrying lance.

These are painted mostly with GW Contrast paints, which I find give the right balance between how the finished models look and the speed at which I can turn them out.

I wasn’t looking forward to doing the shields, and they were indeed the toughest part of the process.

I wanted to use decals, but Museum has no arrangements with anyone for that, so I looked through what Little Big Man Studios has in their catalogue for other ranges and ordered anything that looked a bit Norman.

In the end,the decals meant for Khurasan’s range of Normans was the closest fit, although even their decals were a bit small: I had to use the decal more as a starting point than as the finished product, something you can see if you look closely at the red and yellow striped shield in the image above: you’ll see the decal in the middle with my painting around the outside. Time consuming and annoying!

The flags came from Wargames Designs: very easy to use provided you’re not completely cack-handed with a pair of scissors!

Although I hemmed and hawed for some time, I eventually decided to go with my original plan and mount the figures on the big bases I like to use for To The Strongest and For King & Parliament. Yes, it reduces the flexibility of what I can do, but the ease of use and look are good enough compensations. The big bases are Warbases vehicle bases and nicely fit my TTS grid.

First Painting of the Year

Not the start of a new project (they are still in their box!) but a few bits and pieces for existing armies.

First up we have some organ guns for my Burgundian Ordnance army. I had some rockets already, but organ guns are more correct and having the actual models will hopefully remind me that there are special rules that apply to this type of artillery in To The Strongest. I’ve also painted up a couple of pavilions to add a bit of flavour to the Burgundians’ camp bases.

These are from Alternative Armies: very nice sculpts and they arrived very quickly as well.

Next up are a few command figures for my British army for the Crimean War (1854-6). I don’t actually need command figures for the rules I’m playing at the moment (Neil Thomas’ Rules for 19th Century Wargaming) but I find the army looks a bit odd without them. It also helps remind me of which units are in which division.

These are Rank & File figures from Timecast: very nice figures that my somewhat messy painting doesn’t really do justice to.

My next painting will be the start of the first big project for 2023: a 15mm Norman army using the excellent Museum Miniatures CAD range. Can’t wait to get started on them!

Deja Vu!

My last post involved re-based four heavy cavalry style bases for my Sassanids and a new unit of Classicial Indian Javelinmen.

Guess what? This post does too…but they are different cavalry and different Indians.

These are the Sassanid Clibanarii or Savaran: the next one down from the Cataphracts we saw last post. Again, four units. It’s actually that I’ve got too many cataphracts rather than too many clibanarii!

Incidentally, someone asked me the best way to get figures off existing bases.

Well, there’s no easy way to do it.

One way is to anticipate having the problem and to spray the bases with an undercoat before you mount the figures on them. That way, if you do ever come to need to re-base, the glue has bonded with the paint rather than fully with the base, so the figures are comparatively easy to pop off, even if superglue is your chosen adhesive.

Leaving that aside, however, I have found the best way to get figures off bases is to soak the bases in water for a few hours before making the attempt. I use half of one of the plastic blisters you get tufts in i.e. a plastic tray that is long and shallow.

Put the base to be de-nuded of figures in there and trickle water into the half-blister until the water just comes over the top of the base. Leave for at least four hours. Then use a sharp screwdriver (not a Philips head!) to find the edge of each figure’s base and slide it in with a chisel-like action. Never try to pull the figure off the base: you’ll just break it off at the legs or bend it well out of shape. The figure should be popped from the base, not pulled.

Touch wood and all that, but I’ve just re-based 80 cavalry that were superglued onto either MDF or metal bases and not lost a single one.

And here’s another unit of Classical Indian javelinmen. Just one more unit to go and then I'll have painted all the Indians in the lead mountain.

Cataphracts Re-Based and some more Classical Indians

The re-basing of my Sassanids continues: this time with the cataphracts.

Re-basing is a horrible job. There’s the danger of destroying a paint-job or even a figure as you take them off the old bases. Then there’s the tedium of gluing the figures to the new base, adding the basing material, dry-brushing and flock…and after all that you haven’t actually added any more figures to the collection.

On the other hand, you have schroffed up figures that you might never have used again. Although I love playing a cataphract/horse-archer army, I had unconsciously avoided doing so as I didn’t like the basing.

All that has now changed, and my Sassanids will once again be taking the field in the very near future…once I’ve re-based the elephants, infantry etc of course!

So, in the end, well worth the effort.

More Indians

Regular readers will know that I want to buy myself a Norman army with the new CAD designed range from Museum Miniatures.

Well, why haven’t you, I hear you cry?

Unfortunately my rule this year is that I can’t buy any new figures until I have painted an equivalent number from the lead mountain.

Stupid rule, I know, but said mountain was getting a bit out of control!

So here are another 19 Classical Indian javelinmen, also from the Museum Miniatures CAD designed range.

Coming back to an army after you’ve “finished” it is always difficult. You have to remember how you painted and based the previous units in the army. This blog helps, as I tend to note down the colours used when I’m displaying newly-painted figures, and I keep a spreadsheet with the details on it as well. Highly recommended thing to do, by the way.

So, with the French infantry I’ve recently painted, that’s now 83 figures removed from the lead mountain. Another couple of units of Indians, one more of French, and I think I’m ready to give the bank balance a hammering on the Normans!

Horse Archers Re-Based

Now that I’m playing a lot of To The Strongest and the eastern Europe variant of For King & Parliament I thought it time to pull my finger out and re-base some of my ancients armies to suit.

I love the big elements that TTS encourages with its grid system, so have taken the first plunge with a load of generic horse archers. I didn’t like the way they were based, so this is a good opportunity to refresh and refurbish them and get them back onto the tabletop on a more regular basis.

How to base them though? I need them to act as a number of different nationalities: Parthians (desert scrub terrain), Sassanids (ditto); Steppes-nomads of various types (grass) and so on.

In the end, I plumped for a simple green flock with the odd bush and flower base. That will work with most of my existing armies and is about as neutral a scheme as one can get.

I went with bases of eight horse-archers each: perhaps it looks a little crowded, but I wanted to give the impression of a dense swarm of bowmen rather than a few individuals. It also suits the eastern Europe variant of FK&P where light cavalry can actually initiate melee combat and, perhaps, the new massed lights rules for TTS.

So now I have two brigades of three horse archer units each, plus command and a hero. I think I’ll re-base my generic cataphracts and clibanarii next…

French in Greatcoats...and in mail?

With the prospect of a big Napoleonics bash coming up I thought it a good time to get back to painting the horde (or should I say hoard!) of early period French that I have in the lead mountain.

My first three battalia were normal line infantry so, for a change, I went with greatcoated infantry for battalia number four. My reading tells me that it would be extremely unusual to see a whole battalia in greatcoats but, for one out of what I am sure will be many, I’m sure it doesn’t really matter.

There are from the AB Figures 18mm range again and, despite the slightly weird looking photograph, look rather spiffing in their long coats. I painted three different colours of greatcoat: most of them are pale grey, some are dark grey, and some are light brown.

As you can see, I also took the opportunity to paint up the first brigade’s officer as well, although I should have turned the base a little as the hat on the rifle held up by his infantryman companion is right in front of his face. That’s why you pay lots of money to a stylist when you’re doing a photoshoot!


And why am I so keen to bring the lead mountain down?

Regular readers will know that this year I have promised myself that I can only buy new stuff if I first paint some lead mountain lurkers. It’s a pretty pathetic attempt to instil some discipline into my project management process!

So, as I said, why am I so keen to bring the lead mountain down?

Well, those very clever people at Museum Miniatures have just launched their new CAD range: 15mm Normans. Haven’t seen any figures in the flesh yet (or should that be “in the metal”?) but the designs look epic…and if these are as good as the Sumerians, Indians, Persians and Greeks they’ve done before, then they are going to be a very welcome addition to my collection.

Here are some pics:

Assyrian Lights

With the Akkadian army now tweaked to fit in with the latest lists (i.e. with the new, slimline infantry units) I decided to go through all my armies checking that I had everything that I could need.

First pause for purchase were the Assyrians: I have all the core troops but could do with some more light archer units as the one that I had was almost certainly not enough.

Most of the existing Assyrians are from Essex, so it was off to their website I went to get some more. After all, as the madaxeman says on his blog:

Essex have a vast range of 15mm figures in all periods and are often seen as the "baseline" for all other manufacturers - whatever army you are looking to buy Essex will have a figure range for it, and the decision you need to make is "can I find any manufacturer of figures I like better than those from Essex?" (or maybe "everyone will have these Essex figures - I want my stuff to look different as it will then give the impression that I have a personality of my own!"). IMO their figures are always to a good standard, take paint nicely but are sometimes accused of lacking a little in "personality" or animation. Very good consistency and compatibility throughout the entire range.

Wise words!

Essex also have excellent service: I ordered on a Saturday and by Tuesday the figures were sitting on the painting table ready for a bit of attention.

Lovely figures, and easy to paint up: I used Contrast Paints and did the whole lot in a couple of hours.

Highly recommended.