Napoleonic AAR: Ostrolenka by Zoom

Having very much enjoyed my first remote wargame last week, I took part in another last night: a Napoleonic clash between the Russians and the French based on the battle of Ostrolenka, 16th February 1807.

Re-enactors fight Ostrolenka

This was run quite differently to my last remote game. Three players a side, with initial briefings sent out a couple of days before the battle itself. Once all on Zoom and initial banter done, each side was put into its own breakout room, where we waited until our “Chief of Staff” (Edward: the gamemaster, or GM, for want of a better word) arrived to either (a) give a report on the progress of our troops and take orders or (b) escort us on a tour of the battlefield, or at least those parts of it that it was judged that we could see.

Screenshot of a battlefield tour

Screenshot of a battlefield tour

This last was particularly clever, as the GM had hooked up two mobile phones to the Zoom session, so each breakout room had four participants: three players and a camera. Rather than being the traditional wargame helicopter view, however, the ‘phone (with its camera) was only turned on when we elected to tour the battlefield, and was held in a way that showed us only what we could see from horseback. As it was a misty day, this meant that we could only see certain sectors of the battlefield each time we toured, and only see a short way in front of our most forward troops.

This meant that, as commanders, we really felt the “fog of war”: issuing orders based only on the reports we received and, if we did tour the battlefield, we had to wait until our next turn to issue orders based on what we had seen. A novel experience for those used to the traditional wargamer omniscience!

Introduction To The Game

Steve, Bevan and I were the Russians, facing Dave, Peter and Trevor as the French. Here’s an extract from the Russian briefing that sets the scene:

Following the costly battles, especially the blood-bath at Eylau, which drew the 1806 campaigning to a close, the opposing armies of France and Russia have both paused as the winter takes grip. Prussia has collapsed and Berlin fallen to Napoleon, but the French have found it harder to make headway against the Russian forces.

General Bennigsen, who has the bulk of the Russian army to your North, has ordered you to threaten and throw back the French right flank, which is anchored at Ostrolenka, so as to cause Napoleon to withdraw from his winter quarters. To achieve this you have been given a significant portion of the Army of Moldavia: Volkonski’s and Sedmarkatzki’s Divisions.

Well before dawn your two divisional commanders, who have their units ranged North of Ostrolenka on both sides of the River Narew, have arrived to receive your instructions.

They’ve both assured you that they are ready to move before sunrise, and that cavalry scouts have located French units at Ostrolenka. A captured enemy soldier says that they are not expected to break camp soon.

The Russian Plan

Seeking to achieve a concentration of force, we elected to keep all our forces west of the river Narew, effectively attempting to attack down the axis of the Kadzidlo Road. We didn’t necessarily expect to get that far west and south without first encountering the French, but the plan was to follow that strategy as much as possible until we did run into the enemy.

Our strongest division, Volkonski’s, would therefore march down the Zbotna Road until the end of the Sandy Hills, then loup around to the west. Our second division, Sedmarkatzki’s, would march down the line of the west bank of the river.

Once we encountered the enemy, we planned to deploy all our artillery and pound them to death, with Sedmarkatzki covering the guns and awaiting an opportunity to punch forward, whilst Volkonski kept edging around Ostrolenka to the west, pushing forward against what we assumed would be the far left of the French line.

GM’s Summary of the Action

(my thanks to Edward, who has also provided an excellent time-lapse video of the action, link below )

Before dawn the Russian leader General Essen sent both his divisions, led by Generals Volkonski and Sedmarkatzski, South towards the important town of Ostrolenka, in the valley West of the River Narew, hoping to concentrate his force and overwhelm the French. The strategic Russian aim was to threaten Napoleon’s southern flank, as he settled into his Winter quarters following the battle at Eylau.

The French corps commander, General Savary, made his dispositions as dawn broke, with Suchet’s division out to the East of the town, Gazan’s men to the North in the valley, Becker’s cavalry covering the left flank, and Oudinot’s three brigades of elite grenadiers held in reserve.

The Russians proceeded cautiously, deploying guns and spreading their rather crowded forces up onto the hills North-West of the town.

Becker’s dragoons mounted some charges up the hill, attacking Volkonski’s division, which was on the Russian right flank. Casualties mounted, with the Russians generally coming off the best and one of Becker’s brigades routed.

Savary, hearing that there were no Russians East of the river, eventually re-called Suchet back to Ostrolenka, but meanwhile the Russians increased the pace of their attacks and pressed on. Gazan came under increasingly heavy pressure, falling back, while Oudinot’s French grenadiers, which had been held in reserve, were committed by Savary to shore up his left flank. In fact, they took the attack to Volkonski’s forces with considerable success as the afternoon wore on.

As the light faded, Sedmarkatzki’s lead brigades pressed the attack more forcefully down the line of the river, advancing to within a few hundred paces of the town and capturing some French guns. Suchet having been inexplicably slow in coming West was too late to buttress the French position satisfactorily. Oudinot’s successes on the French left flank could not be followed up.

Although not a disaster for Savary, the French casualties were significantly higher, and as night fell he pulled his shaken corps away to the South, leaving Ostrolenka to the Russians. Napoleon, with the main French army to the North, was forced to detach a further corps to rescue his right flank. Historians have recorded this as a minor but important victory for the Russians under General Ivan Essen.

Historical Note

In reality Sedmarkatzki’s powerful division never made it to this battle, having been ordered North the day before. Essen none-the-less planned two separate attacks from the North against Ostrolenka. Savary, with the advantages of interior lines and numbers, was able to repulse the Russian probes in detail and secure the French position.

French Commander’s Report

(my thanks to Dave for this)

My Emperor,

I am hoping that Gerard has carried the news to you of our tactical withdrawal from Ostrlenka. Knowing how you planned to stetch the Russian Army and make it fight over too large an area for its pathetic logistic chain, I’m sure you will appreciate the efforts which have gone into this achievement.

I would wish to pay due respects to the brave men who fell for La France on the 16me, and also to the tenacity and audacity of Generals Gazan and Oudinot who fought against great odds with all their might.

Sadly I have to recommend to you that certain officers be recalled from their posts for not achieving the standards you so reasonable expect of your senior officers. Gen Debelle, although commanding one of the finest Light Cavalry Brigades in the Army, somehow failed to observe and report the entire Russian army being within a km of his position whilst Gen Becker sadly failed to maintain sufficient discipline of his Division, such that one Brigade of our finest heavy cavalry charged the enemy without orders and were effectively destroyed. Such indiscipline cannot be tolerated in the Grande Armee, we pride ourselves on not behaving like British cavalry!

You may well wish to interview Gen Suchet yourself, his tardiness in obeying his orders to withdraw cost us many casualties and compounded his initial error in advancing too far from his assigned position, although he did later make every effort to redeem himself and valiantly led his men into the fray.

I believe the Russians will now be critically extended and ripe for your offensive.

Vive La France

Anne-Jean-Marie-Rene Savary, General de V Corps


A narrow victory for the Russians and a great evening’s gaming. The fog of war experience worked really well, with our command team very much having to issue division-level orders as we didn’t really know the exact position of any of the brigades: ours or the enemy’s!

Our plan worked, although not as overwhelmingly as we had thought it would. Our guns, although acting to the overall plan, could have done with a better deployment tactically to maximise the effect of their fire; and we needed to keep better control of Volkonski out on the far right. We only just got Sedmarkatzki into the fight in time, although that did mean that our reserve cavalry were perfectly positioned to repulse the French infantry crossing the frozen river. The French Grenadiers, under Oudinot, really caused us problems. Without their intervention, or rather their highly successful intervention, we would have won a more resounding victory.

An excellent experience, and one I’m looking forward to repeating soon.

TFL Painting Challenge: A Third January Update

Lots of entries in again this week, with some people submitting their third of even fourth entry of the year.

As usual, my advice is to browse the individual galleries, but here’s a taster for you to enjoy:


With no sign of any real-life games on the horizon, I decided to bite the bullet and ask to join a virtual game of I Ain’t Been Shot Mum run by my friend Bevan.

My previous reluctance to try anything virtual was mainly down to the fact that I spend a lot of the day working via Zoom now, and although it is truly a marvelous communication tool, it’s also quite draining to use. Nevertheless, with the Beardless King (daughter #2) busy with schoolwork and Kavan (daughter #1’s boyfriend) back at Uni, it was Zoom or nowt!

The scenario was a simple one set in France 1940. I would play the Germans, and would start the game in situ defending a bridge against an anticipated attack by a French armoured column. At my disposal I had three Big Men, a platoon of infantry, a platoon of anti-tank guns, and a support platoon consisting of a couple of MMG teams.

Click on the picture below to see what happened:

Even More Grudd (Space Dwarves)

Finally got around to finishing the last of the latest batch of 15mm Grudd space dwarves from Onslaught Miniatures.

Absolutely lovely figures with loads of character and a really chunky physique that takes the paint very well. These are undercoated with a metallic spray from Halfords, then spot painted with normal acrylics.

First up is a platoon of Grudd Jarlsmen. This is the fourth or maybe even the fifth basic infantry type from Onslaught, making it easy to add variety and differentiate between units.

You can see the detail and character in the figures in the strip of individuals, below:

Finally, for the moment I hope, is a Grudd Ancient One carried by his retinue. Not exactly sure how useful this figure will be on the battlefield - I think he might be a bit easy to spot and, as you know, when playing Q13 if you can see it you can generally kill it! - but it’s a great fun piece anyway.

Let’s hope Onslaught keep going with the range: perhaps some AFVs now?

TFL Painting Challenge: A Second January Update

I can see that you are all now gearing up for this year’s Challenge! Today we have five first entries of the year, one newcomer’s first entry ever, and three people already adding to their score. Impressive!

As always, I recommend a visit to the individual galleries, but here’s a taster of what you will find there:

More Grudd (Space Dwarves)

Onslaught Miniatures produce a wide selection of sci-fi figures that are available in the UK from Vanguard Miniatures. My interest is in their 15mm Grudd or space dwarf range.

This beautifully chunky range of figures has formed a solid chunk of my space dwarf army since they were first launched, so I was really please about a year ago when they added three types of artillery to the collection. I ordered these, then realised that there weren’t really any crew figures to go with them. I could have used normal infantry, but putting the two together just didn’t look right.

Not one to be easily put-off, I e-mailed Onslaught suggesting they do some crew, and got a fairly rapid “great idea” response. So I added the guns to the lead mountain and thought no more about them.

Until, that is, Onslaught announced the next wave of Grudd were now ready for pre-order…and what a wave it was!

Not only was there a new pack of infantry (Jarlsmen, but more of them at a later date) but a whole new selection of officer types and, drum roll please, a pack of weapons engineers to crew the artillery.

Look at those beauties: not just generic empty-hand types but properly thought out castings that lift the entire range.

I am loving all of the five, especially the chap with the huge spanner and the two with the extra arm. Proper dwarf engineers!

These went straight to the front of the painting queue (although it did take me a bit of time to find the guns again!) joining four of the Big Men types: the Warlord, the Old One, the Engineer Lord, and the Warlord on a motortrike. Here are the Big Men:

I do like the Engineer Lord with his two extra arms!

I’ve also had a chance to produce the three artillery pieces as well:

Cracking models, and I like the idea of the Seismic Inducers. All I have to do now is work out how to chrome them in Q13!

All the Grudd are painted with a metallic car spray bought from Halfords: Vauxhall Nautilus Green IIRC. I use that both as an undercoat and as an overcoat on armour and metal. I then paint various bits of detail using standard acrylic metallics (mainly silver and a dull gold) and then anything else with standard acrylics as well.

TFL Painting Challenge: First Update of the Year

I see some of you are using lockdown wisely and getting your first entries of the year under your collective belts!

Today we have first entries from Lloyd Bowler, Chris Kay, John Emmett and Jason Ralls; and more entries from Travis Hiett and Joe McGinn. Do check out the individual galleries, but here’s a selection of what they’ve sent in so far:

Still plenty of time to get started. It’s lockdown inside, so no gaming to be done. It’s cold outside, very cold, so no gardening or other chores to distract! Let’s pick up those brushes and get painting!

The Truth About A 10ft Pole!

Not much going on wargaming wise, so a more whimisical post today.

I was listening to Daughter #2 playing Dungeons & Dragons over Zoom last night, and the party of adventurers was deep underground in a traditional dungeon crawl setting. They were cautiously feeling their way through a section of the complex they were in, wary of traps, so using a 10ft pole to check the flagstones and ceiling in front of them. It brought back happy memories of doing the same thing when I used to roleplay on a regular basis: sometimes the whole party would have a 10ft pole tucked away somewhere on their equipment list.

This actually made me chuckle to myself because I now actually have a 10ft pole…well, it’s actually a 9½ foot long dragon staff for my wing chun kung fu. Although not part of the original wing chun system, as the eponymous nun apparently never learnt it, it was re-introduced at a later date. As with a lot of martial arts history, things are a bit murky as to how and why. Some say it is part of the Shaolin armoury (although they tend to use a shorter, 6ft, more flexible staff: what the Japanese would call a bo and what westerners would call a quarterstaff), some say that it comes from the poles used by boatmen on the rivers of southern China. Likewise, it’s either a weapon of awesome length, or something more designed to build up strength in the wrist, arms, core and posture.


Why did I laugh? Well, you have to understand that this thing is long: 9½ foot long to be exact. As you can see in the photo, the only place in the house that it can come close to standing upright is in the stairwell. Manouevring it from the stairwell to the front or back door to use the thing in the garden (as it doesn’t fit anywhere else) is a nightmare: you clatter off this wall or that, knock the lightshades all over the place, and generally make a right nuisance of yourself. It’s made worse if you happen to also have your hands full of other equipment e.g. a set of ‘chucks or butterfly swords.

So the chuckling comes from the thought of a party of 5 or 6 adventurers, all with a 10ft pole stuffed somewhere in their luggage, moving quietly through a dungeon. To bring things back to wargaming, it would be like trying to manouevre an entire phalanx through a tube train tunnel! Not only would everyone be bashing into everyone else, but the noise would attract every wandering monster for miles around.

Mind you, a friend of mine does have a naginata that breaks down into three separate pieces…

My First Painting of 2021

No games to be had due to COVID, so it was back to the painting table for the first weekend of the new year.

First finished was a unit of Indian javelinmen. I now have enough Classical Indians to field 130 points worth, but adding various other units to the collection will give me a bit of flexibility of army list and allow me to, at a stretch, field other Indian armies such as the Vedics and Tamils.

As with the rest of the collection, these are 15mm Museum Miniatures painted with GW Contrast Paints.

Next up are some odds and ends that I really painted to give myself a rest from the Classical Indians: some 15mm Essex Confederate infantry that I had half painted a number of years ago.

I’m a bit torn with these Rebs: I have about 120 infantry done painted in a very similar fashion to the above. The trouble is, I don’t like them very much! I like the officers that I’ve just finished off, above, using Contrast Paints, but the rank and file that were mostly done using standard acrylics, and mostly done quite badly quite a few years ago, just don’t appeal. Part of the problem is that I like my units looking neat and light, and these look a bit dark and gloomy.

So, what to do? Do I discard the 120 that are done and start again, painting at a better standard than I could manage then, or do I use them as a refresher between other jobs just to get the army done: after all, will I really notice when they are on the table?

Answers on a postcard to the usual e-mail address or as a comment on this post…

First of the 2021 Painting Challenge Entries

No sooner have we said goodbye to the 2020 Painting Challenge then along come the first entries into the 2021 Painting Challenge!

Joe McGinn once again takes the trophy for the first entry of the year, but only just…as Travis, Stumpy and myself were very close behind.

Here’s what’s been submitted so far:

Details on how to enter are on the Introduction & Details page under the TFL Painting Challenge heading in the NavBar, above. All welcome: you don’t have to play TwoFatLardies games to enter…but it helps!

Here’s to another great year of the Challenge, so pick up those brushes and get painting!

Last of the 2020 Painting Challenge Entries

Here are a few stragglers from the TFL 2020 Painting Challenge…a huge “catch up” entry from Matt Slade, two last minute entries from Sapper, two from Andy Duffell, two from Joe McGinn, and one from Mervyn.

Here’s a selection of what they sent in:

2020: A Year in Review

And what a year it has been! Let’s look at what I accomplished:


15mm ECW Command from Essex

You can see my achievements in the Vis Bellica 2020 Painting Challenge gallery, but in summary I managed 1,726 points; down a bit from last year and the year before but still my third highest from the seven years that the challenge has been running. I think this year’s score was down a bit because I’ve been concentrating on Ancients and English Civil War (ECW) i.e. lots of infantry and cavalry but no vehicles.

I had three main projects, all in 15mm: my English Civil War collection, a Marian Roman army, and a Classical Indian army. All three went from no figures to enough to field an army for a game, with the ECW collection actually being enough to field both sides. I put this down to the new GW Contrast paints: being able to achieve the same effect as layer painting with one coat of paint made a huge difference, especially when painting horses.

Other than the three main projects, when lockdown first happened I made a concerted effort to clear some of the half-finished projects from the lead mountain. These were mainly the odd sci-fi unit, and included some of Khurasan’s excellent 15mm figures.

Ruag from Khurasan

I also managed to bring some half-finished Ancients armies up to scratch for To The Strongest (TTS): including the Hoplite Greeks and the 100 Year War English.

So, on the whole, a good year for painting, with enough on the painting table in terms of extra Marian Romans, extra Alexandrian Macedonians and extra Classical Indians to keep me occupied until I decide on my next project. I also want to add a few more ECW units to my collection, and I have a whole load of Onslaught Miniatures excellent Grudd on their way as well.

Classical Indians and Marian Romans


With 42 games played in 2020, this has been my most prolific year by a long way. These broke down as follows:

  • Ancients: 21

  • Fantasy: 1

  • Pike & Shot: 14

  • WW2: 6

I put this huge increase down to two factors. Firstly, I played a lot more games based on the Big Red Bat’s grid-based system i.e. To The Strongest and For King & Parliament (FK&P). These are a lot quicker to set up and play than my usual TooFatLardies company-sized systems (I Ain’t Been Shot, Mum (IABSM); Charlie Don’t Surf (CDS); Quadrant 13 (Q13)) so I could sometimes get three separate games into one session.

I still love playing IABSM, but it’s an hour to set up, 3-4 hours to play, then an hour to take back down again: a real commitment as opposed to playing TTS which I can get done from start to finish in two to three hours.

A scene from the Cookham Moor scenario for For King & Parliament

The second factor is that we had Daughter #1’s boyfriend staying with us for the three months of lockdown over the summer, and it turns out that this excellent young man really enjoys wargaming. He’d never tried it before, but took to it like a veteran, and having an opponent in the house and ready to play anytime makes a huge difference.

All I need to do now is get him trapped back here again for January!

IABSM: Eastern Front Action

IABSM: Eastern Front Action


Way too much money spent this year! well, I say that, but it was all very worth while.

Most of my cash went on the raw lead for my new armies. Particular kudos for excellent miniatures and service from:

  • Magister Militum as a source for

    • Hallmark for ECW

    • Baueda for Marian Romans

  • Museum Miniatures for Classical Indians

  • Peter Pig for ECW

  • Khurasan for ECW Scots

And not forgetting the faithful stalwarts of:

  • Warbases (anything bases!)

  • GW (Contrast Paints)

With an honourable mention to Boontown for terrain basing materials as well. All the above are highly recommended as a source of wargaming goodies.

Further kudos to the following who took up my suggestions and produced:

  • Museum Miniatures: a two-horse chariot for their Classical Indians

  • Onslaught Miniatures: some engineer/artillery crew and high command space dwarves to complement their Grudd range

  • Warbases: for supplying all sorts of custom bases for me


My Last Effort: October 2019 :(

My Last Effort: October 2019 :(

Embarrassingly, nothing published at all this year: the pressures of real-life work taking over. Although COVID and Lockdown meant there was much less business around, you had to work extra hard to even get that over the finish line. That means my last publication remains the early war Blitzkrieg in the East Part 1: Japan for IABSM, published October 2019.

On the plus side, however, I have 8½ scenarios of a planned 12 finished for an ECW fictional scenario pack for FK&P. I had intended to knuckle down and get them done over Christmas, but it will now be later in the new year that they are ready.

My plans for the new year also include the Allied equivalent of the Japan blitzkrieg supplement…but so varied are the forces involved that I think it will be real effort to get it done.

This Blog

About 22,500 page views this year: up from a low point of 20,000 in 2019, but still not as high as the peak of 32,000 we received in 2018. Not sure why that is. Could be something to do with the fact that more oomph from TFL goes into Chain of Command and Infamy! Infamy!, with IABSM, CDS and Q13 left to largely fend for themselves, so there’s less interest in the marketplace in the majority of our content.

That said, there’s been a lot of TTS and FK&P After Action Reports (AARs) on the site, featuring the games I’ve played in, which I’ve promoted on Lead Adventure, Facebook and the TTS forum. Maybe it’s something to do with not posting pointers to my AAR on The Miniatures Page, but I felt I should support TFL in the contretemps that happened between the two earlier this year.

More FK&P Action, this time at Cockmarsh

More FK&P Action, this time at Cockmarsh

I also read somewhere that blogs are going “out of fashion”, replaced by Facebook posts, but I can’t think that that is true: here the content is presented in an easy-to-read format and is easily searchable, as opposed to FB groups which, once a few days have passed, seems to consign their content to the void!

I’ve also stopped putting direct links from the TFL Painting Challenge posts to the individual galleries. I know they are nice to have, but adding them to an update post could add 30-45 minutes to the work involved, and I’m already spending 2-3 hours a week just processing entries.

If anyone has any ideas or content that they’d like to see (which also fits in to the site as a whole) then feel free to comment or drop me a line.

The Painting Challenge

Talking of the Painting Challenge, this continued strong in 2020, although we only had twenty-six entrants this year, down from thirty-three in 2019.

Still, lots of excellent work submitted, and I know how much of a spur it is to those who do take part from the lovely comments and e-mails I get throughout the year. This year, I even met up with one entrant from the States, who happened to be on holiday in Edinburgh at the same time I was.

The Painting Challenge will continue in 2021: I’ve just got to convert more individual-page AARs into blog-post AARs in order to free up some space on the website (limited pages, unlimited blog posts!)

Conclusion and 2021

Which brings us neatly full circle. In conclusion, a good year for my wargaming hobby despite COVID, lockdown, pressures from work etc. I’m hoping that 2021 will be equally productive both in terms of games played, figures painted, scenario packs published and blog posts written.

Finally, a Happy New Year to you all, and thanks for your support over the last twelve months.

Robert Avery

TTS AAR: Classical Indians versus Caesarian Romans

After six weeks of hard painting, helped by Lockdown 2 and the Christmas holidays, the Classical Indians are ready to hit the tabletop, and what better occasion to test them out than what is almost certain to be the final battle of the year.

My usual wargaming opponents were again unavailable due to the lockdown (it’s about two degrees Centigrade, so a little cold to game outside) so I fell back on the ever-reliable Daughter #2. We decided to play a straight up, 130 points a side game of To The Strongest: I obviously wanted to play with my newly finished Indians, so she decided to fall back on her favourite Caesarian Romans, once again adopting the persona of the Beardless Proconsul.

So a loss for their first outing, but actually not as bad a loss as I had thought. My massed longbow fire did cause the Romans real problems in the initial stages of the battle, and had that unit of legionaries on my right not held out against overwhelming odds, then I think the day would have been mine.

Lots of lessons learnt: the most important one being to put a unit of elephants on the wing where the chariots aren’t: an elephants versus Gauls match up might well have gone my way as the Gallic horses don’t like pachyderms and suffer big penalties in combat.

Anyway, another cracking game of TTS, and a fitting end to a great year’s gaming.

TFL Painting Challenge: Another Batch of Last Minute Entries

There’s still time to get your last painting of the year done: as usual, I’ll be taking entries right up to midnight tomorrow and, maybe if you’re lucky and can convince me that you finished them within 2020, late entries as well.

Meanwhile, Derek, Chris and Sapper have sent in their last entries of the year. I recommend visiting their individual galleries, but here’s a selection of their latest work:

I’m sure you’ll also all be pleased to know that I will be running the challenge again next year, so clean up those painting stations, buy some new brushes, and get ready to rock in 2021!

Classical Indians: The Elephants

An important part of any Classical Indian army are the elephants. They can form the spearhead of your attack: stomping any enemy units into submission. They are particularly useful against cavalry-based armies who haven’t encountered pachyderms before.

As with the rest of my Classical Indians , my elephants are from Museum Miniatures’ 15mm CAD-designed “Z” range, and very pretty they are too:

They were also very easy to paint: time-consuming, in that there’s a lot of elephant and crew to produce, but much easier to turn out than I had anticipated.

The elephants themselves are painted with a single coat of GW Contrast Basilicum Grey. Then each under-blanket is painted a dark colour, with the over-blanket a contrasting lighter colour. The rather natty designs on the over-blanket are actually WW2 tank decals (Soviet IIRC), and have turned out even better than I expected.

I painted the crew in situ but, if I have to paint any more, may consider painting them separately then mounting them. It’s 50/50: it’s fiddly to paint them in place, but quite difficult to get them mounted well, so you could ruin a paint job messing around trying to get completed crew figures in place.

TFL Painting Challenge: More Entries In Before The 31st December Deadline

Here’s another batch of last-minute entries into the 2020 TooFatLardies Painting Challenge. As usual, I recommend visiting the individual galleries, but here’s a selection to look at for a bit of instant gratification:

Still plenty of time to get your last entries in!

Classical Indian Heroes

Regular visitors will know that I am currently painting up a 15mm Classical Indian army using Museum Miniatures excellent “Z” range of CAD designed figures.

I had said that the next element to be worked on were the elephants: a massive task involving a mix of the elephants themselves (six of them) and their escorts (a load of light infantry types). I mounted the crew figures on their steeds, fixed them all to painting bases (a mixture of lolly sticks for the foot and bits of card for the nellies), sprayed them, and then wondered what I would do whilst I waited for them to dry. Gone are the days of sitting there with a hair dryer: with Tier 4 in full swing, I didn’t have any opponents anyway! I needed a quick painting fix, so decided to paint up the five “Heroes” that had sitting on the sidelines awaiting some attention.

Heroes need, in my opinion, to stand out from the crowd a bit, so what better figures to use than a selection from the “Indian or Arab Hordes” pack that Museum do. These are both striking and unusual, and suited what I wanted down to the ground:

I am loving these poses, and the way the figures are sculpted really allows the Contrast paint to do its work as well. The first two heroics - the chap kneeling down with a spear and the chap holding the two rocks - are some of my favourite casts ever. The close up shots reveal the sloppiness in my painting style, but they look really, really good when viewed at wargaming distance.

Highly recommended.

TFL 2020 Painting Challenge: The Final Stretch

Well I’ve finished work for Christmas, so that must mean that it’s also the final stretch in this year’s TooFatLardies Painting Challenge.

As you gird your loins to paint, photograph and send in your final entries, the latest batch of other’s people’s work has now been posted. Make sure you check out the individual galleries and Scorecard, but here’s a taster:

Lard Magazine 2020

Just a note that the 2020 Lard Magazine in now on sale. Highly recommended: packed full of Lard goodness.

Get your copy by clicking here.

Lard Magazine 2020 brings you a fabulous feast of Lard, and at 180 pages is a Bullseye when it comes to wargaming fun. 

Scenarios, complete campaigns, rules amendments, fresh periods to game, previews of future rule sets, build projects unveiled and a whole host of other wargaming fun, written by wargamers for wargamers. 

Lard Magazine is in PDF format and designed to be viewed on a table such as an iPad or android for easy reading.

Here’s a full list of the contents.

FORCES OF THE 100 DAYS:  A guide to the troops of the campaign of Waterloo for Sharp Practice.  British, French, Hanoverians, KGL, Dutch-Belgians, Brunswickers, Prussians and more with full army lists and support options along with new troop characteristics.  From the pen of Sharp Practice aficionado Joe McGinn. WACHT AM SAMBRE:  The Prussians take on the French Armee du Nord as they advance into Belgium

RESUPPLY HOUGOUMONT:  A scenario to accompany the 100 Days guide sees action. on the British right at Waterloo.

PUNCH UP AT PLANCENOIT:  A classic action to the East of La Belle Alliance sees the French attempt to stop the Prussian juggernaut.  

MICRO MAP MAKING:  Sidney Roundwood is released from a high security institution to show us how he makes some stunning campaign maps

ALL THE KINGS MEN VERSUS DRACULA:  The Price of Darkness takes on the House of Stuart in a blood curdling scenario set in Whitby.  A creepy classic from the pen of David Hiscocks.

SOLO CHAIN OF COMMAND:  From the Welsh valleys comes an Artificial Intelligence called Bond.  Geoff Bond.

INCH HIGH ROVING EYE:  Mike Whittaker presents some technological insight for gaming IABSM over Zoom from a soldier’s eye viewpoint.

FILIBUSTERS!  Colin Murray introduces some Manifest Destiny for Sharp Practice from the 1840’s and 1850’s down Mexico Way…and a bit of Canada.

EX ADIPIS SUILLAE:  No thanks, I had one earlier! David Hunter presents an epic of the ancient world as he campaigns through Britannia in the 1st Century AD with Infamy, Infamy!

GLIDERS, CROSS THE MERSEY:  Kevin Pierce calls out the Home Guard as Fallschirmjäger land in Liverpool.

BOMBS AWAY:  It’s Squadron Leader Johnny Danger taking to the skies again as he offers some tips on bombing in Bag the Hun.

TO THE VOLGA!:  International YouTube Superstar, Alex Sotheran attacks into Stalingrad with some ideas for Solo IABSM during Lockdown

BETWEEN THE MOUNTAINS AND THE SEA:  Always one for a large Falx, Yorkshire’s own John Savage presents some 100% unofficial lists for Dacians in Infamy, Infamy!

HOME FRONT:  Who do you think you’re kidding Mr ‘Itler?  Britain prepares to stand alone and sticks two fingers up to the enemy across the Channel.  Yes, it is (of course!) 1940 and a bumper handbook for Britain’s Home Front and Chain of Command.   

24 HOURS FROM ROMFORD:  “This is not a drill…”  German landings in East Anglia threaten to wrong foot Britain’s high command, only the Home Guard stand between the capital and the rampaging Jerries.  A Pint-Size Campaign for Operation Sea Lion.

A LOOK AT ‘O’GROUP:  Sidney Roundwood interviews Housewife’s favourite Dave Brown about what we can expect from the forthcoming WWII Battalion size rules.

SMALL FOOTPRINT TERRAIN:  Oddcast host and wargaming Glitterati, Sidney, proves what they say about small footprints with this fabulous terrain building article.

SCRAMBLING FOR SUPPLIES:  Olve Kroknes straps on  on his skis as he heads for Narvik to refight a Chain of Command action in the (snow) shoes of his grandfather.

SHE WAS ONLY THE MAGISTRATE’S DAUGHTER…  An AWI scenario for Sharp Practice tells a heart rending tale of  woe.  Can our heroes escape to victory?