AAR: West of Pierrecourt & The Campoleone Salient

Originally posted 4th April 2013

Two superb After Action Reports from Brian Cantwell, both for I Ain't Been Shot, Mum!

In the first, an American recon force tries to scout ahead in the first scenario from the Blenneville or Bust! scenario pack.

In the second, the Germans counter-attack at Anzio: their target is the Campoleone Salient, scenario 11 from the Anzio: Wildcat to Whale supplement pack.

West of Pierrecourt

The Campoleone Salient

AAR: Near Belle Maison

Originally posted 31st March 2013

I took advantage of the Bank Holiday to get in only my second actual wargame this year: plenty or writing and painting done, but not much gaming as real life bite back with a vengeance.

The game played was one of the scenarios from the Blenneville or Bust! scenario pack: #2B Near Belle Maison. Those of you who favour the Allies and have a nervous disposition may want to look away now!

AAR: TFL Stalingrad Day

Originally posted 16th February 2013

Excellent news!

I thought I had lost Kev's battle report from the TFL Stalingrad Day way back in 2005:  I had failed to slurp all Kev's content and, when he had problems with his own website, the report disappeared.

Now, however, thanks to those clever chaps at the Web Archive, it rises like a phoenix from the ashes. Hoorah!

AAR: Vartres

Originally posted 14th February 2013

Craig Ambler reports on his fourth game from the Blenneville or Bust! scenario booklet: the Americans attempt to take a German command post situated in the small town of Vartres.

As a side note, the way this game played, not who won or lost, but the way in which the game played, was exactly what I wanted when I wrote the Vartres scenario. I love it when a plan comes together! 


Originally posted 28th December 2012

A couple of after action reports from the Christmas period.

First off, Katzenstein uses his British infantry for the first time and, apparently, and unlike whenever I put any newly painted troops on the table, they seem to have won!

Secondly, Sergeant Steiner tries IABSM for the first time. 

AAR from Sergeant Steiner

AAR from Katzenstein

SdKfz 234/2 Puma

Originally posted 27th December 2012

And still more of the Forged in Battle late war Germans: this time it's the SdKfz 234/2 Pumas from the Panzerspahkompanie's heavy platoon.

I've always thought that these were a must for any later German force, but apparently only 101 were ever produced. However rare, however, these are very nice models: the crew figures painting up very nicely as well.

Panzergrenadier Schwerer Zug from FiB

Originally posted 25th December 2012

More of the Forged in Battle late war Germans: this time it's some of the half-tracks from the Panzergrenadier Schwerer Zug (Heavy Platoon).

In a genius bit of packaging, the FiB set comes with two SdKfz 251/2 (81mm mortars) and two SdKfz 251/9 (75mm gun): all you need for a standard schwerer zug. Each vehicle comes with crew and, as is normal for FiB, has an integral base.

Only one small problem: they are considerably shorter than my Plastic Soldier Company SdKfz 251/1 models, which is a bit of a pain no matter which manufacturer  has their models scaled correctly. No matter, however, I am sure the difference won' t be too noticeable on the tabletop.

SdKfz 251/8

SdKfz 251/9

AAR: The Centre of Yelna (Day 2)

Originally posted 20th December 2012

Those of you who follow this site regularly will remember that battle four in Benito's Vyazma or Bust! campaign had ended in a draw. Votes were called for, and the overwhelming response was for Benito to play the game again as if the Germans had renewed their assault on Yelna the next day.

Here's the report of what happened. Another close game!

German Support Units from Forged in Battle

Originally posted 9th December 2012

I've been wanting to get Forged in Battle's StuG support set for some time:  I love collecting the 'tail' elements of an army as well as its 'teeth'!

The Warfare show in Reading (well, Caversham if you want to be precise) gave me the opportunity. Even better, the stand they were on (West Wind Productions I think) had a five for four offer, so I bought the StuG support vehicles, some Hetzers, some half-tracks, some Pumas and some Marder IIIs.

I've only had the opportunity to paint the first lot of StuG support vehicles and the Hetzers and I must say I'm very impressed. I like the integral basing (all my vehicles are based: mainly for protection when handling and in transit), and the models take paint very well indeed.

StuG Support
