Superb write-up by Carojon from the Devon Wargames Group using the Arnhem VC scenario from the TooFatLardies Christmas Special 2007.

The game focuses on the action at Oosterbeck that won Lance-Sergeant Jack Baskeyfield the Victoria Cross as he tried to hold off German self-propelled guns from the flanks of the British Para's positions.

Click on the picture below to see all. Recommended!

TFL Painting Challenge: Thursday Update

Lots of entries in this week: the challenge is really hotting up already this year.

In no particular order, we have:

  • Stumpy with a fistful of re-basing
  • Matt Slade with a huge weed monster!
  • Andrew Helliwell with some more Soviets in 15mm
  • Andy Duffell pops in a Kiwi or eleven
  • It's all Andrews today, as Mr McCarthy sends in some nice looking late war British tanks and a handful of Germans
  • Derek Hodge submits some more for Dux and Sharp Practice 2.
  • Mr Clarke has gone painting mad this year: this week sees 64 newly painted and 48 re-based 28mm troops hitting his score
  • Mervyn adds some skeletons and an awful lot of stone wall
  • Mr Gatzemeyer builds a Saxon village
  • Chris Stoesen cuts and pastes some paper terrain buildings
  • And finally Kev, of course Kev, has painted some more X-Wing ships

Today's pics?

Well, let's have a pic of some of Stumpy's later Romans, a pic of Rich's von Schtabbin, Mr Gatzemeyer's village, and a Brucie-bonus pic of Mr Helliwell's Soviets:

Stumpy's Romans

Baron von Schtabbin's Regiment by Mr Clarke

Mr Gatzemeyer's rather nice Saxon village

Andy Helliwell's SU-57s in 15mm

Q13 Army Lists Updated

Aphid "Flycatcher" Tanks move into action

Aphid "Flycatcher" Tanks move into action

Over the last few weeks, I have been working on updating all the Q13 army lists. In addition to the usual tweaks, there are two major changes to format. These are the addition of a section for Tabletop Stats, and the addition of a section for Points.

Tabletop Stats

Tabletop Stats gives you all the info you need about the army when actually playing Q13. So each type of infantry squad has the usual figures/Actions table, but now also has how many dice and what modifiers you make when firing, its movement over different terrain types, its saves against hits, its anti-tank capacity etc. Vehicles have the same sort of info, but their firing is defined as what dice you roll vs infantry, and what dice you roll vs other vehicles, and so on and so forth.

This is in response to people saying that because Q13 covers ANYTHING that's possible in a sci-fi setting, it can sometimes be hard to remember the SPECIFICS that apply to the particular squad you're currently commanding...which is a fair point, well made!

Vornid Chitin Bio-Tank moves past a KO'd walker

Hopefully, once you've downloaded one of my lists, or built your own and filled in the Stats section, you should now be able to play without having to look anything up...perhaps even without the Quick Reference sheet provided in the rulebook.


The Points section does exactly what it says on the tin: it just lists the points value for each type of infantry squad, for each vehicle etc.

Should make life easier for those people who like to use points when building their forces.


On top of the above, there are all sorts of little tweaks to the existing lists. The Aphids get their wheeled APCs; the Chuhuac, their Vasseth Strike Tanks etc. As I've said many times before, the lists are designed to be updated on a regular basis as you add new units or decide that the way you've defined an existing unit needs changing.

Not all the lists are updated yet: most are, but not all. If you can click to get the pdf, then the list is updated. If you can't, then it isn't...but will be soon!  I have updated the Excel Blank.

Click here to go to the Q13 Army List page.

French Indochina AAR: Ambush in Tonkin

A bit of a change this time: an AAR from the Stipsicz Hussars with an encounter set in French Indochina in 1951.

The game uses IABSM rather than CDS, perhaps appropriate given the period, and features a huge 6m table. A French column begins the game at either end, and heads towards a Point d'Appui in the middle. Needless to say, neither column nor PA escapes the attention of the Vietminh.

Click on the pic below to see all.

TFL Painting Challenge: Pre-Weekend Update

A cheeky Friday update to clear the decks before a busy weekend. Today, in no paticular order, we have:

  • Chris Stoesen with a selection of paper buildings in 15mm
  • Steve Burt with a fleet of ships
  • Our glorious leader, Mr Clarke, with some more infantry and artillery
  • Mervyn switches back to 15mm with some ancient and then colonial Brits
  • Mr Plowman paints a single sci-fi tank...but then he does paint them so well!
  • Carole also goes sci-fi, with some scout vehicles and scenery
  • And finally Kev is still on his X-Wing kick: loads more ships

Today's pictures are from Steve, his ships; and Carole's sci-fi kit...

468 points' worth of Wizzkids ships

468 points' worth of Wizzkids ships

Some nice kit from Critical Mass Games via Carole

Points will be added to the scorecard tonight or tomorrow.

IABSM AAR: Royal Tanks

I have been trying to use scenarios other than those I've written myself, so my latest game of I Ain't Been Shot, Mum! featured a game taken from the TFL Summer Special 2005 based on the Royal Tanks scenario adapted from Skirmish Campaigns by Tom Ballou.

The game was quite short:  involving me being completely tactically outsmarted and looking certain to lose until a sudden and very major reverse turned the tables on my opponent with devastating effect...on both his chances of winning and his temper!

