Quar Crusader Cavalry

Originally posted 4th March 2013

I do love Zombiesmith's 15mm Quar range of sci-fi figures, and cannot wait for them to work their way through releasing the entire range.

In the meantime, here are the latest additions to my collection: a Crusader Cavalry Wedge. Note the way that each Squad's cadiers are of the same colour; the wedge-shaped formation with leader in the middle; and, of course, the trooper that I have placed on the photography table facing the wrong way!

Q13 Army Lists

Originally posted 4th March 2013

As an example of how Q13 army lists can constantly evolve, I have also re-organised my Space Bug, Hive and Stikk army lists. 

The Space Bugs are now the pure Highlander Studio range, unpolluted by other figure manufacturers. 

Now that I've actually built and painted a Skuttler tank from Khurasan's Stikk (Entomol) range, I've realised that the antennae on its, er, rear end are just crying out to be defined as having an EWSO function. So the list has been changed to reflect that.

Finally, I've now gathered together all my red bug-types into one mashed together army list called The Hive. This contains Highlander's Space Bugs; some of Khurasan's Stikk range; and a few other bits and pieces. We'll see who wins next time we play "Invasion Earth"!

AAR: TFL Stalingrad Day

Originally posted 16th February 2013

Excellent news!

I thought I had lost Kev's battle report from the TFL Stalingrad Day way back in 2005:  I had failed to slurp all Kev's content and, when he had problems with his own website, the report disappeared.

Now, however, thanks to those clever chaps at the Web Archive, it rises like a phoenix from the ashes. Hoorah!

AAR: Vartres

Originally posted 14th February 2013

Craig Ambler reports on his fourth game from the Blenneville or Bust! scenario booklet: the Americans attempt to take a German command post situated in the small town of Vartres.

As a side note, the way this game played, not who won or lost, but the way in which the game played, was exactly what I wanted when I wrote the Vartres scenario. I love it when a plan comes together! 

Odonate Gunships for the Hive

Originally posted 8th February 2013

Reinforcements for the Space Bugs in the shape of some Odonate Gunships from Khurasan's excellent Stikk range. Regular visitors may recall how the Bugs were soundly squished by WW2 Americans in my last Q13 "Invasion Earth" encounter. These flyers will hopefully address the balance!

M113s for Vietnam

Originally posted 20th January 2013

I haven't painted anything for Vietnam for ages, and have had a platoon of M113 APCs lurking in the lead mountain for almost as long!

Here then are four M113 APCs from Battlefront. Lovely vehicles that paint up really well, and come complete with multiple crew members and plenty of decals. Recommended.

Quar: Coftyran Cheewythl Tanks

Originally posted 20th January 2013

Just before Christmas, those fine chaps at Zombiesmith released some more 15mm Quar: Crusader cavalry and snipers, and the first of the Coftyran Royalists.

All I've had a chance to paint so far are the Coftyran light tanks and the Crusader snipers, but I have had a rather good idea for a battle or two. Rather than have the Crusaders and Coftyrans fight it out, I'm going to pit a combined Quar force against Space Bug invaders: what better than ant-eaters to fight what are effectively giant ants!

Q13 Army Lists

Originally posted 8th January 2013

I've updated three Q13 army lists on the site: the Space Bugs from Highlander Studios (a few tweaks following the game, below); the Quar from Zombiesmith (to take into account their new Coftyran releases); and WWW2 Americans with experimental weapons from Clockwork Goblin (tweaks and new releases). I've also added the Stikk (a.k.a. the Entomal) range of bugs from Khurasan.

Space Bugs

The Quar


The Stikk