TFL Painting Challenge: Second June Update

I’m happy to say that there are already enough entries in to justify a second Painting Challenge update in June…so let’s have one!

First up is, I think, probably our largest single entry ever: Sapper has been, as he puts it, beavering away on a 28mm Napoleonic Russian army, earning himself a massive 1,300 points in one photograph:

An impressive achievement.

Next up is Mr Davenport, with a cracking mixture of ECW, WW2 and AWI figures: very nice indeed:

Carole has also been busy: a selection of 28mm character figures mostly from the excellent Bad Squiddo plus a handful of 15mm WW2 tanks:

Meanwhile, Mervyn has been painting dinosaurs:

It wouldn’t be a Painting Challenge update without something from Mr Helliwell…and as usual he’s actually sent in quite a lot of somethings for us to enjoy. This time it’s a mixture of Reconquista figures and terrain, just some of which are shown below:

And, finally, Steve Burt has the rest of the 02 Hundred Hours figures finished:

Plenty of inspiring work there, so pick up your brushes and let’s see if we can justofy a third June entry!