AAR: Carroceto

Originally posted 14th November 2013

Lardy Craig Ambler takes a trip to Italy to play Carroceto, the second scenario in the Anzio: Wildcat to Whale scenario pack.

A game characterised by lethal dice rolling:  the British suffering fifty Kills and only three points of Shock. My only question is where I can get dice like that!

AAR: Near Avaux II

Originally posted 3rd November 2013

Unusually, both my usual wargaming opponents were available in the same week. Last night, Dave and I fought to an epic draw (see below), tonight was Neil's turn. As I didn't have time to set up anything new, we'd fight the same battle as before. Not only that, but I would play the Germans again, and decided to set up in almost exactly the same way as before, looking forward to seeing how the two games would differ.

Well, it was indeed a very different game...

AAR: Operation Biting

Originally posted 25th October 2013

Here's an AAR that's been on my to-do list for some time. John has designed and is playing an IABSM scenario around the Operation Biting raid at Bruneval, where the Paras went in to capture some German radar technology.

A great AAR currently in two parts. You can see the details of the historical raid at the beginning of part two.

AAR: West of Pierrecourt

Originally posted 20th October 2013

As promised, here is Topi's AAR from playing the first scenario of the Blenneville or Bust! scenario book campaign: West of Pierrecourt. 

To quote his introduction: "Kicked off our Blenneville campaign this weekend. A German panzergrenadier recon unit tries to stop the American machine in the bocage country. 'Greenhorn, this is nothing compared to Kursk' was the German motto, as more and more American troops arrived. Quite a few spoilers to the scenario, so be warned."

AAR: A Missionary Man

Originally posted 15th October 2013

The next battle report slurped from Topi's blog contains a bit more information about the background to his East Africa 1940 campaign. That's in addition to an amusing tale of a ragtag bunch of militia taking on the might of the Italian army. Proves you don't need tons of troops and Tigers on the table to have fun with IABSM!


AAR: East Africa Waltzing Matilda

Originally posted 12th October 2013

I've found a new source of After Action Reports! A gentleman named Topi, from Finland, has an excellent blog with five IABSM AARs. It will take me a few days to catch up, but catch up I will!

Here's the first: his first game of IABSM. It's East Africa, British versus Italians, and Topi's English is a lot better than my Finnish!

AAR: Hedgerow Hell et al.

Originally posted 26th August 2013

Sorry there hasn't been much from me lately: all my time has been spent painting up my 15mm squadron of Cromwell tanks, courtesy of Plastic Soldier Company. I'm just finishing the basing now, so pictures etc soon.

Meanwhile, here are three battle reports. Hedgerow Hell is one from last weekend, the other two are from last year.

Hedgerow Hell

First Run at IABSM

Second Run at IABSM

AAR: Warning Order

Originally posted 9th August 2013

The Wasatch Front Historical Gaming Society (WFHGS) produce a lovely little pdf wargaming magazine three to four times a year called Warning Order.

Warning Order is packed full of reviews, AARs and, best of all, recent issues have contained a series of nostalgia pieces looking back at the recent history of wargaming. I experienced several flashbacks to my school days when reading them! Highly recommended.

Warning Order issue #33 contains a very positive review of IABSM v3 and an AAR; Warning Orderissue #35 another IABSM v3 AAR. Both are reprinted here with kind permission of the WFHGS.

On The Road To Moscow

German Armoured Assault