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TFL Painting Challenge: Huge 31st December Update!

Looks like everyone has made a huge effort to get their last minute entries in under the wire.

In no particular order we have:

  • Doug Melville with a couple of Cold War vehicles
  • Koen with some Frostgrave figures
  • Mr Helliwell with some more of his late war Germans
  • Mr Hodge makes a welcome last minute re-appearance with some Spanish Guerillos
  • Jim Catchpole sends in a huge multi-scale submission: his first and his last for 2015!
  • Mervyn Douglas has moved to the Sudan
  • Joakim whacks in a quick witch
  • Sapper also makes a welcome reappearance with loads of 28mm figures
  • The Mad Padre also adds vast numbers of figures to his collection
  • Matt Slade sneaks in another couple of submissions
  • Paul Blankenship pops in another of his huge micro-army entries
  • Paul Baldwin slides in with loads of 28mm figures
  • Nils Hedglin with some dwarfs and halflings (not half points though)
  • and finally Leif (spelt correctly!) isn't left out, with some fine 28s and a few bigger still

Pictures for what may be the final post of this year's challenge? A mixed bag...

Mr Hodge's rather fine Spanish Guerillos

Some dwarves from Leif

Sapper's SYW French Currassiers du Roi

 The Mad Padre's 20mm Revel Krupp Protze truck with AT Gun