New Female WW2 Soviet Troops from Bad Squiddo Games

I have wanted a platoon of 15mm WW2 Female Soviet infantry for ages. I even started a Eureka Miniatures 300 Club push to try and get some made, but although quite a few people joined, we just didn't quite reach the required target.

It's very nice to see, therefore, that Bad Squiddo Games (aka Annie, The Dice Bag Lady) have released a range of Soviet fighting's just that they seem to have made a terrible mistake and done so in the wrong scale!

Available for pre-order now (shipping 25th April) this 28mm range looks really good. There's enough variety to produce a whole platoon i.e. there are figures with rifles, SMGs, LMGs and officers; and the figures are beautifully proportioned and, dare I say it, realistic looking. I'm particularly liking the snipers and tank riders/commanders.

You can see pics of some of the figures below, and here's a link to the Bad Squiddo website. Now will someone please produce these in 15mm. Please.

Sniper Team, Standing

Sniper Team, Standing

Command, Medic, WO

LMG Team


Tank Riders

TFL Painting Challenge: Quick Tuesday Update

Quick Tuesday update for the TFL Painting Challenge, including two first-of-the-year entries.

In no particular order, we have:

  • Dave Humm, the first first-of-the-year, with some nice Confederates and a terrible pun
  • Mr Plowman paints some Robo Monkeys...must be for Q13
  • Carole's entry, lots of aliens, is definitely for Q13, because she says so
  • Andrew Helliwell pops in another regiment of 15mm Confederates
  • Mr Douglas has some more Ancient Brits on offer
  • and finally, Owen, the second of the firsts, has a mix of fantasy figures

We'll go Reb for today's pics:

Dave Humm's Confederate cavalry

Andrew Helliwell's Confederate infantry

CDS AAR: The Great Rice Hunt

Here's a battle report for Charlie Don't Surf from 2011, trawled from what looks like a bit of a defunct blog: the Tao of Lard.

It's a couple of reports from 2011 covering The Great Rice Hunt: the first scenario from the Surf's Up scenario book. Click on the pic below to see all:

Incidentally, I would just like to add that it's worth noting that blogs are hard work to maintain. Even if 'real life' doesn't get in the way, it's hard to keep posting day after day or even week after week or month after month.

That's one of the reasons for this site: it's become an archive of writings about the TooFatLardies' company-level rules from all over the place, and that to such an extent that more and more people are sending me their AARs direct.

I do always try and contact people before copying their material here...but so many blogs have no way of directly contacting the owner anywhere on view, and I don't want to ask via a comment for all to see: just too embarrassing. So I hope in this instance the blog owner doesn't mind me resurrecting his content in this way. My contact details are on the left if needed.  

TFL Painting Challenge: Another Big One!

I wasn't expecting to do another update before the weekend, but so many entries have come in that, if I don't, I run the risk of being overwhelmed!

So, in no particular order, we have:

  • Doug Fitch with lots of 15mm WW2 goodness
  • A first entry in 2016 from Paul Baldwin: terrain, infantry and cavalry
  • Mr Clarke sends in a huge entry of twelve house and two outhouses in 28mm
  • Thomas Nissvik also makes his first appearance this year, with ten rather nice 28mm Vietminh infantry
  • Mr "Hat" Bowler attempts to claim 600 sq ft of painted and primed basement floor...but has to settle for the 105 28mm Romans and a ballista that actually count towards his total
  • Carole attempts to complete her Corporate Ashigaru force with another platoon and their support weapons
  • Neil Hooge is another 'first time in 2016' entry: he sends in some (great sounding) 15mm British Victorian infantry mounted on terror birds and ostriches...but the piccy is so dark you can't see the detail :(
  • And finally Jon Yuengling pops in four 15mm WW2 vehicles for his early war Germans.

Today's pics are from Mr Fitch, some of his WW2 Germans; Mr Baldwin, his Napoleonic French infantry; and from Thomas, his Vietminh:

Mr Fitch's WW2 German armour: great camo scheme! 

Mr Baldwin's cracking French infantry

Thomas' Vietminh

6DW Egyptians: HMG Platoon

My research tells me that in the Six Day War, the UAR (Egyptians) had access to ex-Soviet Maxim machine guns to support their infantry. Now Battlefront don't provide an HMG platoon as part of their UAR 6DW range, so I needed to improvise.

A quick rummage in the bits box turned up one WW2 Soviet gunner and gun, and a shout out to the Lardies with an offer of swapsies led to Jason Ralls kindly supplying the other two needed.

In the meantime, I also bought two Battlefront UAR anti-tank sets, each of which comes with three anti-tank guns and two recoil-less rifles. As I already have some RCLs in my Company HQ, their crews in the AT sets have now been assigned to the HMGs, along with some from Peter Pig bought to bulk things out.

Here they are, and you can see the rest of the Company, and supports, by clicking here.

TFL Painting Challenge: Huge Tuesday Update

An absolutely enormous update today!

