TFL Painting Challenge: First March Update
A nice early March update for you all: gives me the chance to do another one in a couple of weeks.
Today we’ll start with Carole, who has been painting some Bloody Miniatures ECW figures:
Next up is Sapper, who has submitted a mix of figures and scales. Here are his 28mm Vikings and 15mm Byzantines:
Talking of Vikings, here’s some more…this time from Mervyn:
Here’s Mr Burt with some more English archers. These were added late, as Steve has an uncanny knack of sending his entries in just as I press “Post” on an update!
And last but by no measn least, Mr Helliwell has been his usual busy self. Today’s entry included a load of 3D buildings from BattleHonours and the start of an immense re-basing project:
That’s all for now, more on the way. Keep those entries coming in!