TTS AAR: To The Smallest Game 3: Timurids vs Neo Assyrians

My third game at the 2024 Tio The Smallest competition at Firestorm Games in Cardiff was against Michael’s Neo-Assyrians. The action would take place on the Thermopylae table i.e. a narrow-ish stretch of open ground flanked by the sea on one side and mountains on the other.

I forget who won the scouting, but the two armies set up very differently indeed. Michael, cautious of all my cavalry, squeezed his troops into one corner, whereas I, looking for that outflanking opportunity, occupied the other!

My plan was fairly obvious: advance forward strongly and curl around the Assyrians’ left flank, forcing them to fight to the front and sides at the same time.

For their part, the Assyrians stayed squeezed into their corner, which suited me down to the ground…although I was finding my cavalry weren’t advancing forward quite as fast as I wanted them too: the Assyrians had too much time to prepare for my assualt!

Finally I was in position to attack, but the delay had given Michael enough time to skillfully position his men in a defensive ring, making good use of the patches of rough ground to protect his flanks.

The first round of my attacks went in on the Assyrian flank with a collosal assault that swept the first line of Michael’s defence aside, forcing him to send his second line in to hold the Timurids back.

Meanwhile, a unit of kharash driven slaves probed the ‘corner’ of the Assyrian position and, much to everyon’e surprise, managed to send a unit of enemy infantry routing from the field.

The Assyrians, however, quickly recovered their balance, moving the last of their reserves to block the potential incursion.

Unfortunately, the clock was ticking onwards, and as the morning’s games had taken slightly longer than expected, the game’s slightly curtailed allocation of time was now coming to an end.

The Timurids smashed forward one more time, but just couldn’t break through the Assyrian lines.

With the game now ended, we totted up the victory medals: the Timurids might have sent quite a few Assyrian units fleeing from the field, but it had been an expensive business in terms of casaulties to do so.

In the end, the game was a winning draw in the Timurids’ favour: ten medals to nine i.e. the very narrowest of margins!

Michael had mounted a superb defence against my Timurids, and had come within Ames Ace of taking the result. A great game that had exhausted all involved!