Vis Lardica

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More Normans

The Normans, excellent 15mm figures from Museum Miniatures, are continuing to roll off the production line.

Following from the armoured milites, we have the first of their foot equivalents: either Spearmen or Shieldwall dependent on which list you use.

As most of each figure involved chainmail or helmet, I changed from my usual Contrast Paints method to the method I used to use back in the day: black undercoat then paint up in layers from there. Not too shabby a result, I hope you will agree!

Once again, it was the shields that caused me the biggest bother, as it’s quite a large area to paint free hand. Again, I used the “decals that are a bit small then paint up” method: using the decals almost as a guide to what to paint where. Note that they don’t show as quite so rough on the figures actually on the tabletop: one of the downsides of having a good camera is that they take a real picture!