Click on the picture below to see all:

6DW: Second UAR/Egyptian Platoon

I'm gradually getting to the end of that section of the lead mountain devoted to the UAR or Egyptian forces for the Six Day War. Here's the second infantry platoon, leaving only one more infantry platoon, the Company HQ, finishing the recon tanks, and then what odd bits of support I decide that I need.

The only real pain is the transport for the infantry company. Getting enough of the right sort of truck is going to be expensive: so I shall have to wait until the next Battlefront 40%-off sale!

Anyway, here's another twenty-six infantrymen, painted as before:

TFL Painting Challenge: Entries Flooding In!

Loads of entries again today: excellent work everybody!

In no particular order, we have:

  • Stumpy with a teeny bit of re-basing and a very nice Rourke's Drift lavatory
  • Chris Stoesen makes a welcome return with a building in 15mm
  • Ms Flint adds some bugs. I rather like them, and might get some myself
  • Mervyn goes up a couple of sizes with some Riders of Rohan
  • Mr Clarke, the man himself, pops in more than a handful of 28mm figures
  • Matt Slade makes his usual modest entry: 52 goblins and (in a Sheffield accent) a cave troll
  • Richard Naylor finishes his Egyptians and adds their mummy...I mean, adds a mummy
  • Mr Helliwell turns Russian, with a Soviet infantry platoon and supporting SU-122
  • And Mr Ralls proves he is still with us for this year's challenge with a mighty entry of various 28s

Today's pictures are one from Mr Clarke (I know which side my bread is buttered) and one from Mr Ralls:

He didn't say who they were, but here are some nice 28s from Mr Clarke

And here are Jason Ralls' Teutonic Knights. I do love a bit of Teutonic Knight!

Q13: Another New Manufacturer

Well, I think a returning player rather than a brand-new one: Art Crime Productions.

ACP Games produce a small but beautifully realised range of sci-fi figures that they say are "nominally based on 15mm", with the final size dependent on the designs.

So far they have some what they call Characters, mostly infantry of a couple of different types; some rather nice looking Vehicles; and the start of a Makat Empire range that looks definitely worth investigating.

Here's one of their tanks: the Spartan:

TFL Painting Challenge: Big Update

It seems like the end of January has driven you all out of hibernation: lots of entries submitted over the last few days.

In no particular order, we have:

  • Mr Naylor, with some Fez-wearing Egyptians
  • Mr Duffell joins us again with some In-juns and a few WW2 chaps as well
  • As does Keith Davies, but with some little buildings and some considerably bigger Napoleonics
  • Mark Luther takes a break from playing fantastic-looking Chain of Command games to submit some more micro-aircraft (click here to see his flickr album: very much worthwhile)
  • Treadhead also returns, also with some Napoleonics
  • Derek Hodge is another come-back king: with some nice looking guerillos and a host of re-based fantasy stuff
  • Sapper pops in some more Ancients
  • Mr Plowman sends in some great-looking sci-fi figures from Shapeways
  • And finally Kev continues his crusade to field every possible X-Wing spacecraft possible with another fleet's worth of entries

As usual, Scorecard will be updated tonight.

Today's pics? Treadhead's Napoleonics, Mr Luther's 'planes (well, some of them); and Derek's Guerillos:

Napoleonic British infantry from Treadhead

Continuing the Napoleonic theme, Derek Hodge's Spanish guerillos

And just a few of Mr Luther's 1/285 aircraft

IABSM AAR: Leningrad Lend-Lease

Another excellent battle report from Joe Patchen: this time set on the Eastern Front in 1942. 

It's July 1942 and the Russians need to break the siege of Leningrad. A new batch of brand new American lend-lease armor has made its way through  U-boat infested waters to Murmansk and down by rail to the battle area. Into the maelstrom it is thrown...click on the picture below to see all.

Q13: New Figure Manufacturer

Here's another new 15mm sci-fi figure manufacturer: White Dragon Miniatures.

Their first releases are for what their range background calls the Marine Tactical Units of the Earth Exploration Fleet. There are some nice looking infantry and tanks, and some enormous anthropomorphic walkers as well. 

The infantry are exquisite: highly detailed and nicely animated. The tanks look fairly standard to me (like squashed modern MBTs) but I am loving the Multiple Rocket Launcher System and Mobile Gun System: very innovative. The walkers...well, most of you will know what I think of giant humanoid robot-types with BFGs! That said, I have rather taken a fancy to the Armadillo Support Mech, and will probably buy a few to use with one of my existing armies.

TFL Painting Challenge: A Windy Sunday Update

No walk down by the river for me today: far too cold, wet and windy. I shall just have to stay in and update the painting challenge, and then paint a few figures myself.

Today's entries, in no particular order are:

  • Carole with a couple of alien tanks
  • Fred Bloggs makes his first appearance of the year, complete with 28mm farm
  • As does Mr McCarthy: but with WW2 15s
  • Kev pops in another X-Wing pic: very bright, very shiny!
  • New entrant Garrett Gatzemeyer, the Double G, sends in his first ever submission: eight Anglo-Danish in 28mm
  • Mervyn continues his desert trip with some more British infantry and a couple of Mahdists
  • And, finally for today, Mr Helliwell has some nice Hetzers to add to his collection

Today's pics are from the Double G, his Anglo-Danish, and then Carole's Kra'vak alien tanks, as I'm in a Q13 mood at the moment...