Vis Lardica

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TFL Painting Challenge: A Wednesday Update

Yes, I'm trying to keep you all on your toes by changing the day that I update the challenge!

Actually, I do it when the number of entries justify an update...and when I have time!

So, today's entries, in no particular order, are from:

  • Kev (Fat Wally) with some more ACW Zouaves in 15mm
  • Mr Helliwell spans three periods with his entry
  • There's a ship and a garden from Chris Stoesen
  • Mervyn has finally finished a project. You should know by now, Mervyn, that a project is never finished: where are the FJ engineers?
  • There's points for Stumpy for his basing
  • Ms Flint has some odds and ends that she has forgotten to previously post
  • Jon Yuengling sends in some more early war 15s
  • The Great Gatzemeyer is back with some Danes...and some pigs for them to fight over
  • Another colossal entry from Mr Davenport: vast numbers of Napoleonics
  • Mr Hooooooooooge is back! And with walkers as his first entry of the year.
  • As is Treadhead: although he has some very pretty Napoleonics on show
  • And last, and definitely not least, Mr Slade has some Reaper mythical creatures for us to marvel at

Now that is one big entry! Click on the names in bold to go straight to the gallery (opens in a new window).

Today's pictures:

GarretT's Anglo-Danes

The 5th division from mr davenport

Matt's egyptian deities

some of treadhead's napoleonics