TFL Painting Challenge: Huge October Update

A huge update to the Painting Challenge today: a total of 1,283 points from eight entrants i.e. an average of 160 points each!

All the high-scoring regulars are there, and it’s nice to see a couple of the more occasional participants contributing as well. We also finally have Ashley’s latest entry, despite the fact that my Inbox seems to dislike her e-mail address immensely!

Do visit the individual galleries, but here’s a taster:

TFL Painting Challenge: Late September Update

The entries to this year’s challenge are still flooding in, and some very impressive scores are being racked up.

We already have Andrew with a score of just over 3,000 points; Lloyd and Sapper with over 2,000 points; and Steve, Nick, Carole, Matt, Stumpy and I on over 1,000 points.

Personally, I’m chasing a personal best of 2,004 achieved a couple of years ago, so need about another 300 points to do so. Some desert war American tanks should take care of some of it, then some more Napoleonics and Hoplites, and then perhaps finally getting around to re-basing my Crimean War British to polish it off. So much to do, so little time!

Anyhow, here’s a taster of this week’s entries: do visit the individual galleries to see all.

Still plenty of time to get your entries in!

TFL Painting Challenge: First September Update

Lots of entries today and from a wider selection of people than normal: must be all the summer holidays work coming in!

Do look at the individual galleries, accessed through the nav bar, above, but here’s a taster to wet your whistle (correct spelling!):

TFL Painting Challenge: Final August Update

Just time to squeeze in a quick Painting Challenge update before we hit September.

Lots of entries this time around, so do visit the individual galleries. Here’s a taster to wet your whistle:

Interestingly, I’ve just realised that I’ve been using the phrase “whet your whistle” almost every time we have a Painting Challenge update…and spelling/using it incorrectly each time. It’s “whet your appetite” as in “sharpen your appetite” but “wet your whistle” as in “have a drink”.

So I now need to go back and change every Painting Challenge update to “whet your appetite”…or not bother as a reminder to myself not to get it wrong again!

TFL Painting Challenge: Mid-August Update

Well maybe a few days too early, but there were a lot of entries piling up, so I thought I’d better clear them before things became unmanageable!

Please do heck out the individual galleries, but here are some highlights:

6mm Battle Damaged Church from Mr Luther


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TFL Painting Challenge: A First August Update

Just a quick update to keep on top of things.

Entries today from Lloyd, Ralph, Mervyn, Stumpy, Carole and Mr Luther. Do visit the individual galleries, but here’s a taster:

TFL Painting Challenge: Another July Update

I’ve got a couple of AAR to write up, but thought I’d better do a quick painting challenge update first.

Entries from Lloyd, Matt, Andrew, Stumpy, Mervyn and Sapper today. Do visit the individual galleries to see the full range of what people have painted, but here’s a taster to whet the whistle:

TFL Painting Challenge: July Update

Lots of entries today into this year’s Painting Challenge.

A few points to note:

  • Mervyn has changed cameras, so his pics are looking good

  • Neil’s adventurers brought out a wave of nostalgia in me. I’m sure I had that cleric as one of the very first D&D figures and characters I ever had. Tolass the Holy if I remember correctly. I must see if I can find him again, although I don’t remember him being painted as well as Neil’s!

  • I’ve changed the way I present the Scorecard. It should make it easier (and faster) to update on an ongoing basis. The numbers are the same: it’s just the format that’s changed!

Check out the individual galleries, but here’s a selection to whet your whistle:

TFL Painting Challenge: Final June Update

Half way through the year and people are really getting into their stride now.

Today we have some very large entries showcasing some excellent work. Below is just a selection: please do visit the galleries to see all.

I haven’t had time to update the Scorecard yet: I shall do so asap!

TFL Painting Challenge: Second Mid-June Update!

No sooner had I posted Friday’s Painting Challenge update when a flood of e-mails hit the inbox with more entries (including some that I seem to have missed) so, rather than make people wait another couple of weeks, here’s a part two:

TFL Painting Challenge: Mid-June Update

Just a quick update to keep things ticking over so that I don’t have too much backlog to clear!

Today we have entries from Matt, Carole, Nick and Mervyn. Do look in the individual galleries (access from the NavBar, above) but here’s a taster for you:

TFL Painting Challenge: Early June Update

Almost half way through the year already, so hope everyone’s on course to hit their Painting Challenge targets?

Today we see the welcome return of Mr Slade: his galleries are always well worth a visit , always very inspiring.

We also have entries from Stumpy, Mr Luther, Mervyn and John Emmett…some excellent work on show. Below you’ll find an example from each: as above, I’d highly recommend a browse through the individual galleries.

TFL Painting Challenge: Second May Update

Here’s another Painting Challenge update, with entries Steve Burt, Carole Flint, Mark Luther, Andrew Helliwell, Mervyn Douglas and Sapper.

See their individual galleries for all their work, but here’s a taster to whet your whistle…

TFL Painting Challenge: First May Update

Which is happening on the seventh of May!

Some entries from the hard core this week: Stumpy, Sapper, Steve, Andrew Helliwell, and Cooperman.

Check out the individual galleries, but here’s a taster of what they’ve sent in:

TFL Painting Challenge: Another April Update

It’s a sunny day outside, the washing is done and on the line, everyone else is still asleep…so here’s another quick update to this year’s Challenge.

Today we have entries from Carole, Lloyd, Andrew, Pete, Mervyn and Stumpy. You can see their latest works in their full galleries via the top nav bar, but here’s a taster of what they sent in:

TFL Painting Challenge: Quick Update

As no wargaming chums seem to be available for a game (do they not realise what bank holiday weekends are for?!) it must be time for a quick TFL Painting Challenge update.

Just a few entries this week, but do go to the individual galleries for a bit of painting inspiration:

TFL Painting Challenge: Big Early April Update!

A bountiful harvest of entries for the Painting Challenge this week, including the return of a couple of regulars: Mark Luther and John Haines. Welcome back, chaps!

You can always tell what the latest trends are from the entries into the Challenge: two of the eight entries this week are from the Silver Bayonet range or, as I like to call it, Call of ‘Mr C’ Napoleonics.

Anyway, do make a point of visiting the galleries (you can get to them from the top nav bar), but here’s a taster to encourage you to do so:

TFL Painting Challenge: Overdue Update!

Apologies for my lack of posts over the past few days: real world in the shape of work got in the way of the important things in life!

Anyhoo, here’s a quick and somewhat overdue update for the Painting Challenge, in which we welcome new contributor Pete Goodrick to the fold. Pete’s first submission includes some lovely looking Italian allies to his 28mm Republican Roman collection.

Do visit the individual galleries, but here’s a taster to persuade you to do so:

TFL Painting Challenge: Quick March Update

Time for the first update to the Painting Challenge in March. Plenty coming through from the existing challengers, but there’s a few of the regulars yet to open their innings!

Do visit the individual galleries, but here’s a taster of what you’ll find. It’s all very infantry focused this week:

TFL Painting Challenge: End Feb Update

Just a quick update this time around, although we do welcome back stalwart Painting-Challenger, Ralph Plowman, who has submitted three entries in quick succession since the last post.

Ralph has participated in all eight years of the Challenge, with a top score of 838 in 2018, and an average score of 540.

Do visit the individual galleries, but here’s a taster to encourage you to do so: