Gallery: The Protolene Khanate

Originally posted 29th August 2010

I haven't had a chance to do much gaming in the last month or so:  holidays, work, real life etc! I have, however, been able to do a little painting: here are the first pictures of the Protolene Khanate, Critical Mass Games' excellent range of dog-headed sci-fi infantry and walkers. 

To give you some idea of how large the medium walkers are, the infantry below are mounted on 20p plastic tokens, the medium walkers on large FOW bases...

Can't wait to try them out on the table!

Scout Snipers

Scout Marrock

GYFTOOMF: The Aphids

Originally posted 18th April 2010

I've added the photographs of the Aphids: frog-like aliens largely from Zombiesmith. Unfortunately I'm having a bit of a mare with my photos at the moment: I had the camera perfectly set up to take pictures using normal light bulbs, but now we've switched to energy efficient ones  I can't get the colour balance right! So apologies, and I will replace them all in due course.

GYFTOOMF: Protolene Khanate

Originally posted 30th March 2010

I've added details for Critical Mass Games' Marrok Walkers: medium walkers to support the Protolene Khanate infantry.

The image below doesn't really do justice to the size of this thing, but a 15mm infantryman comes in at under the walker's knee height!