In no particular order, we have:

  • Mr Hodge is continuing to morph into a "baser" rather than a wargamer, with a massive amount of sabot bases
  • Carole sends in two entries: all 15mm sci-fi figures from GZG. We've got three platoons of infantry, support drones, command...the lot
  • Mr Douglas pops in a couple of 15mm units: some Sudan types and some more ancient Brits
  • Ralph Plowman also goes 15mm GZG, painted so inspirationally that I've had to go out and buy a platoon's worth myself. He should be on commission!
  • Andrew Helliwell stays with his Soviets: a platoon's worth and some lend-lease carriers
  • Sapper sends in three entries comprising a large total of 28mm figures: Samurai and Seven Years War
  • Steve Burt submits some rather lovely Parthians. It must have been baking hot in all that armour.
  • Our glorious leader, Mr Clarke, sends in three entries this week, all from the AWI, and adding up to a most impressive total
  • and finally I'm loving Mr Davenport's entry: Napoleonic Brits in numbers, and also some AWI infantry

So many entries to choose from for today's photos...but here's a selection. You can see the whole lot in the individual's galleries.

Jon's Napoleonic Brits

Mr Plowman's Xar

Carole's Power Armour Troopers

Sapper's Irish in French Service

Scorecard will be updated tonight..honest, it will!

Q13 Army Lists: Sisterhood, Brog and VOTT added

Whilst I've been adding the tabletop stats to the Q13 army lists, I've found the time to add a couple of new ones to the list: both based on ranges of figures that I'd love to start collecting...once, of course, the lead mountain is down to manageable proportions!

The Sisterhood

Onslaught Miniatures produce some of the best sci-fi lines out there. The trouble is that the vast majority of their output is in 6mm: very frustrating for the 15mm gamer when you can see all these beautifully developed ranges and not be able to use them!

They have produced a couple of packs of 15's, however: one for the Sisterhood (sort of space nuns with guns) and one for the Tzacol (more primitive lizardy types).

So, in homage to their single pack of 15's, I've created a list for the Sisterhood for Q13 based on their much more extensive 6mm range. Perhaps this will get the rest of the range up-sized as well!

Here's a couple of pics to show you how good these figures are: one pic of the Athena squad in 15mm, and one of the 6mm command group, showing other types of Sisterhood trooper.

The Brog and VOTT (and VIPERS)

Another manufacturer who carries several ranges that I might eventually just have to buy is Rebel Minis.

Unfortunately, they fall into the category of manufacturer who produce great basic infantry squads, but no more i.e. great for platoon-level games, but not a complete enough range to create a company-plus-supports force.

Two examples of this are the Brog and the VOTT: both available as a three-squad platoon plus command, but with no support weapons or vehicles.

The two races also look quite similar, and seem to use the same I've decided to brigade them together into one list.

As they don't have any designated support weapons or vehicles, and Rebel Minis produce a lovely range of support walkers they call VIPERS, I've also decided that, much like Critical Mass' Protolenes, the support for the Brog or VOTT will come from the VIPERS, of which there are five types, so plenty of flexibility as regards weapon loads and therefore role.

Here's a few pics showing the ranges: the Brog infantry platoon, the VOTT command, and a the VIPER with Mk3 weapon package.

Both lists, and all the others, are available from the Q13 Army Lists page. More to come!

6DW Egyptians: Company HQ

A quick bit of painting finished: the company HQ for my Six Day War UAR/Egyptian army.

That's all of the core troops done, but I do need to add the HMG platoon and some towed AT assets...and to make things even more complete, I could add the tanks that accompanied the non-mechanised infantry: T-34s and IS-IIIs.

In the meantime, here's the company HQ: two Big Men and a couple of 82mm Recoil-less Rifles.

IABSM AAR: Fall of the Lion Gate #04: Jitra

I umpired a tremendous game of I Ain't Been Shot, Mum! on Saturday!

Using the fourth scenario from the Fall of the Lion Gate scenario pack for Malaya and Singapore, the game focussed on the British defence against the main Japanese advance down the Malayan pennisular on 11th December 1941.

Previously the Japanese of the Saeki Detachment have chewed through the British Indian troops at Ban Sadao and The Ledge (cf) but now come up against somewhat stiffer opposition in the shape of 2/1 Gurkha Rifles...

Click on the pic below to see all:

TFL Painting Challenge: Monday Update

Hello all, and hope everyone had a nice weekend.

Today's entries for the painting challenge are:

  • Mr Davenport with a dozen 28mm buildings (and an impressive wargames room, if I may say so!)
  • Ms Flint doesn't add any Space Orcs to her total!
  • Doug Fitch arrives on the scene with some 15mm WW2 figures
  • Mark Luther sends in an assortment of 20mm Far East types, and some of his little 'planes too
  • Treadhead turns in some terrain
  • Stumpy pops in some Zulus and lots of French Napoleonics. Re-based, but still counting half.
  • Andrew Helliwell sends in some more ACW 15s
  • Mr Yuengling gets ready for a fight around Caen with some 15mm WW2 vehicles
  • And finally Mr Ralls sends in some rather jolly 28mm figures and transport.

Today's pics? Well I think we'll have Mr Davenport's room; and the Jason Ralls boat pics (vessel and crew etc)

First stop on my world tour!

Rather large boat and crew by Jason Ralls

Scorecard will be updated tonight: promise!

6DW: Egyptian Infantry Platoon

Finally finished the final UAR/Egyptian infantry platoon for the Six Day War. 

See the rest of the troops by clicking here.

That's just about it for the Egyptians now:  only the company HQ to go now, and that's only eight figures, including Big Men. Be good to mechanise the little blighters but, as I've said before, I'll wait until the next sale before buying loads of trucks!

Must be time to start on the opposition now. Figures are bought: I just need to work out how best to represent the rather unique colour of Israeli tanks.