IABSM AAR: Storming the Citadel IV

Will Depusoy and friends have been playing through the PSC Storming the Citadel campaign set during the battle of Kursk , 1943, and posted this After Action Report on the IABSM Facebook group.

Here, the Soviet 67th Guards tries to hold the village of Butovo against German Grossdeutschland divison.

Click on the picture below to see all:

TTS AAR: British Open Game 3: Early Imperial Romans versus Galatians

My third game at this year British Open at SELWG was against Tim and his Galatians.

Galatians are a unique army: like Gauls or Ancient Britons, but nearly all deep fanatical warrior units with loads of heroes. It was going to be tough to chew my way through them!

Neither Tim nor I were in the mood for any shilly-shallying around or tactics or anything like that: both battle lines headed for the other determined to get stuck in as soon as possible:

Annoyingly, one of Tim’s units burst through the Auxilia and made it into an undefended part of my camp.

Honours were even on my right: whilst most of my cavalry were forced to retreat, the Contariorum smashed an enemy unit off the table, and threatened to wreak havoc in the Galatian rear (ooh-er, madam!) despite the threat of scythed chariots.

On my left, I was cautious about his cavalry swinging wide around the wood and coming in from the flank. I therefore held back a unit of Legionaries against that threat: something that I was very glad I had done when suddenly a couple of chariot units appeared from off-table on that side - good use of the stratagem card that I thus neutralised by accident!

So, as ever, it was up to the main body of Legionaries to do the job…and they did. Pushing forward relentlessly, the Praetorians and other veteran units smashed three enemy units from the field, giving me a pretty narrow 13-9 victory.

So not much finesse, but a win. A warning to those intending to fight Galatians: those warrior units are tough! Three hits to kill them, they rally easily, and ignore wounds until they are dead. A battle I was glad to get through!

Militiae Spearmen for the Italo-Normans

One of the last things I needed for my Italo-Normans was at least one unit of Militiae: militia spearmen that would need to be distinct from the Sicilian Spearmen and Mercenary Spearmen I already have.

I used mostly Baueda figures for these: they are simpler to paint than the excellent Museum Miniatures Z range that forms the greater part of my Norman collection…something important when you have to paint 54 of them!

I used the Museum command figures and, as Magister Militum hadn’t managed to get me all the Baueda models I needed, leavened the mass with a couple of spare Museum Normans: you can see them in the centre of the front rank, and the crossbowman far left.

Unlike the Sicilians and other Norman Spearmen, I wanted these chaps to look like a militia which, to me, means some kind of uniform. At the same time, I didn’t want them exactly uniform either: these are militia not the guards!

My solution was to paint the mass of the spear in three different shades of one colour: in this case, green. Now they look like they all come from the same unit, but that different tunics have been ordered and issued at different times. I have another unit to paint: they will be various shades of blue.

I’m happy with these chaps: now to paint the blue ones!

TTS AAR: British Open Game 2: Early Imperial versus Middle Imperial Romans

My second game at the SELWG competition was a bit of a time-displaced civil war: my Early Imperial Romans versus Colin’s Middle Imperial Romans.

This meant that I would be facing a foe as manoeuvrable as my troops, and able to play the retreat-rally-re-engage game as well as I could. Colin was also fielding three camps, although his were behind a much bigger wall than mine!

Romans versus Romans

As I had the initiative, I advanced forward rapidly: my troops were slightly better quality than his and so the sooner I got into contact the better.

I also noticed that as the enemy came forward to meet me, they moved the Auxilia that had been protecting the right flank of their camp into a position where they could support their front line, leaving a gap that I thought my light cavalry might just be able to exploit…so over to my left I sent them.

The initial clash was a little bit in Colin’s favour: although I routed one of his cavalry units, one of my legionary units fled the field, and a risky move by my Auxilia didn’t pay off as their flank charge didn’t go in.

On the plus side, however, my equites sagitarrii (horse archers) had managed to get right the way around the end of the enemy line and captured one of Colin’s three camps. You can see them somewhat precariously balanced on the battlements in the picture below!

The situation in the centre and on the left continued on - my cavalry dispersing his and preparing to turn and hit the left-rear of his line; his infantry properly bursting through my centre - but those horse archers of mine were merrily ransacking the next enemy camp:

Those of you familiar with the system and of a mathematical frame of mind will have worked out that with two of his cavalry units defeated and two camps taken, I only needed that final camp to fall in order to win the game.

The enemy did get back to re-claim one part their camp, but it was to no avail: by that time I had managed to kill two more of his infantry units, including the Auxilia lurking in the marsh shown in the picture below.

In all, a victory for me 12:6.

To The Strongest Tournaments 2024

Regular visitors will know that I have been playing in all the To The Strongest competitions this year, so I thought I’d mention the start of next year’s schedule and encourage anyone else who plays to enter as many events as possible.

The events are great fun: hard fought, obviously, but everything very sportsmanlike and all conducted in a very gentlemanly manner. I have played sixteen tournament games so far this year (with more on the way) and made lots of new friends in doing so.

I’ve also been inspired by the beautifully painted armies that have faced my Romans over the tabletop…and all sorts of armies too: not just the usual power-gamer suspects! Everything from Almoravids to Timurids, Medieval Russians to other Romans and many more.

Beautifully painted Carthagiians at Britcon

So what’s on offer?

January 27th sees the Welsh Open at The South Wales Gaming Centre/Firestorm Games in Cardiff. I haven’t played in this one before, and am looking forward to it. It’s due to have twenty-four players and all but three slots seem to be sold out, so quick-quick to get a place!

  • 28mm figures and 140 points as costed by published army lists, whichever QRS and Even Stronger that is current on 1st December will be used

  • 6x4 Table (12x8 Grid)

  • 4 rounds scored by the usual Welsh Open method

  • £12.50 to enter and a hot lunch included!

Western Han Chinese at the 2023 To The Worlds Strongest tournament

Then February 24th sees the world championships/To the Worlds Strongest tournament in Blewbury near Oxford. I came fourth last year and, be warned, am looking to improve my ranking in 2024! The competition is under new management this year, and I’m very excited to compete again: I had a blast in 2023!

  • Any army from the Ancient and Medieval lists, that are current at 1st January 2024, can be used up to a value of 140 points using 28mm figures. There will be no amendments to the points values in the published lists.

  • The competition will comprise of the usual 4 games, being played on a 6’x4’ table using a 12 x 8 grid of 6” squares. Scoring system will be the same as previous Worlds competitions.

  • Entry fee will be £20.00

Hopefully the above inspires you to take the plunge: I highly recommend doing so.

TTS AAR: British Open Game One: Early Imperial Romans vs Dacians

Last Saturday it was off to the Lee Valley Athletics Centre for the To The Strongest British Open, part of the BHGS Teams event at SELWG.

My first opponent was Andy and his Dacians. It’s fast becoming a tradition for me to face Andy first at a competition: we’ve faced off first in three of the four tournaments I’ve played in this year.

I had lost the Scouting phase, so had to deploy first. I set up my legionaries in a long line starting from the left, with the equites (cavalry) on my right.

As the game began, the Dacians rapidly shot forward and, almost immediately, the two battle lines crashed into each other

To summarise the rest of the game, I badly lost the right flank, with my equites alares and cohortales crumbling under the onslaught, but in the centre and on the left the legionaries had the bit between their teeth and steadily pushed the enemy back.

I had to reinforce the right with a unit of legionaries borrowed from the centre, but this gave me time to decisively win on the left and in the centre, with the coup de grace being the Praetorians taking the Dacian camp.

A hard fought game (the Dacians warbands are tough!) that ended in a 12-6 victory in my favour.

Here are some shots of the rest of the game:

IABSM AAR: Soviet Steamroller Wins!

Here are some shots of a game of IABSM that Chris Lane posted on the IABSM Facebook Group.

As Chris says: The sprog and I had a good game last night of the Russians trying to take a village. Suffice to say I lost as the sprog’s T-34s steamrollered the left flank.

Reclaiming Romans

Regular visitors to the site will know that I am currently using a borrowed 28mm Early Imperial Roman army on this year’s To The Strongest competition circuit. This is because my collection is 15mm but there are no 15mm competitions, and I really didn’t want to go to the time and trouble of assembling a whole 28mm army just for that.

All that has, however, now changed, as friend Si gave me (literally) a basket of battered old 28mm Romans that had been cluttering up his place for far too long. It took quite a bit of re-painting, re-arming and re-basing, but my Romans, as opposed to my borrowed Romans, will be making their debut at SELWG this weekend.

The first stage when starting a project like this is to work out what you have actually got: how many complete units you can make from what you’ve been given, and what you’ll need to bring them up to scratch. With the Romans, I needed a box full of pila, some 15mm ECW pikes that would substitute as lances for the equites contariorum, and a whole load of bases and flock.

Equites Cohortales

Equites Contariorum (note the 15mm ECW pikes used as lances)

Next is to remove everything from their existing bases. This is the messiest part of the process. I soak the bases in water for 24 hours minimum (I use the plastic cases that tufts come in: they are just deep enough so I have to use just the right amount of water) after which you will find that most figures will just pop off the bases no problem. With the Romans, someone had used some kind of plaster to build up the bases, so an old flat head screwdriver was also needed to assist in the popping!

Scrape the bases clean of all soaking flock (and plaster crumbs!) and make sure all the figures stand upright on their own. Horses often need their hooves glued back onto bases after breakages, and it can be a delicate process to ease thin weapons, poles etc back into shape. Here’s also where you fix up each individual figure with a new weapon if necessary: trying to match the weapons you don’t need to fix on other figures in the unit.


legionaries (note the need to have two different shield types , one for each rank)

Then it’s time to re-paint all the chipped bits. I try to do no more than touch up existing paint jobs as I like to celebrate the efforts of the original painter, but sometimes you’ll need to re-undercoat a section and start again. You’ll need a wide variety of paints for this as you can’t guarantee that the OP used the same paint sets you do!

Faces and hands are key here: a highlight in a lighter flesh tone can make all the difference. I also like my Roman generals to be wearing purple as a main colour, so I did re-paint the command figures’ cloaks or tunic to reflect that.

commanders: re-purpled!

Finally it’s a re-base. A brilliant base can make figures with even the most average of paint jobs look really good, but I must confess that as these Romans aren’t core to my collection, I went with a simple grass flock scheme. That matches what I did with the borrowed army, so I needed them all to look the same as I’ll be using a combination of old and new together on the tabletop.

So there you have it: about half the figures I need to substitute for the borrowed. My thanks to Si for his most generous gift, and let’s see how the “new” figures do on Saturday!



I think i probably made a mistake here. These are meant to be auxiliaries, but I’ve re-armed them with pila, which makes them legionaries. The shields are Auxiliary, the command figures are Legionary: I think I’ll have to call them a unit that could be one or the other dependent on need!

TFL Painting Challenge: First October Update

Although it’s only a couple of weeks since the last update, there are enough entries in to make another worthwhile.

Some very substantial submissions this time, so make sure you look in people’s individual galleries as I only feature one entry from each person in the taster gallery, below:

FK&P AAR: Tounton Bridge

Friend Rob came over for a game of For King & Parliament yesterday and we ended up playing through the first scenario from the Siege of Norchester campaign pack.

For this battle, the Royalists need to keep possession of a bridge near the hamlet of Tounton, with the Parliamentarians obviously needing to wrest it from them.

Tounton Bridge is to the left

The Royalists, under Sir Edmund Dexter, were in four brigades. There was a small brigade of Swedish Horse on each wing; and two brigades of foot in the centre, one of which had not seen battle before. Out front was Rankin’s Forlorn Hope, at back were Miller’s Guns.

Facing them were the Roundheads under General Thomas Dread-Naught. Core to his force was a large brigade of Puritan Horse under Colonel Kill-Sin Rhapsody: you can see God’s light shining on them as they enter the field in the picture above! The rest of his men were trawled from the border regions: a brigade of foot, one of horse mounted on steeds really only fit for the knacker’s yard, and a small brigade of tartan-clad men from further north. A rag-tag force maybe, but plenty powerful too.

The action opened with a general Parliamentarian advance against the largely static Royalists.

In the centre, the Royalist Forlorn Hope was dealt with fairly easily, but on the Roundhead right wing, one squadron of Royalist horse dispersed the Border Lancers without difficulty. This left them facing a wood full of Highlanders, but their blood was up and they charged in regardless of the terrain. The Highlanders, supported by some Mounted Pistoliers resisted the charge and that left a stalemate around the wood that lasted for the rest of the game!

Behind this action, however, another unit of Pistoliers had flank charged and dealt with the other squadron of Royalist horse, leaving the Scots to head north towards the rear of the rest of the Cavalier lines and the bridge, albeit on blown horses.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the field. Colonel Rhapsody was leading his Puritan Horse to disaster. Two of his squadrons tried an outflanking manoeuvre on the far left wing, but the Cavalier horse near them proved too fleet of foot: one unit neatly hopping the hedge, turning to face, and then charging furiously into the Puritan’s rear. Two squadrons of God-fearing cavalry got to meet their Lord sooner than they expected!

Onto the centre, where the Parliamentarians had moved forward and thrown their line into a general engagement. The Royalists moved to meet them, then retreated, then moved forward again, musket fire and the shouts of charging pikemen drowning out the cries of the wounded, and this indecision allowed the Roundheads to open a gap in the Cavalier line.

Ideally they would have had cavalry ready to exploit the hole, but the rest of the Puritan Horse was stuck on the left so it was up to some commanded shot to move forward and begin to outflank the Royalist line.

Meanwhile the Roundhead Borders/Scots horse that had broken through on their right had slowly (blown horses puffing and panting their way forward) managed to get around the rear of the Royalist position. Trotting past some enemy Commanded Shot who were happy to keep hiding in Tounton (the unit just wouldn’t activate despite the fact that the Roundheads were a sitting duck!) the Scots, much to their surprise found that they had taken the bridge. Surely the battle was now decided?

It was not, however, as simple as that. Yes, the Royalists were reduced to one coin, and the Parliamentarians technically had the bridge, but the Roundheads had lost an awful lot of cavalry and were also down to one coin. It was sudden death time!

Earlier in the game: the roundheads advance to contact

The Roundheads were pretty convinced that they could destroy the Royalist unit on the right - it was already disordered and surrounded on three sides - they just had to survive the next turn in order to do so. This was when the Royalist Commanded Shot that had been skulking in Tounton finally got their act together, moved out of the houses they had been sheltering in to a position from which they could fire onto the flank of the Scots horse, who had moved off the bridge to cut down the Royalist gunners from behind.

The double-shotted volley rang out and the Scots horse disintegrated! This was too much for the rest of the Roundheads, and rather than push forward to victory, they began to retreat. Moving back onto the bridge, the Royalists had won the day!

Enemy horse? What enemy horse?

The bridge taken.

Enemy horse? What enemy horse? All we can see is two lone scotsmen officer-types!

Totting up the points, the Royalists had won a narrow victory 16:14: snatching victory from the jaws of defeat! It had been a cracking game, with the advantage swinging backwards and forwards throughout. On to Munce’s Wood for the second game in the campaign!

Untried Royalists (the yellow meeple) await the Parliamentarian onslaught!

TFL Painting Challenge: End September Update

Just time to get another TFL Painting Challenge update in before the end of September.

This time we have entries from Andrew, Sapper, Stumpy, Matt, Carole, Mervyn and Yours Truly.

Do visit the individual galleries, accessed from the NavBar above, but in the meantime here’s a selection to wet the whistle:

We’re almost into the last quarter of the year, so keep them coming. There’s last year’s totals to beat!

TTS AAR: Chalgrove World's: Game Four

My final battle was a “civil war” clash against another Early Imperial Roman army commanded by Sid B.

Our armies were, however, subtly different. Mine, mainly due to a shortage of figures, was relatively small and elite whereas Sid’s was larger and had more Auxilia versus Legionaries. As it happened, four of the sixteen armies on the day were Roman (three Early Imperials and one Middle Imperials) which was apparently quite unusual as the recent trend has been for lance-armed cavalry armies to dominate the lists.

Unfortunately I don’t have a very detailed account of the game as such was the tension in this climactic game that I forgot to take any pictures, or at least forgot to take any pictures until what the end result was going to be had become clear.

I do remember that our two lines advanced towards each other, with Sid’s men slightly ahead of mine as a poor run of cards for movement had meant my left wing had hung behind.

The lines then clashed, with disastrous results for my troops. As Sid said at the time: Rob’s Romans had all the right cards, just not in the right order! Worse, my lights had again failed to hold the camps properly (that’s twice in a row after a long run of success) and I was soon down to my last few coins. To be fair to Sid, however, he played a superb game: not making any mistakes and taking full advantage of every situation.

Fortunately the Praetorians saved me from a complete whitewash: charging up a hill in the final turn of the game to wipe out the enemy I Cohort and capturing their eagle…but this was too little, too late and I lost 7-13.

As the World’s is run on a Swiss Chess style system (the players with the highest cumulative scores fight each other each round, albeit with adjustments to avoid playing the same person twice) this unfortunately bounced me down to 4th place in the tournament overall.

A good result with two outright wins, one winning draw and one outright loss, but slightly frustrating as the ultimate prize had seemed to be within my grasp. As it was, Sid won the tournament, so really well done to him: couldn’t have happened to a nicer chap!

So in all a great day’s play. I would highly recommend entering all the To The Strongest tournaments that you can: all my four games were very convivial affairs with not an argument to be seen. Next year, 2024, the World’s are moving back to their original February date: that now being set for 24th February 2024, with a venue around the Chalgrove area (near Oxford). So put it in your calendar now and start getting your army ready: my Romans await you!

TTS AAR: Chalgrove World's: Game Three

Those following recent posts will know that I went into game three with two outright victories under my cingulum militare.

That was great, but what was not so great is that the World Championships work on a modified Swiss Chess system, which means that after each round the two people with the top two scores fight each other, the people in third and fourth place fight each other etc. There are tweaks such as the fact that you don’t fight anyone who you’ve fought before, but the salient point here is that the better you do, the stronger opposition you face.

My third opponent was therefore one of the big beasts of the tournament scene: Peter R, fielding his Timurids. Peter has won many, many tournaments and would, in anyone’s books, be considered as the first seed if we were playing at Wimbledon. Gulp! My only consolation was the fact that I had actually beaten his Timurids before, in one of our semi-regular friendly games, although not with the Romans.

As mentioned in my previous post, this battle had an even more extraordinary start than the last one, where I went 8-0 up after only pulling about five cards…

I had set up my three camps in the bottom left hand corner of the field, guarded by the usual unit of light infantry. I had a couple of legionary units nearby for added security, but they are obviously usually needed elsewhere on the field. The lights (veteran auxilia sagittarrii) are, however, usually sufficient.

Not today.

In his first action of the game, Peter swept two units of light cavalry towards my camps, and with an extraordinary run of cards, killed the auxilia sagittarrii and took all three of my camps, meaning I was 0-10 down (losing 13 loses me the game) without having drawn more than one card - an Ace!

Disaster after one card!

Things were looking so appalling for me that Peter, with extraordinary generosity, even offered (twice) to re-start the game, but I turned down the offers: rules are rules and, if I was going to go down, I was going to go down fighting!

First things first: take back the camps…and take back the camps before losing another three coins (the equivalent of 1.5 units/generals).

As the Timurids only had two units of light cavalry there, it was actually fairly easy to do. One legionary unit marched backwards into one camp, one withdrew from the centre of the field and marched into another. That left one unit of enemy lights sandwiched between the two, and then destroyed next turn. Meanwhile, another unit of legionaries had chased the other enemy light cavalry unit off the table, and then halted to guard it’s probable re-entry point. You don’t want an enemy light cavalry unit unattended in your rear!

This was better, but had tied up three legionary units meaning that I only had two and the cavalry left to beat the vast majority of the Timurids in front of me.

Now those of you who watched England’s first match in this year’s Rugby World Cup, against Argentina, will have seen how losing a man to a red card early on it the game inspired the English team to play better than they have done for eighteen months and pull the game out of the bag, and so it was here with the Romans.

The cavalry finally proved their worth, killing an enemy general and some of the enemy horse, and the two remaining infantry cohorts proved positively unstoppable, also disposing of a couple of enemy units despite being heavily outnumbered. Suddenly the score was back to 10-3 in my favour, with several Timurid units disordered as well.

Now Peter proved what a canny player he is: with one eye on the clock, he retreated away from me as fast as he could meaning that as time was called, I had achieved what the system would call a winning draw at the aforementioned 10-3 rather than the 12-3 outright victory that should and would have followed had we continued.

An extraordinary game pulled back from the brink!

Yes, it was a pity I couldn’t get the decisive victory I wanted, but a winning draw after the start I’d had was nothing to complain about…and I would have had the victory had we continued.

On reflection (and we all know that Captain Hindsight has 20:20 vision) the Timurid success in my camps happened too soon for Peter to exploit. A turn later and the legionaries who rescued the camp would have been further from it and less able to do so, and the rest of his army would have been close enough to mine to expect to be able to kill the single unit needed to polish me off even if it cost him multiple units to do so.

Losing a general, a unit of veteran horse, and some more light horse to my first cavalry charge didn’t help either, and from then on I had his main force on the back foot on the right wing.

In the centre, he didn’t get the cards he needed to close with my infantry quickly enough to hit me when it counted and, anyway, when he did, it was veteran legionaries (presumably somewhat annoyed about having their personal possessions trampled by enemy lights!) waiting to cut them down.

A great game that neither Peter nor I will forget!

TTS AAR: Chalgrove World's: Game Two

My second game of To The Strongest at the 2023 World Championship promised to be a lot more testing than the first. I was up against John L’s Medieval Russians: an all cavalry army.

There’s nothing the legions hate more than fighting an all cavalry army. The enemy lights stay out of range and harass you with missile fire or nip at your flanks and rear. The enemy heavies, who often have bows of their own, wait out of gladius-reach until you’re tired or overextended and then slam into you with lances. Not nice at all!

The game began with the Russians advancing rapidly towards my line. This put their cavalry on the right just within charge range of my cavalry. I duly sent in the Equites Alares and, somewhat luckily, immediately knocked one of his heavy cavalry units off the table. The subsequent morale checks led to two of his light units also fleeing the field, and opened up a huge hole in his line.

The Equites Contarium thundered through this hole and, led by the Roman cavalry commander, sacked the Russian camp. I had played about five cards and was immediately eight coins up!

The game then became a desperate attempt on my part to secure the other three coins I needed to finish him off whilst John tried everything he could to rescue the situation.

In the end I ended up losing three units and a general (I told you these cavalry armies are hard for the Romans to beat) before I could finally squish a deep unit of German Knights between advancing legionaries and the Equites Contarium coming back from the camp for an 11-8 victory.

As you can see, John’s army is beautifully painted, and it was a real pleasure to face off against it.

And if you think that five cards for eight coins was an extraordinary start to a game, wait until you read what happened in game three…!

TTS AAR: Chalgrove World's: Game One

Yesterday it was off to Chalgrove for the 2023 To The Strongest World Championships. As always, I had my trusty Early Imperial Romans with me, and was fully ready to put the Latin mincing machine to work!

My first game was against Michael G’s Western Han Chinese. A beautiful 3D printed army with a couple of nasty looking heavy chariots, a load of crossbow-armed units and some vicious dagger-axemen as well.

As it happens, everything went my way. Michael’s heavy chariots were having an off day and left the field almost on first combat, and from then it was just a matter of my legionaries wading their way forward against a positive storm of crossbow bolts to get in amongst it with the Chinese infantry.

Here I did have a little luck: Michael and I reckoned that he had fired at least twenty crossbow volleys at my advancing men and scored only two disorders which I quickly rallied. As the Roman mincing machine swung into action, my cavalry punched through the gap where his heavy chariots had been and, after that, it was just a matter of time before the game was mine. A 12-0 victory to give me a good start to the day’s proceedings.

Although the Romans did win outright victory, it would only have taken a little more luck with the crossbows for Michael to put me into serious trouble. I’ve always wanted a Chinese army for my collection and, looking at Michael’s, even more so now!

IABSM AAR: South of Cherbourg

Here’s a quick AAR from Alex Sotheran featuring one of the v3 rulebook scenarios: click on the picture to see all:

Alex ran another game recently: introducing four new players to I Ain’t Been Shot Mum. In this game, the British were held up on the left flank, but smashed through on the right to cut off the Germans retreat and capture the crossroads:

Colours 2023

Yesterday was the annual trip to Newbury Racecourse for the Colours wargames show.

I must confess that I almost didn’t go: my memories of previous Colours were of a very packed, very hot, and very sweaty show…and the weather forecast was for the day to be the hottest day of the year so far.

Well, it did prove to be the hottest day of the year so far, but when I arrived at about 10.30am, the venue was actually pleasantly cool: all the doors on all the floors were open and there was actually a breeze blowing through the stand. It did get a bit more crowded and a bit hotter during the day, but well done to the organisers for making sure that despite the blazing sunshine, I shall remember this year’s show as one of the coolest on record.

That and the free parking and low entrance fee (£5), and the fact that one of the catering points was actually a Costa (or at least had Costa coffee), made me very glad that I had made the effort to attend, and I shall certainly diarise next year’s show as soon as I can.

I wasn’t shopping for anything in particular this year, but there were the usual plethora of tempting trade stands, and I did actually end up buying some very nice “clumps” to use on my big element bases.

Magister Militum were conspicuous by their absence (being in the process of being sold) and as I wandered past where they usually were, I remembered that I bought something from them at their first show ever. Can’t remember what it was, but I’ve been a regular customer since, and they have always given excellent service. Let’s hope the enterprise goes to an equally good new home.

I thought that the display games were better than usual this year (there’s a gallery of some of them below) and I even played in one of them: the soon-to-be-published mini-skirmish game set in the Edo period of Japan currently known as Bonzai Bonkers or, perhaps more properly, To The Last Sword or similar. Incidentally, Sid, if you’re reading this, my 16-year old thinks the latter is too generic and that Bonzai Bonkers is the way to go! Kids, eh?

The game is excellent fun whilst, as with all Lardy games, really engendering the feel of the period/theme it’s designed to replicate: here, all the jidaigeki/chambara films that I love. The rules are very easy to pick up (my opponent, Gary, and I were working out our own combats etc within ten minutes) but involve a suitably fiendish amount of decision-making.

In this scenario, my band of four ronin and two retainers (I’m sure that means we were missing one!) were out to reclaim a legendary blade from the evil wrongdoers who had killed our daimyo and stolen the sword in the first place.

As with all good films games, it all came down to one last fight, where the hero Juko, supported by his retainer Mushin, was up against the Boss of the opposition: a far better fighter and dressed in armour. Juko fought bravely but was cut down and all looked lost, but Mushin hurled himself forward and, throwing caution to the wind (no parrying dice for Mushin!), finished the Boss off with a lunging thrust: my clan had avenged the insult, reclaimed the sword, won the battle and won more honour as well. My thanks to Sid and Gary for an excellent game.

So a very good Colours indeed, and my commiserations to anyone who decided not to go because of the heat: it was, as they say, a good’un.

TTS AAR: Early Imperial Romans versus Hoplite Greeks

Clearing out my computer’s memory, I came across these pictures from a game played earlier this year: a practice session for the autumn tournament season that pitched my Early Imperial Roman’s against friend Other Rob’s Hoplite Greeks.

As it was a few weeks ago, I don’t have a blow-by-blow account of the game for you, but I do remember that the large Greek phalanxes caused a few problems for the Romans, and it was only their ability to manoeuvre and to rally that got them the win.

Here’s a gallery of the action: hopefully the pictures will tell the story!

It’s all coming back to me now!

My plan was to have the Roman cavalry overwhelm the lesser quality Greek horse on my left then curl back into the centre to take the Greeks in the flank.

That didn’t happen: as per usual the Roman horse proved incapable of beating the moth-eaten rabble in front of them, so that flank remained effectively neutralised throughout the battle.

That meant that the Legions had to do the work and won the day by ganging up on the individual phalanxes and taking them from two sides at once. Oh, and the Equites Sagittarrii light horse took the enemy camp as well, which helped!

Army Standard for the Normans

Regular visitors will know that one of this year’s projects has been a 15mm Norman army using the excellent Museum Miniatures CAD designed Z range of figures.

The Normans, under the To The Strongest rules that I use have access to a Papal banner: the banner awarded to William the Conqueror (or First or Bastard, dependent on which camp you’re in) which looked a little like the image to the right.

I’m going to source one of those but, meanwhile, I also want to use the Normans as Early Crusaders, so needed a standard for them too. The choices, according to the lists are the Holy Lance of Antioch and The True Cross, so when Khurasan released the pack, below, I was straight onto the ‘net to order:

MILLENNIUM 15mm European mounted bishops (Odo of Bayeux, Adhémar of Monteil or other fighting bishop, and bishop bearing the True Cross or similar relic) (x2)

I’m not quite as good at painting as Khurasan’s house painter, but here’s my attempt:

I’ll leave aside the question of historical accuracy, but these are really nice figures that paint up very easily indeed. As they are part of Khurasan’s “heroic” range of Millennium figures (first millennium, that is) they are quite chunky and size very well with Museum’s Normans. Highly recommended.

Next up has got to be the Pilgrims set and, even better, the pack below:

MILLENNIUM 15mm Crusader "noncombatants" -- monk with crucifix, "washerwoman" with frying pan, and child with rock (x3), meant as mix-ins for Crusader foot, especially Pilgrims