Panzergrenadier Schwerer Zug from FiB

Originally posted 25th December 2012

More of the Forged in Battle late war Germans: this time it's some of the half-tracks from the Panzergrenadier Schwerer Zug (Heavy Platoon).

In a genius bit of packaging, the FiB set comes with two SdKfz 251/2 (81mm mortars) and two SdKfz 251/9 (75mm gun): all you need for a standard schwerer zug. Each vehicle comes with crew and, as is normal for FiB, has an integral base.

Only one small problem: they are considerably shorter than my Plastic Soldier Company SdKfz 251/1 models, which is a bit of a pain no matter which manufacturer  has their models scaled correctly. No matter, however, I am sure the difference won' t be too noticeable on the tabletop.

SdKfz 251/8

SdKfz 251/9

AAR: The Centre of Yelna (Day 2)

Originally posted 20th December 2012

Those of you who follow this site regularly will remember that battle four in Benito's Vyazma or Bust! campaign had ended in a draw. Votes were called for, and the overwhelming response was for Benito to play the game again as if the Germans had renewed their assault on Yelna the next day.

Here's the report of what happened. Another close game!

Quadrant 13 Published!

Originally posted 14th December 2012

Quadrant 13 is now out and available to buy!

Here's the blurb about the launch from The Miniatures Page:

Lovers of science-fiction gaming are in for a real treat with the latest arrival from TooFatLardies. Penned by Robert Avery, Quadrant 13 are rules for company-plus-level actions in a science-fiction universe, using 6mm to 15mm figures. So, what are they all about?

As lovers of science-fiction gaming will know, the boom in the last couple of years has been the explosion of superb ranges of 15mm and smaller sci-fi figures and vehicles from a whole swathe of new companies with great ideas. What has been missing, for us at least, has been a "generic" set of science-fiction rules which can allow us to create our own worlds and cultures which we can then populate with these great new ranges.

But what do we mean by generic? Well, over the years, we have seen lots of sci-fi rulesets which are tied to a specific backdrop created by the publishers. Often this has involved a large slice of background "fluff" which is really only relevant to that particular universe. What we wanted to create was a set of hard sci-fi rules which were totally generic, allowing the gamer to develop his or her own setting using whatever races or technology levels they wanted. And Robert Avery was the man for the job!

Robert has worked with us to produce many scenario supplements in the past, and has been a long-time sci-fi gamer with a leaning to the hard side of the genre. He wanted to put together a set of rules where the gamer was in charge, and where the mechanisms were there to allow them complete freedom in their game design. Quadrant 13 is the result. 

Borrowing the game engine used for Charlie Don't Surf, our Vietnam rules, and I Ain't Been Shot, Mum!, our WWII rules, Robert took Quadrant 13 and applied a whole new layer of technological detail and sci-fi feel. Now you can field forces of differing technologies with a whole raft of settings. Quadrant 13 is a stand-alone game: no other rulebooks or supplements are necessary to play. The rules contain a guide to creating your forces as well as a scenario generator and several army lists. 

What is more, there are plenty of other lists are available on the author's own site. 

Quadrant 13 is available in printable PDF formt or as a navigable PDF designed for use on the iPad or similar tablets for just £9.50 GBP. If you'd like both, the bundle for both editions is £12.50 GBP.

German Support Units from Forged in Battle

Originally posted 9th December 2012

I've been wanting to get Forged in Battle's StuG support set for some time:  I love collecting the 'tail' elements of an army as well as its 'teeth'!

The Warfare show in Reading (well, Caversham if you want to be precise) gave me the opportunity. Even better, the stand they were on (West Wind Productions I think) had a five for four offer, so I bought the StuG support vehicles, some Hetzers, some half-tracks, some Pumas and some Marder IIIs.

I've only had the opportunity to paint the first lot of StuG support vehicles and the Hetzers and I must say I'm very impressed. I like the integral basing (all my vehicles are based: mainly for protection when handling and in transit), and the models take paint very well indeed.

StuG Support


Fallschirmjaeger 2cm FlakGuns

Originally posted 4th December 2012

Next, here are a couple of Fallschirmjaeger-manned 2cm FlaK 38 guns for the Germans. I haven't got many anti-aircraft assets for my WW2 armies, as IABSM doesn't really emphasise that aspect of things, but these two are a start. They are Battlefront models: easy to put together and paint...although I hate the way they don't sit flush to their bases. I might glue them down in a moment!

Oh, and the observant amongst you will note that I have the mounting stand round one way on one base and the other way on the other. Not intentional, I assure you, and a lesson to be learnt in paying attention!

Soviet Flamethrower Tanks from Zvezda

Originally posted 4th December 2012

I haven't had the time to do any actual gaming recently, what with getting Q13 ready and real-life work, but I have been painting a little.

First up, the excellent 15mm KhT-26 flamethrower tanks new from Zvezda. These cost only a couple of quid each, snap together in seconds, and paint up really easily. I'm a big fan of the Zvezda kits, and these babies will give the evil Germans a very nasty surprise!

AAR: Two from Vyazma via Madrid!

Originally posted 9th November 2012

Well, Benito and his friends in Spain are playing through the Vyazma or Bust campaign almost too fast for me to keep up with their battle reports!

Here are the AAR from the second and third games in the campaign.

First up is Belyj, second is On The Road to Pochinok.


On The Road To Pochinok

AAR: Two from Norseygamer

Originally posted 25th October 2012

A couple of battle reports from Norseygamer. These are both played solo in 20mm on an enormous 8" by 4" table!

Both are from scenario packs. The first is our first AAR from the new Blenneville or Bust! supplement (see below): British tanks and infantry attempt to capture Avaux.

Avaux from Blenneville or Bust!

Vyazma from Vyazma or Bust!

The second is from the Vyazma or Bust! supplement: the climatic battle in the campaign set on the outskirts of Vyazma. The Germans are attacking, and get a bit of a shock when the Soviet armoured train de-cloaks!

Blenneville or Bust! reviews from TMP

Originally posted 16th October 2012

"Already got mine – fantastic – can't wait to get them on the table. Well done Robert!"

"Downloaded mine to my tablet over lunch today and started to read it over. It's absolutely terrific. This is a campaign I'd love to get going on. All I need is a couple of enthusiastic players. Great work by Robert Avery."

"Just got it. The amount of work that has gone into this is incredible. It can quite easily be the basis of a 'finite' project if there is such a thing in our hobby. The blinds are provided to print out and there is a table detailing how many of each troop type is required for the whole campaign.
All the tables look to be 6x4 too. Superb"

"I agree …after a quick look over it looks absolutely brilliant…love the maps and scenarios and would be easily adapted to any system. Hugely professional looking product in keeping with everything I've got recently from the TFL"

Blenneville or Bust! published (IABSM Scenario Pack)

Originally posted 16th October 2012

My latest scenario pack for IABSM is now available to buy!

At 300 pages and 97,000 words, the Blenneville or Bust! campaign pack for the I Ain’t Been Shot, Mum! company-level WW2 rules is a whopper!

Blenneville or Bust! is a collection of fictional late war, western front scenarios set in a valley just south of the Normandy beaches a short time after the D-Day landings. US and British forces are attempting to drive through the German defences in the Ribeaux valley in order to break out into the open country beyond, the Germans are trying to stop them.

The pack contains thirty-one individual scenarios set up in a five-step pyramid campaign i.e. scenario 1 leads to either scenario 2A or 2B; the result of this second game leads to one of scenarios 3A, 3B, 3C or 3D; and so on until scenarios 5A to 5P. Although written as a fictional campaign booklet, no two scenarios are the same: each is unique and is also designed to be played as an individual game.

No need for any preparation: each scenario contains a full briefing for the Umpire and for each player. All you have to do is print out the three briefings, set up the table according to the map, make up the deck from the list of required cards, break out the figures and dice, and start the first turn.

The campaign is structured so that you'll get maximum use of the standard forces presented in Battle for Liberation, with well-designed and balanced scenarios for IABSM, or indeed any company level rule set you happen to game with.

Blenneville or Bust! contains an introduction, details of the campaign structure and forces involved, fifteen different maps (some games are played across the same terrain, albeit in a different direction), thirty-one different scenarios, and a collection of templates allowing you to print off Blind markers as appropriate. Please note, you don't need to print this out like a book (although you can if you wish): Blenneville or Bust! is designed to allow you to just print the scenarios as you use them.

Sample Briefing:

More Soviet WW2 Planes from Little Fokkers

Originally posted 14th October 2012

Two more 'planes from the Old Glory Lil' Flyin' Fokkers range: the Polikarpov biplane that I remember fondly from Johnny Red and the Ilyushin IL-2 Sturmovik which I suspect will appear more often than the others.

Polikarpov Biplane

Ilyushin IL-2 Sturmovik