Vis Lardica

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More for the ECW Collection

Lockdown does definitely mean more time for painting, and I’m adding units to the 15mm ECW collection almost as fast as I can buy the raw lead!

Today’s offering consists of two parts.

First up is a standard infantry battalia but, for the first time, with the figures from Hallmark rather than Peter Pig:

These were actually easier to paint than Peter Pig: they are very un-fussy figures, with everything that needs to be painted clearly defined. As per usual, I used GW Contrast Paints, apart from the metalwork, painting eight figures of the same type at the same time.

I like to swap between ranges, provided the sizes match: a change is as good as a rest, as they say.

I like the way the Contrast red has left all the buttons a much lighter shade than the surrounding cloth: I can’t imagine what it would be like to hand-finish every one. Well, I can actually: very tedious!

Next up is a few of the offs and ends that you need to play the game itself: two Light Gun markers and one officer (a Colonel). I haven’t positioned the officer figure very well in the photograph: you can only see half his profile!

The gun markers are Peter Pig; the officer himself is from Hallmark, with his mounted flag bearer from Essex.