TFL Painting Challenge: August Update

Three weeks since the last update and the entries have been flying in. The July update was a little early as well, so there are some catch-up entries as well: all in all, a bumper crop.

Do look at the individual galleries (accessible via the NavBar, above) but today we have entries from Carole, Stumpy, Matt, Sapper, Mervyn, Nick, Andrew, and Yours Truly.

Here’s a taster:

I’m off to Britcon now for a To The Strongest competition and a look at the Lard Workshop. Can’t wait!

TFL Painting Challenge: July Update

Some lovely work on show this update:

That’s six people out of the sixteen taking part so far in this year’s challenge. Come on the rest of you: paintbrushes and cameras out please!

PS Do make sure you look at people’s galleries as well as just the taster I’ve posted above. Navigate through the black navbar under the site’s title.

TFL Painting Challenge: Tlaxcallan Update!

Today’s Painting Challenge update is named in honour of Lloyd’s Tlaxcallan entries: some amazing painting there which I will further honour with a little gallery of their own:

These are in 28mm and mostly from Outpost. They are not the only Meso-American figures Lloyd has to show us: visit his gallery for more.

Otherwise, we have entries from Matt, Carole, Mervyn and Chris. Check out their galleries for their work, but here’s a taster:

Keep them coming!

TFL Painting Challenge: First June Update

Are we almost half way through the year already? How time flies when you’re having fun!

Here’s the first Painting Challenge update for June: some lovely painting being submitted. Do visit the individual galleries (look in the black navbar, above, for how to clickthrough to them) but here’s a taster:

Mammoth Painting Challenge Update

May has proved a very productive month for many of you, with a veritable cornucopia of entries into the 2023 TFL Painting Challenge.

This week we have entries from Mervyn, Sapper, Matt Slade, Carole, John, Mr Luther, Stumpy, Lloyd, Andrew and myself. Top scorer, as ever, is Mr Slade, who has already passed his last year’s total and is determined to break his previous record of 5,522 points, set in 2015.

It’s not a competition, however, but a personal challenge, so let’s all pick up those brushes and see whether we can equal Matt’s aim. I scored a personal best last year with 2,077 points, beating my previous best of 2,005 points, set in 2019, so am keen to make it two in a row.

Please do visit everyone’s individual galleries: there’s some great work there. You can access them through the NavBar, above. Meanwhile, here’s a taster from this round of entries:

TFL Painting Challenge: Coronation Bank Holiday Special!

Well not so much this bank holiday but the last one: as many of you seem to have spent an awful lot of time painting figures!

So, today, we have entries from:

  • Matt Slade with the usual vast numbers of Star Wars figures plus some Italian Wars infantry plus some What A Cowboy gunmen

  • Nick Cooper with a miscellanea of fantasy figures

  • Andrew Helliwell has more late medievals…and whose terrain storage cupboard must be overflowing by now

  • Stumpy with more Napoleonics and some Beau Geste types

  • A superb Bad Squiddo Squid from Ralph

  • Chris Kay also goes all What A Cowboy

  • Sapper does 15mm Goths in a big way

  • Mervyn has some 15mm Greeks and 28mm US Marines

Make sure you visit the individual galleries, but here’s a selection for you to feast your eyes on:

With another bank holiday this weekend, I’ll expect to see a similar amount of entries for next time!

TFL Painting Challenge: St George's Day Update

Or Shakespeare’s birthday update: take your pic!

Lots of entries added this time round, including the return of Steve Burt with some nice Napoleonic British Dragoons and a cornucopia of entries from Matt Slade that are either 10mm or 32mm: switching between the two must be fun for the eyes!

Anyway, please do check out the individual galleries, reachable through the NavBar at the top, but here’s a taster to wet the whistle!

TFL Painting Challenge: First April Update

A large number of entries from a small number of people this week.

We have Matt Slade with more Star Wars figures; Sapper and Mr Helliwell with their WOTR collections; the usual assortment from Nick Cooper; and some Cuban militia from Mark Luther.

Do visit the individual galleries, accessible via the Nav bar above, but here’s a taster for you in the meantime:

TFL Painting Challenge: Late March Update

I haven’t had a chance to updater things since 4th March, so quite a few entries to process.

