A New Project: Afrika Korps

One of the gaps in my collection of WW2 figures is the Afrika Korps. I have Western Desert Brits and Italians, but no Germans. When, therefore, I was at the Vanquish show a couple of weeks ago, and saw the Battlefront Kasserine boxed set, already good value at £42 for twenty-one vehicles/guns, reduced by another 20% by those nice gentlemen from The Pit, I quickly reached for my wallet and snapped it up.

I also bought one of their Team Yankee sets to join the others currently languishing in the lead mountain: so when I do eventually get around to painting some modern Russians, I will have everything I need to hand.

Anyhow, those who are regular readers will know that this year’s rule is that I’m only allowed to paint something new if I also paint something from the lead mountain as well. Lucky then that also lurking at the back of the cupboard of shame was the Battlefront 90th Light Africa Division “themed formation” box set that I’d also picked up at a heavy discount somewhere else. A quick shop to buy the right paints and bases etc, and I was ready to go.

SdKfz 6/3 “Diana”

The first unit off the painting table was a zug of SdKfz 6/3 “Diana” self-propelled anti-tank guns, unique to the aforementioned 90th Light Africa Division. There were only nine of these ever produced but, hey, I might be able to field them one day even if I have to write the scenario for myself.

The models were very easy to put together, even the usually tricky ‘mounting the gun and shield’ bit and, as you can hopefully see, paint up nicely as well. I painted the crew figures (there are two manning the gun in the back) effectively on the sprue by cutting a small slit in a blister pack blister and fitting the tab on the end of the crewman figure into the slit. That was much easier than detaching them and trying to hold a small tab whilst painting.

PaK 36(r) 7.62mm AT Guns

Next up, and from the same 90th Light Africa Division boxset were some ex-Soviet anti-tank guns. These had been captured in 1941 and re-purposed for north Africa.

The models (metal guns with plastic crews) also went together very well, although I had the usual problems with getting the gun barrels absolutely straight after the mangling they had taken in the Battlefront factory and in transit. Is it really so hard to take what is arguably the most important part of the model, or certainly one of the most noticeable parts, and ask your staff to be particularly careful when extracting them from the mold?

Finally I was on to the first unit from the Kasserine box set: a zug of PaK 38 anti-tank guns. The whole box set is plastic, so these needed to be clipped from a sprue before use.

Pak 38 5cm AT guns

Now plastic gun barrels don’t bend like the metal ones but you have to very careful when clipping them from the sprue, as thin barrels can flex as the clippers go in and end up snapping…which is what happened to the gun at the back in the photo above. I glued the barrel back together, but it just looks wrong at most angles. How very annoying! Of course I could have scrabbled around in the bits box for a different barrel, or sent off for a replacement etc, but I was painting them now, so I didn’t, so will have to put up with the wonky barrel for evermore!

So that’s a fair start on the Afrika Korps. Nine Panzers to paint and then I’d better think about what infantry to buy…and what I’m going to paint from the lead mountain to justify that expenditure!


Vehicles and guns were undercoated with Army Painter Desert Yellow spray then washed with GW Agrax Earthshade. They were then dry-brushed with Vallejo Iraqi Sand.

Crew were undercoated with GW Wraithbone spray then the uniforms block painted using Vallejo Yellow Green. I painted this lot wearing full Afrika Korps uniforms, but when I come to do the infantry, there’ll be a mix of Afrika Korps green and Italian yellow elements i.e. trousers, tops, caps. The helmets, gas mask cases and webbing were Iraqi Sand. The whole figure was then washed using GW Agrax Earthshade. I had then intended to highlight using Yellow Green, and did on the crew for the Dianas but, to tell the truth, it didn’t make much difference, so I just highlighted the faces on the gun crews (forehead, nose, chin, cheeks).

IABSM AAR: Take the Ztarmerski Bridge!

Lovely looking game of IABSM posted onto the IABSM Facebook Group by Phil Turner.

The Wehrmacht is advancing across the Russian Steppe at speed. It is of vital importance that the Ztarmerski bridge over the river Korbynskia is taken before the Ivan’s have the opportunity to destroy it.

Click on the picture below to see the full AAR:

IABSM AAR: D-Day Spectacular

Here’s a superb write up of what looked like an absolutely cracking game of I Ain’t Been Shot Mum featuring another of Desmondo’s brilliant Sword Beach D-Day spectaculars.

The report is taken from Iain Fuller’s marvellous Tracks and Threads blog, and with extra pictures from the IABSM Facebook group.

Click on the picture below to see all:

IABSM AAR: Break-Through

For those of you who are on Facebook, I recommend joining the I Ain’t Been Shot, Mum group. People there answer questions about the rules, post up pictures of their forces, ideas for scenarios and, of course, after action reports.

Here’s one from James Moulding featuring late war action in a break-through scenario. Click on the picture below to see all.

IABSM AAR: Return to Le Haut-Perrier

I was adding another IABSM battle report to the 500+ already on the site (plenty more room: keep sending them in) when I noticed the links to five reports in particular were broken.

The reports were all from from the extremely talented Sergeant Perry: five different AAR featuring the same scenario from the Welsh Guards scenario pack played at the same convention back in August 2012.

The table set up and games look magnificent so, having repaired the links, I thought it worthwhile to highlight them again. Click on the links below to see all:

Sergeant Perry/01

Sergeant Perry/02

Sergeant Perry/03

Sergeant Perry/04

Sergeant Perry/05

And here are a couple of photos to whet your whistle:

IABSM AAR: September War #24: Ambush in the Beskides

My turn to host a game of I Ain’t Been Shot, Mum, so I chose a scenario from the first September War scenario pack that would allow me to field some of my new motorised infantry vehicles: #24 Ambush in the Beskides.

The game would feature a German attack on a prepared Polish position. The Germans would have the numbers, but had a time limit, and those Poles were very well dug in!

Click on the picture below to see all:

Polish Artillery Limbers

Whilst going through my Poles, I realised that I really needed some more horse-drawn artillery limbers. I looked around the web, but couldn’t find any matches to what I was after. The closest seemed to be the Peter Pig WW1 Russian artillery limber, pictured below:

This looked to be a lovely model, just crewed by chaps from the wrong nationality. No problem: Peter Pig also do an excellent range of spare heads, two of which (one set in Polish infantry helmets, one set in rogatwykas) I could use to convert the Russians into Poles.

The conversion itself is fairly easy. Snip off the existing head with a pair of pointed pliers, use a pin drill to bore a little hole in the now-headless torso, glue new head in place. It can sometimes be a bit fiddly, but you get better with practice and I would recommend having a go if ever you need to.

As you’d expect from the image above, the limbers came out very nicely indeed. Rather than my now-usual Contrast Paints, I matched with how I painted the original Poles with black undercoats, acrylics base painted on top, then an Agrax Earthshade wash, and finally some highlighting.

Job done!

IABSM AAR: Beyond Le Plessy

Yesterday’s post featured an After Action report from Des Darkin covering a game he ran for Iain Fuller and Philip Andrews.

Today’s post is the same game, but written up by Iain.

Usually I would combine the two AAR into one massive report, but both are such good AAR that I’ve decided to keep them separate.

Click on the picture below to see Iain’s colossal report on the second Plessy game:

Oddball and Bowser!

Not the worst named estate agents in the world, but a quick bit of painting to fill in the gaps between Six Nations matches!

First up are two 3D printed Shermans from Syborg.

When I was looking at re-photographing my US troops, I noticed that I was short the tank company HQ. At the same time, whilst browsing the Syborg website I noticed that they do an “oddball” version of a Sherman i.e. a Sherman tank with a loudspeaker mounted on the side in the same way as the one commanded by Donald Sutherland’s spaced out Oddball character in the film Kelly’s Heroes. This was too much of a happy coincidence to resist, so I bought two and clipped the speaker off one of them. I now have both my tank company HQ and a one-off model that could be used as an objective or for a specific scenario.

My only word of caution with these models is that they are a little bit bigger than a PSC plastic Sherman. It doesn’t really make that much of difference once gaming, but it is noticeable.

Second up is one of those delightful bits of tail that make the tabletop really come alive: a water bowser i.e. a truck that carries a tank full of, er, water or, as someone suggested for the Brits today, tea or gin & tonic!

This is also from Syborg, and I would emphasise that “in the flesh” you can’t see the layers built from the printing process as much as you can in the photo. In fact it’s a cracking little model that will go really well with my NAAFI truck and the fuel tanker that I already have.

So two “highly recommended” models from Syborg.

IABSM at Winter Wonder Lard

Last weekend saw another excellent Winter Wonder Lard at Bristol Independent Gamers. On show were games of Chain of Command, Sharp Practice, Strength & Honour, What a Cowboy and, of course, I Ain’t Been Shot Mum.

The IABSM game was based on the tank battle on the Calais - Dunkirk Road, near St.Omer on 22nd May 1940.

On That day a patrol sent out from the Calais defences reported German tanks on the road between Calais and Dunkirk and fighting towards St.Omer. Staff Officers at Calais disputed this, stating that there were no substantial German forces within 30 miles of St. Omer and this could only be a stray reconnaissance patrol.

A British Force was ordered towards St.Omer to drive off these random German troops, but came into contact with lead elements of 1st Panzer Division, who were attacking French troops on the edge of the town.

Click on the picture below to see all:

Sourcing a C4P Artillery Tractor

The next part of motorising my 1939 Polish collection was to add some artillery tractors.

Most artillery used horse-drawn limbers, but those attached to the two motorised units used the C4P artillery tractor: a half-tracked lorry. There were two versions of this vehicle: an early model with an open cab that was almost certainly obsolete by September 1939, and a later, closed cab version:

Being Polish and being early war, none of the main-stream manufacturers do a 15mm version of the C4P, so it was back to Syborg 3D Printing to see what Simon could sort for me (see previous post Motorising a Polish Infantry Company.

Simon quickly sent through the designs that he had been able to find: the standard, accepted versions of the C4P, which split into two versions: one with benches, one with benches and boxes.

Neither looked right to me, so I consulted the “bible” for Polish military vehicles: the PIBWL military site. That site (an invaluable tool for the September War wargamer) has a whole section on the C4P, including some more pictures, one of which clearly shows the vehicle from the rear:

A few things to note here:

I also read through the (excellent) Brushes & Bayonets post about actually making your own C4P by converting other models, with the author eventually going for something like this:

Whilst I am deeply impressed by someone being able to convert like that, I’m not sure it’s quite right. As I pointed out to Simon: “I'm pretty sure that everyone who has produced a model with lower benches and/or the boxes on the back is wrong. There's deffo no pictorial evidence for your rear end on the right, just a load of pictures of models that people have made over the years. On top of that, the description from that Polish website I sent you (the WW2 Polish vehicle bible for most people) does say Underneath high benches, especially in the rear, there were some stowage boxes of unexplained purpose the key word being ‘underneath’.

“I can see why people think what they do: it looks very precarious for the crewmen my way, but it's what's in the photos: the crewmen sit, effectively, on top of storage boxes, with not very much holding them in place!!!”

I then attempted a little design work of my own, using Powerpoint to mock up what I meant:

As I’ve said before, it all looks very precarious for the crews, but then for someone who’s previously sat on a seat behind a horse-drawn limber (which looks terrifying when at the gallop) this is probably the height of safety and security!

Simon’s next attempt was almost there:

But still not quite right. This time I sketched what I wanted: emphasising the height of the box-benches and the fact they run right the way to the back of the chassis (see image, right).

A Leonardo-like work worthy of inclusion in the Louvre, I’m sure you will all agree!

Within an hour or so I had the next iteration of Simon’s designs which, I am sure this time that you will all agree, look about as right as you are going to get considering the limitations of the medium:

Although not shown, there’s a spare wheel to be stuck on, and I think the addition of some seated crew will finish it off nicely.

If anyone has any comments or further info on the subject, please don’t hold back: I can’t find a clearer photo of the actual vehicle (a photo: not a model that someone had made or a picture that someone has drawn) showing the rear bed, but I can see that my crew will sit at the right height i.e. shoulders just above the top of the cab, backsides at the same height as the truck sides.

Now I know I should end this post with a “reveal” of the completed model painted up, based and ready to rock…but they haven’t arrived yet. Give the poor man a chance to print and post them to me as we only agreed the final design yesterday!

Rest assured that when they do arrive, they go straight to the front of the painting queue, so stay tuned for more!

IABSM AAR: Home Run at Osmanville

An excellent I Ain’t Been Shot Mum battle report for you to look at today, from Scott Miquelon’s equally excellent Little Soldier Painting Studio blog.

Scott has created a comic-book style AAR showcasing his solo game using the Home Run at Osmanville scenario from the 29 Let’s Go Large article in the TFL 2014 Christmas Special.

Click on the picture below to see all: