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TFL Painting Challenge: A Normal Update!

As it’s only been a week since the last update, the number of entries to be processed since week remained with the “normal” bracket, even given a huge first entry of the year from John de Terre Neuve.

So, in no particular order, we have:

  • Andrew Helliwell makes his usual weekly deposit: more SYW figures and a couple of WoR biggies

  • There’s a lovely 28mm garage from John Emmett

  • Travis rocks up with some orcs and some skeletons

  • Massive entry from Matt Slade: the start of a Belgian Chasseurs Ardennais platoon and more AWI

  • Another massive entry, this time in 10mm from Sapper with his Western Desert forces

  • And then it’s time for the truly massive first entry of the year from John de Terre Neuve. A mixture of 28mm fantasy and 1/72nd scale WW2

  • Carole has some more Condotteri

  • The Hat is back with more ships: the rest of the Japanese Fleet box…well worth a look

  • More Star Wars from Chris Kay

  • And last but not least, some Saracens from Steve Burt

Actually that was a pretty big set of entries this week after all!

As usual, clicking on the name of the person above will take you straight to their gallery (opens in a new window).

Here are today’s pictures: