TFL Painting Challenge: It's's update time!
Always nice to update the challenge after a weekend: lots of lovely entries to catalogue, and today is no exception.
In no particular order we have:
- Joakim Strom with some more BEF that take him just over the 500 points mark
- Mr Topi with legions of 15mm goodness and some French walls
- Some Roman Auxilia from Chris Stoesen
- Continuing the theme, Mr Douglas has submitted a unit of Roman archers (technically auxiliaries as well) which will hopefully appear the right way up
- A couple of early war German tanks from Mr Melville, whose gallery is at least present if not yet correct
- Some more 6mm planes from Mr Luther, who's left only two points short of the 2,500 points mark
- The Mad Padre with some 28mm foot
- Mr Hodge with more of his Unpronuncables
- And Thomas, unbelievably, submits another entry as well
Today's picture is of Mr Hodge's Unpronuncables: nine 28mm Cavalry for his Gŵr y Gogledd force for Dux Britanniarum