Vis Lardica

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Kind Words for Blitzkrieg in the West #1: The French

I'm pleased to say that the first of my official early war IABSM handbooks, Blitzkrieg in the West #1: The French seems to have been very well received, even if the news item on TMP showed in full for only about five minutes on Friday, so no one's commented yet!

On the TFL Forum, Arlequin said: "Having grappled with the French organisations and techno-speak for CoC:Abyssinia, I'll give a standing ovation for this concise, detailed and invaluable work. Well done chaps!"

And Archdukek said: "Congratulations, Robert, on an excellent piece of work. Fascinating stuff."

On the Lead Adventure Forum, Powermonger said: "I do not play IABSM...but is perfect for reference. The book is very, very good. Nice historical references and a comprehensive OOB for France 1940. All divisions listed, with their properly attached support units. As the author says, it is perfect to lay down a company and attach to it the suitable, historically accurate supports. Recommended." 

On the TFL Group, Benito said the handbook "Looks fantastic" and Tom McKinney said: "Well done!  Just had a look at mine.  Lot's of great information and well ordered.  Absolutely delighted with the inclusion of campaign/division cross-reference."

So that's a bit of a relief then!