AAR: Three from Scandinavia

Originally posted 4th May 2012

We have a flourishing community of Scandinavian Lardies: renown for their good humour; extraordinary combinations of hair style and beards; and wonderful After Action Reports.

Here are three  After Action Reports, all from the Miniatyrmannen (The Miniatures Man) blog: two from various Cons, and one from a club game.

A Tale of Wooden Crosses describes how a German reconnaissance force succeeded in its aim of finding the enemy...

The game put on at Incognicon 2012 was based on the Nice One, Kirill! scenario from the TFL Summer Special 2007:

Finally, a good looking Winter War game set back in 1939:

AAR: A Canadian VC (or Three!)

Originally posted 29th December 2011

A magnificent day's gaming today!

It's always nice to welcome a new player to your favourite set of rules, so I was very pleased to be invited round to new-to-IABSM Paul's house for a game. 

Here is the report of how we played the "A Canadian VC" scenario from the IABSM3 rulebook not once, not twice, but three times in a row. I'm shattered!

AAR: The Road to Scoglitti & The Biazza Ridge

Originally posted 17th December 2011

It's off to Sicily for two great AARs covering battles from the Sicilian Weekend scenario pack.

First, Brian Cantwell takes us along the Road to Scoglitti, where US Airborne troops take on Tigers with nothing more than grit and determination.

Secondly, Robert Avery (i.e. me) follows the fortunes of the same paratroopers as they fight for their lives along the Biazza Ridge. The Tigers are on the rampage again!

The Road to Scoglitti

The Biazza Ridge