IABSM AAR: The Shattered Town

Great battle report for I Ain't Been Shot, Mum! from Joe Patchen featuring a German assault on an American held town.

Click on the picture below to see the whole thing:

Incidentally, this AAR hasn't appeared elsewhere on the web: Joe sent me the images and words to be loaded specifically onto the Vis Lardica site. Anyone else who wants to do the same for any of the TFL company-sized games (IABSM, CDS, Q13) should feel free to follow suit. Prompt service guaranteed! E-mail me at admin@vislardica.com with the "deets" (as my daughters would say).

Google AdSense: Much Amusement!

So some of you may have noticed that I've added Google AdSense to a couple of pages of the Vis Lardica site. Not exactly ready to retire yet on the proceeds (so far I've made enough to buy about half a 15mm tank!) but it's certainly quite an amusing journey.

AdSense looks at a combination of the content on the page and the cookies associated with you, the visitor, before deciding what ads to serve. Usually that means there's advertising for retirement products (oh, we are just so old, us wargamers)  or online computer games: not a bad match.


Yesterday, however, you may have noticed that I posted about my latest painted unit: a UAR or Egyptian infantry platoon for the 6DW. 

What advertising do I see today?  

Yup:  "Date Arab Women" from arabmatchmaking.com!

Remind me never to post about Big CoC*


*Big Chain of Command

6DW: UAR (Egyptian) Infantry Platoon

Now that I had broken the back of the vehicles needed for my UAR (Egyptian) force for the 6DW, it was time to start on the infantry. Platoons of twenty-six figures: three squads of eight plus a two-man Blindicide team.

These were standard Battlefront 15s, and painted up very nicely. Undercoat in Army Painter Skeleton Bone, then wash with GW Agrax Earthshade, then highlight with Foundry Raw Cotton (helmets); Vallejo Sand Yellow (Uniforms); with webbing in two shades of grey from GW. 

Only another two platoons and the Company HQ to go!

You can see the rest of my Six Day War Egyptians by clicking here.

TFL Painting Challenge: Thursday Update

Unusual to have an update on a Thursday, I know, but plenty of entries have come in, and it's good not to be too predictable!

Today's entries, and there are some corkers, come from:

  • Jon Davenport with some AWI infantry painted whilst sheltering from the recent NY storms
  • Mr Plowman submits a downed walker (of the mech not white variety)
  • Oracle sends in some 28s and lots more 6mm figures
  • Chris Gilbride pops in his first entry for 2016 with some 20mm Germans
  • The Bowler Hat also makes a welcome reappearance: some very nice WOTR mounted knights and the start of his Romans
  • Doug Melville leaves Aeroneuf behind for the moment: sending in a trillion 15mm Franco-Scots from around 1421. Lovely stuff
  • And last, but never least, Kev treats us to another couple of his Star Wars models for X-Wing.

Todays pictures? Well I do like Oracle's 6mm stuff, so one of them; and then it has to be a couple of shots of Doug's Franco-Scots. Here they are:

Baccus SYW British in 6mm from Oracle

Scots Men At Ams from Doug Melville

French Men At Arms from Doug Melville

Highland Axemen, also from Doug Melville. See his gallery for the rest!

Q13: Vasseth in the Jungle

Here's the final squad of Vasseth Strike Tanks for my 15mm Chuhuac army: this time painted up for jungle operations (matching the camo of the 1st Platoon).

These I painted in the same way as I do WW2 Soviet tanks, just added a lot more of the lighter colour dry-brushes. So they are sprayed in the Army Painter Soviet tank base coat, then washed with GW Agrax Earthshade , then dry-brushed with GW Loren Forest, and finally what used to be called GW Bleached Bone (I think it's now called Screaming Skull!).

Very easy: and the longest part of the process is waiting for the initial spray and then the wash to dry.

I am liking these very much, and can't wait to get them onto the tabletop.

Highly recommended!

Q13: Vasseth in the Desert

As promised, here's the next batch of Vasseth Strike Tanks for my 15mm Chuhuac army. This squad is camouflaged for desert operations, matching the Chuhuac 2nd Platoon colouring.

Someone saw the command tank I posted yesterday, and asked me what I had used for a hover stand i.e. where did I source that little black post keeping the vehicle off the base.

It's actually a cut-down Chart Pin: you know, those flat headed pins available in different colours designed to be stuck into charts. The flat head makes it easy to push in, the fact it's a centimetre or so long and half a centimetre wide makes it easy to pull out!

These are ideal as hover stands: just the right height, and the flat head makes it easy to glue them to a flat bit of the underside of the vehicle. Even better, the bases are mdf, so if you leave a little stub when you cut the pin bit off (eye protection, please, as clipping them shoots the sharp bit in very unpredictable directions) you can push the stub into the wooden base as you glue it, giving you an even better bond.

Tomorrow I'll post the squad camouflaged for the jungle.

Sad News About A Good Friend

I have just learnt that my good friend and wargaming buddy, Carlo Anziano, passed away yesterday after a long and hard-fought battle with cancer.

I first met Carlo at Salford University, and enjoyed many, long gaming sessions with him: mostly roleplay, with some of the Call of Cthulu games being the best I have ever played. I still recall the session at my somewhat grim digs in Gilda Crescent Road, played at night, with the lights dimmed low, that ended up being so frightening that Tina, Carlo's girlfriend and then lifelong partner and then wife, wouldn't go down the corridor to the loo on her own!

Carlo is in the centre, wearing the Motorhead T-shirt

Our friendship continued after uni, still centred around gaming as well as the usual meet ups at weddings and the like. There was a particularly good Flashing Blades campaign, I remember, where Carlo's character, the laconic if immensely strong Sergeant LeGros, battled a maddened bear deep underground, providing the delay needed for his comrades to escape...and picking up a new bear-claw necklace in the process!

After our uni group got busy with careers and families and the like, I still met Carlo at almost every wargaming show I went to. Salute, Colours, Warfare and others. He was usually with his friends of the Huntingdon Wargames Society, putting on and playing in a spectacular game with many of his own figures on show. We always found time for a chat and a catch-up, and usually a beer or two too. It was good: the natural order of things, something to look forward to. I shall miss him.

My utmost sympathies go out to Carlo's family, other friends and, of course, Tina. 


Q13: Vasseth Strike Tanks for the Chuhuac

One of my favourite sci-fi ranges are the Chuhuac from Loud Ninja Games. These are like mini velociraptors with body armour and guns, and paint up really beautifully.

Up until now, however, the only armoured support they have had is from what are called 'Battlesuits' : one man fighting vehicles with a big gun and missile launcher on top and a couple of small guns in front. Nice, but not proper tanks!

Now, however, that gap is filled with the release of the Vasseth Strike Tanks. These are wedge-shaped hover vehicles with the same asymmetric armament as the Battlesuits. I bought seven of them: one squad of three for each of my platoons, and one for the Company HQ.

The models come with loads of different armament options. I used the big main gun for them all, and added either a twin-barrelled autogun or a small missile launcher to all except the Company HQ vehicle: that one I fitted with a much larger missile launcher that I found in the bit box.

Here it is:

Watch this space for the jungle and desert camouflaged versions coming up tomorrow and Wednesday!

TFL Painting Challenge: Sunday Update

Entries have been slowing down lately: but then there's lots of people still to make their first submission of the year.

Today, in no particular order, we have:

  • Mr Douglas with three separate entries in the same week, including some re-basing
  • Andrew Helliwell sends in another platoon of WW2 Germans
  • Matt Slade submits for the first time in 2016: slamming in sixty-five beautifully painted 28s
  • Carole completes her 15mm sci-fi infantry company with a platoon and some support weapons
  • Kev's entry is a toy re-painted for use with X-Wing:  looks fantastic
  • Jon Yuengling sends in his first submission of the year...very welcome, even if I had to guess what it was!
  • And finally Richard Naylor sends in some more terrain: rocks and a yards worth of graves.

Three pics today as I can't decide between them:

Some of Matt Slade's baddies from Crooked Dice

Carole's 15mm Support Platoon

Kev's Conversion for X-Wing

6DW: Egyptian Army SP Tank Destroyer Platoon

Those of you who follow this blog regularly will know that when I bought Battlefront 15mm plastic SU-100s for my WW2 Soviet army, I also bought another box to use for the Six Day War Egyptians.

The WW2 models turned out pretty well, so I was looking forward to a similar result with the Soviet-cast-offs-now-in-Egyptian-service versions.

Building them was easy: just the same as before but with the additional of an extra storage bin on the right front wing. An undercoat in sprayed on desert yellow was followed by a dark brown wash followed by two highlights: desert yellow again then what I would call a Bleached Bone colour. Tracks painted black with a light dry brush of dark grey, a few other details done, and Bob's your uncle.

Well, that's what I thought.

One thing about metal-and-resin tanks is that you rarely get a totally smooth finish on the model. The very nature of the stuff that they are made of makes them a bit rough: a roughness that comes up during the wash and dry brush process and makes them look a bit less like a toy.

Plastic, on the other hand, has a very smooth finish:  the 'finished' tank destroyers looked way, way too clean, even for me, who likes a car-wash finish to his vehicles. These, however, were supposed to represent old vehicles: old vehicles that had spent plenty of time in the desert as well...and with an army not known, even today, for its high standards of maintenance.

They needed weathering in a big way, so it was off down to GW to see whether I could find anything there to help. The very helpful store manager not only sold me a pot of what they call Typhus Corrosion, but even showed me how to use it.

This stuff, TP we'll call it, is like a dark brown wash, but has a sediment in it that sticks to the model as well, nicely roughening it up. It's a bit like the stuff I'm now using on the bases - from the GW Technical range - which is like paint with little mini, mini ball bearings in it.

I painted the TP on just like any other wash, and practically had a heart attack. My lovely, pristine tank destroyers now looked like horrible, crusty brown blobs!

This was only the first stage, however, so once they had dried, I dry brushed in Bleached Bone again, and suddenly the detail came back up again...and came back up again very nicely. I particularly like the effect on the roadwheels.

So, here they are: Soviet cast-off WW2 tank destroyers in Egyptian service: looking every inch of how old they must have been. They'll be a nice contrast to the Israelis (when I get around to painting them) who I'm aiming to do in a showroom finish!

Q13: More Dwarves!

I've finally managed to finish another unit of Space Dwarves for my nascent force.

These are the second unit from Cactus Miniatures: a platoon of PBI to go with the chaps in powered armour painted last year.

Nice figures: not the works of art of some ranges...but very well-priced and, as you can hopefully see despite the poor photography, do have the character that a dwarf army needs to have.

IABSM AAR: North of Caen

Recently, Martin981463 posted the text of an IABSM after action report onto the TFL Yahoo Group. He also popped the pictures to accompany the words into the Group's photos section.

I hope he doesn't mind, but I've joined the two together in the AAR that you can reach by clicking on the picture below. That way, you can see words and pics together.

It looks like an excellent game of IABSM, unusually fought in what looks like 28mm scale. Click below to see all:

TFL January Sale

News from the front: the TooFatLardies are having a January Sale. Here's what Rich said on Lard Island News:

"It wouldn’t be January without a Sale, and this month we have not one but two great deals on offer.  Firstly we have all of the Sharp Practice range available at 35% off list price, that’s the rules in hard copy or PDF format and all of the supplements.  You can find them on our web site here:  Sharp Practice

"Secondly, we have a focus this month on I Ain’t Been Shot Mum, our hugely popular Company sized rules for the Second World War.  The rules and all of the huge range of supplements are available at 20% off for the rest of January.  Our IABSM products are listed here:  IABSM

"There’s never been a better time to get hold of two Lardy classics!"

You can click on the titles in bold to go straight to the TFL online shop.

TFL Painting Challenge: Quick Sunday Update

Many of you are still very slow off the mark this year...unlike some of the below, who seem positively prolific!

So, today, in no particular order, we have:

  • New entrant, Oracle, with a couple of 28s and some re-based 6s
  • More X-Wing craft from Kev
  • Some drones from Carole
  • Continuing the sci-fi theme, four beautifully painted 15mm infantry from Mr Plowman
  • Lots of 28s from Mr Davenport who, for a new entrant, is already piling on the points
  • And finally Stumpy makes a return with a mix of new painting and re-basing

Today's pics are, unusually for me, both examples of re-basing: first up Oracle's 6mm WSS French, then Stumpy's Napoleonic Brits...

SU-100 Tank Destroyers from Battlefront

I've been wanting to get some Soviet SU-100 tank killers for some time. I've had the lesser SU-85s for ages...but, frankly, they are so last season...and I just wanted the ones with the bigger guns...and I wanted them now! The trouble was, I didn't fancy shelling out for the metal versions at £8-£9 a time.

Fortunately Battlefront came to my rescue with the release of their box set allowing you to build five plastic SU-100s for the princely sum of £23.40 or £4.68 per model.

Now I actually quite like plastic tanks. Yes, nothing beats the heft of a decent metal or metal-and-resin tank, but the relative pricing (allowing you to build big units), incredible detail, and the way that they paint up make plastics a very viable option. I'd almost go as far as to say I prefer plastic tanks:  try dropping a plastic and a metal tank and see which one survives better!

The box set comes with all sorts of options, including just what I wanted: five SU-100s.

The kits go together very easily (less than 5 minutes a tank) and paint up very well indeed. These were done with an undercoat/basecoat of Army Painter spray, washed with GW Agrax Earthshade, then highlighted with one of lighter GW greens...Loren Forest IIRC. I put together, painted and based all five in about four hours in all.

Excellent value, great kits:  which is a good thing as I have another box of them to do for the Egyptians for the Six Day War!

TFL Painting Challenge: Weekly Update

Things are starting to motor along nicely now, with twelve people (including me) now having sent in their first or even second and, in one case, third, entries for the year.

Today, in no particular order, we have:

  • Paul Blankenship with his first entry of the year, and it's a monster one comprising lots of tanks a a few bits of terrain
  • Carole also sends in her first entry: some nicely done 15mm sic-fi infantry
  • Sapper has painted some more Egyptians
  • New entrant Jon Davenport makes his first appearance: some Hessians in 28mm (don't worry about the cat hair on the table!)
  • Mr Naylor sends in his first three entries for the year: sic fi again, but different scales
  • Mark Luther adds to his already gigantic collection with some more 6mm tanks and 'planes...and, no, Mark, there is no such thing as "enough"!
  • Our own favourite Fat Wally adds some more Star Wars kit to his gallery
  • and, finally, Mr Helliwell pops in his second entry of the year: more Germans

Today's pictures are some of Mark's tanks, some of Mr Helliwell's Germans and Jon Davenport's Hessians:

Some of Mark Luther's Jagdpanzer IV 70s in action

Andrew Helliwell's command post/objective marker

New entrant Jon Davenport's Hessians in 28mm

As always, you can see everyone's full roster of submissions in their galleries, and the Scorecard will be updated tonight from my home PC.

The Soviet 203mm Howitzer from Battlefront

One of the great things about Battlefront is the huge range of models they produce, even if sometimes the vehicle or gun that the models are based on only fought in one particular theatre or weren't produced in very large numbers. 

Their recent Berlin supplement and its related new releases contain many good examples, one of which is the giant Soviet 203mm howitzer: something that, showing appropriate restraint, I ordered as soon as it hit the streets.

This thing is a monster. It's also easy to put together, easy to paint, and looks absolutely cracking. A very worthwhile addition to the arsenal!