AAR: Fischfang Day 1 - A

Originally posted 27th February 2014

Craig Ambler has been working his way through the Anzio scenario pack. Here's an AAR from his last battle (although not the last in the pack) covering the opening phase of Operation Fischfang. 

This was a truly colossal battle (the Germans have two companies of infantry!) that gave an excellent game.

Bashnya or Bust!

Originally posted 15th February 2014

Good news for those awaiting my next scenario book: the writing bug has bitten me again. 

I am now deep into Bashnya or Bust! - a Vyazma/Blenneville style scenario pack set in late July/August 1944 during the Kaunas Offensive i.e. the latter stages of Operation Bagration.

Can't promise when it will be finished (early summer's my best bet) but I can promise a linked campaign featuring a possible thirty-one late war eastern front scenarios.

If you liked Blenneville, you'll love Bashnya!

AAR: Three for IABSM

Originally posted 1st January 2014

Those of you who regularly visit VL (bookmark us now!) will know that I love finding and collecting After Action Reports from all over the web. I especially like seeing how other people interpret scenarios that I have either written of played. So I was very happy, yesterday, when I found Whisperin' Al's blog which has several AARs for either IABSM or CDS.

Here's the first batch covering scenarios from the Defence of Calais and Sealion scenario packs. Lovely photographs of well set up tables and nicely painted figures. More to follow.


Coulogne Redux

Rearguard at Pevensey

Blenneville or Bust! Reviews

Originally posted 21st December 2013

Here are a couple of comments that have recently appeared about my IABSM scenario pack  Blenneville or Bust! on the TFL Yahoo Group:

I am about to start Blenneville (which I think is probably one of the finest wargaming scenario books I have ever come across in three decades of wargaming). 

Justintonna 17/12/13

It was only when playing Robert's Blenneville campaign after many years that it hit home how good IABSM is.

Craig Ambler 09/12/13

Most kind, Gentlemen!

AAR: Carroceto

Originally posted 14th November 2013

Lardy Craig Ambler takes a trip to Italy to play Carroceto, the second scenario in the Anzio: Wildcat to Whale scenario pack.

A game characterised by lethal dice rolling:  the British suffering fifty Kills and only three points of Shock. My only question is where I can get dice like that!

AAR: Near Avaux II

Originally posted 3rd November 2013

Unusually, both my usual wargaming opponents were available in the same week. Last night, Dave and I fought to an epic draw (see below), tonight was Neil's turn. As I didn't have time to set up anything new, we'd fight the same battle as before. Not only that, but I would play the Germans again, and decided to set up in almost exactly the same way as before, looking forward to seeing how the two games would differ.

Well, it was indeed a very different game...