TFL Painting Challenge: Big Update

It seems like the end of January has driven you all out of hibernation: lots of entries submitted over the last few days.

In no particular order, we have:

  • Mr Naylor, with some Fez-wearing Egyptians
  • Mr Duffell joins us again with some In-juns and a few WW2 chaps as well
  • As does Keith Davies, but with some little buildings and some considerably bigger Napoleonics
  • Mark Luther takes a break from playing fantastic-looking Chain of Command games to submit some more micro-aircraft (click here to see his flickr album: very much worthwhile)
  • Treadhead also returns, also with some Napoleonics
  • Derek Hodge is another come-back king: with some nice looking guerillos and a host of re-based fantasy stuff
  • Sapper pops in some more Ancients
  • Mr Plowman sends in some great-looking sci-fi figures from Shapeways
  • And finally Kev continues his crusade to field every possible X-Wing spacecraft possible with another fleet's worth of entries

As usual, Scorecard will be updated tonight.

Today's pics? Treadhead's Napoleonics, Mr Luther's 'planes (well, some of them); and Derek's Guerillos:

Napoleonic British infantry from Treadhead

Continuing the Napoleonic theme, Derek Hodge's Spanish guerillos

And just a few of Mr Luther's 1/285 aircraft