Do visit the individual galleries via the NavBar, above, but here’s a selection to wet the whistle:

TFL Painting Challenge: First March Update

Apologies for the lack of recent posts: real world work has been incredibly busy!

Here’s an update with entries stretching back just over three weeks…and there are some huge entries as well.

This week we have Andrew with his medievals, Chris with a howitzer, Lloyd with a truly awesome number of little ‘planes, Matt with a legion of Star Wars Legion figures and a few other bits and bobs, Mervyn with some Strength & Honour bases, Asley with some cracking sci-fi figures, and Stumpy with some Napoleonic command stands

Do please visit the individual galleries, but here’s a taster:

TFL Painting Challenge: First Feb Update

Everyone has been very busy over the last couple of weeks, so lots of huge entries to log.

This update we have first entries from Mr Hodge and Mr Kay, plus more entries from Matt, Carole, John, Stump, Andrew, Lloyd, Mervyn and Nick.

Do visit the individual galleries, but here’s a taster:

TFL Painting Challenge: end of January update

A thousand apologies for the lack of posts recently: real world work has been crazy and I’ve been busier than a squirrel in a barrel of nuts…and so have the entrants to this year’s TFL Painting Challenge.

Five first entries for the year and even some people on their second, third and even fourth entry.

Do visit the individual galleries (accessible via the NavBar, above) but here’s a taster to wet your whistle.

First Painting Challenge Update of 2023

I’m pleased to report that you lot didn’t rest your brushes for very long: six entries already for the 2023 Painting Challenge.

In no particular order, we have submissions from Ashley, Matt, Nick, Mervyn, Stumpy and Ralph. You can see all their work in their individual galleries, but here’s a taster:

Some beautiful work there, and plenty more to come!

Last Painting Challenge Update of 2022

I’ve now uploaded the final entries into the 2o22 Painting Challenge: any entries received from now will go into the 2023 Painting Challenge.

Today’s batch includes entries from Sapper, Mr Plowman, Andrew Helliwell, Mervyn, Chris Kay and Stumpy; along with an enormous first-and-last catch-up entry from Mr Hodge.

Do visit the individual galleries, especially Derek’s as it’s got some great stuff in there that you won’t have seen before today, but here’s a taster:

And finally, I declare that the TFL 2023 Panting Challenge is now open: let the painting begin!

TFL Painting Challenge: Boxing Day Update

Lots of people sending in their “last entries of the year”…but we don’t believe that: there’s still plenty of time to polish off that project that’s been sitting on the painting table for far too long!

Today’s entries include David Scott’s first of the year: which just goes to show that it’s never too late to enter the Challenge! Alongside David are submissions from Matt, Carole, Chris and Mervyn.

Do look at the individual galleries, but here’s a taster of what’s been added.

Plenty of time to go yet: keep painting!

TFL Painting Challenge: Second December Update

Another huge set of entries, and less than two weeks since the last update: everyone is obviously keen to get those last few entries in before this year’s Challenge ends at midnight on the 31st.

Today we have entries from Carole, Chris, Andrew, Matt, Ralph, Mervyn, and Nick. Do go to the individual galleries, but here’s a taster for you:

Still plenty of time to get those last few entries in!

TFL Painting Challenge: First December Update

As we move into the last month of this year’s Challenge, I’ll be doing more regular updates as you all accelerate production.

I’ll be running the Challenge again next year, so get in as many points as you can over the next four weeks or so to set yourselves a decent target for 2023.

Entries this time from Stumpy, Sapper, Carole, Mervyn, Matt, and Chris: I recommend a visit to their individual galleries, but here’s a taster for you:

TFL Painting Challenge: Mid-November Update

A quick update to keep on top of things as we come to the last six weeks or so of this year’s Challenge.

Do visit the individual galleries, but here’s a taster…

TFL Painting Challenge: First November Update

Two months to go in this year’s Painting Challenge, and the entries are flooding in.

Take a look at the individual galleries (navigation through the navbar, above) but here are some piccies to wet your whistle!

TFL Painting Challenge: A Second October Update

The entries are coming thick and fast, so I thought I’d better do another update just to keep up.

Please do look at the individual galleries, but here’s samples of what’s been sent in this week: