TFL Painting Challenge: First June Update

The Painting Challenge has been quite quiet of late. I’m hoping that’s because you’re all out either playing face-to-face games now that COVID restrictions have been partially lifted or out in the sun getting some Vitamin D!

Whatever the case for the rest of you, this week’s entrants have done their usual sterling jobs. I’d recommend a visit to the individual galleries, but here’s a taster:

The Scorecard is also now properly updated i.e. includes the scores from the last set of entries as well as today’s.

Keep up the good work everyone: we’re coming up to the half-way point in the year!

Last Painting Challenge Update of May

Is it almost June already? Just where does the time go?

Here’s the last Painting Challenge update for May, although you’ll have to wait a few days for the Scoreboard to be updated.

Lots of excellent work on show: make sure you visit the individual galleries, but here’s a selection:

TFL Painting Challenge: The Next May Update

Another great set of submissions for the painting challenge: I really have no idea how people are so productive!

Do visit the individual galleries to see everything, but here’s a selection to tickle your fancy!

Epic First Painting Challenge Update for May

An absolutely colossal update today, with several big catch-up entries from several of the Challenge’s Big Guns: Matt, Lloyd, Andy and John.

Absolutely worth spending a bit of time in the individual galleries, but here’s a taster to be going on with:

Final Painting Challenge Update for April

Yes, I know it’s a day late! Blame IT issues: sometimes my PC gets so clogged up using the office’s 365 that it forgets the more important things in life such as how to do the Painting Challenge!

A huge amount of entries this week, including some very fine work indeed. Do please visit the individual galleries, but here’s a selection to whet your whistle!

Some inspirational work there, and a special welcome to new entrant John: 196 points on the board already.

TFL Painting Challenge: Huge April Update

It’s been a couple of weeks since the last Painting Challenge update, so loads of entries to add to the galleries.

There’s loads of lovely work on show, so do make sure you visit each person’s individual showcase, but here’s a selection for you to enjoy:

TFL Painting Challenge: First April Update

A large numbers of entries from a small number of people today: definitely a monthly catch-up for some people.

Do go to the individual galleries, but here’s a selection of today’s submissions:

TFL Painting Challenge: An Overdue Update

Apologies all, as it’s been a a couple of week’s since the last update and a few days since my last post: real world getting in the way of sensible things like gaming!

Actually, that’s not entirely true: a lot of my spare time has been spent finishing off my next scenario pack. Not one for a Lardy set of rules, but for For King & Parliament, the English Civil War version of To The Strongest.

Regular visitors will have seen all the ECW battle reports I’ve been posting on this site: they have been the playtest games for the supplement. A few details: 12 free-standing fictional scenarios for FK&P loosely grouped into a chronological campaign; similar format to my Lardy scenario packs; should be out later this week or perhaps next; price will be about a tenner.

Anyway, back to the Challenge. As usual, a good set of entries with some inspirational work. Check out the individual galleries (use the NavBar, above) but here’s a selection to whet your whistle:

TFL Painting Challenge: Second March Update

Two week’s worth of entries today: and some very nice work indeed.

As always, please do visit the individual galleries (see the Nav Bar, above) but here’s a selection of what was submitted:

TFL Painting Challenge: First March Update

This would have been the last February update, but Feb is a day-challenged month so today’s update falls into March!

Whatever the date, some lovely work being submitted today. As always, I recommend that you visit the individual galleries (access via the Nav bar, above) but, to whet your collective whistles, here’s a taster:

TFL Painting Challenge: Third February Update

It’s raining outside, and the first coat on the bases of the artillery tows I’m painting are drying, so the perfect time to do a quick Painting Challenge update.

Plenty of entries despite the fact that only a week has gone by since the last update: lockdown is proving productive for many of you!

A special mention to Mr Plowman who, after a somewhat disappointing 16 points last year, bounces back with a 101 figure Dwarf army. Lovely work.

Visit the individual galleries, but here’s a taster of this week’s entries:

TFL Painting Challenge: Second February Update

As so many people are sending in entries at the moment, I thought I’d keep on top of things with a quick Painting Challenge update after only a week rather than the usual two.

As usual, some lovely figures submitted, so I do recommend that you visit the individual galleries, but here’s a taster to keep you inspired:

Lloyd also gives us the story behind the ships he’s submitted: a tale that shows that although wargamers may pass on to the great table in the sky, their collections continue…and that there’s a value in cleaning out the cupboards!

Thought I might send in some pictures of my latest project. The first picture is of merchant ships and some escorts, 42 total. These are all 1/2400 scale and the merchant ship models have an interesting history. My first gaming group in the north coast broke up about 25 years ago due to people moving out of the area and one very unexpected death. I inherited some the deceased’s collection .

I gleaned all the merchants from the old collection and bought a few more to make up a decent sized convoy. Only one of these ships had been painted in in something other than basic battleship grey, a very boring sight! Most of the models are Panzerschiffe models, very basic resin cast models, some of which went directly into the bin since they were so poorly cast! All were repainted in differing schemes which I hope are close to what might have been seen at the time. The Hunt and Flower escorts are recent purchases from GHQ since there were none of these ships in the old collection.

The second photo shows a further 11 escorts, all DDs from the old collections and all repainted. Most are Panzershiffe, thought there are a few metal models mixed in.

The third photo is my homage to our cousins to the north. At the end of the war the RCN was the third largest navy in the world and they had fought everyday in the Battle of the Atlantic. Again most of these are Panzerschiffe and I’ve snuck the GHQ Flowers into this photo since they are Canadian ships.

This project was another “clean out the cupboard” projects. I feel pretty good about it!

TFL Painting Challenge: First February Update

A huge update this time round: lockdown is obviously proving a fruitful time for painting!

Some very fine work here: don’t forget to visit the individual galleries to see more…

TFL Painting Challenge: Last January Update

Just a quick update today as I’m playing in Virtual Lard 4 this morning.

A last set of entries from some of our most prolific painters: Carole, Travis, Chris and Sapper. Check out their galleries, but here’s a selection of what’s new:

TFL Painting Challenge: A Third January Update

Lots of entries in again this week, with some people submitting their third of even fourth entry of the year.

As usual, my advice is to browse the individual galleries, but here’s a taster for you to enjoy:

TFL Painting Challenge: A Second January Update

I can see that you are all now gearing up for this year’s Challenge! Today we have five first entries of the year, one newcomer’s first entry ever, and three people already adding to their score. Impressive!

As always, I recommend a visit to the individual galleries, but here’s a taster of what you will find there:

TFL Painting Challenge: First Update of the Year

I see some of you are using lockdown wisely and getting your first entries of the year under your collective belts!

Today we have first entries from Lloyd Bowler, Chris Kay, John Emmett and Jason Ralls; and more entries from Travis Hiett and Joe McGinn. Do check out the individual galleries, but here’s a selection of what they’ve sent in so far:

Still plenty of time to get started. It’s lockdown inside, so no gaming to be done. It’s cold outside, very cold, so no gardening or other chores to distract! Let’s pick up those brushes and get painting!

First of the 2021 Painting Challenge Entries

No sooner have we said goodbye to the 2020 Painting Challenge then along come the first entries into the 2021 Painting Challenge!

Joe McGinn once again takes the trophy for the first entry of the year, but only just…as Travis, Stumpy and myself were very close behind.

Here’s what’s been submitted so far:

Details on how to enter are on the Introduction & Details page under the TFL Painting Challenge heading in the NavBar, above. All welcome: you don’t have to play TwoFatLardies games to enter…but it helps!

Here’s to another great year of the Challenge, so pick up those brushes and get painting!

Last of the 2020 Painting Challenge Entries

Here are a few stragglers from the TFL 2020 Painting Challenge…a huge “catch up” entry from Matt Slade, two last minute entries from Sapper, two from Andy Duffell, two from Joe McGinn, and one from Mervyn.

Here’s a selection of what they sent in:

TFL Painting Challenge: Another Batch of Last Minute Entries

There’s still time to get your last painting of the year done: as usual, I’ll be taking entries right up to midnight tomorrow and, maybe if you’re lucky and can convince me that you finished them within 2020, late entries as well.

Meanwhile, Derek, Chris and Sapper have sent in their last entries of the year. I recommend visiting their individual galleries, but here’s a selection of their latest work:

I’m sure you’ll also all be pleased to know that I will be running the challenge again next year, so clean up those painting stations, buy some new brushes, and get ready to rock in 2021!