New 15mm WW2 Figure Manufacturers posted

Originally posted 10th March 2011

I've added a couple of new entries to the list of WW2 15mm manufacturers.

First up are Obscure Miniatures with the somewhat controversial release of a range of 15mm Hitler Jugend figures. Here is the bumph from their website along with a couple of pictures:

"Well, here is the beginning of our "Battle for Berlin" range. To start with we have the Hitler Youth. The command is 15mm to the eyes and the infantry is 15mm to the top of the head. These are scaled to be children soldiers. If you ever really wanted to do Berlin and the end of the war with the correct figures here they are. Some of the helmets and gear has been over scaled to give that cast off, hand me down feel. We hope these fit in with some of your battles."

Next up is an entry for Zvezda, a Russian company that have been threatening to release 1/100th scale plastic tanks for some time. Their website is in Russian, but translates into English, but you will probably need to find a distributor from whom to order rather than being able to do so directly.

As far as I can see from the website catalogue, they have four models available now:  an early T-34 (natch!); a T-26; a Panzer II and a Panzer III. Here's a small piccy pf the T-34 (not sure what that flag is doing at the back) which is apparently a five part kit. The picture links to the appropriate Zvezda page so you can see a bigger version, along with pictures of the front and back of the box showing more detail.

Vehicles from Gaming Models

Originally posted 20th January 2011

Some new and somewhat rare additions to my collection. For the BEF, there is a patrol of Morris CS armoured cars; and for the Italians there are two AB40 armoured car patrols: one for the desert and one for Sicily.

All the models come from Gaming Models, a company that I have eschewed for a long time, put off by early reviews and the pictures on their website. A full review will follow, but suffice to say I am very happy with the AB40s and pretty happy with the Morris CSs.

Morris CS9 from Gaming Models

AB40 armoured cars from Gaming Models

The AB40s painted, more correctly, in dark green

Final batch of painting for 2010

Originally posted 27th December 2010

Soviet heavy mortars; Lion class transports for the Felids to join the barn force; and a battery of US medium artillery.

Soviet 120mm mortars from Battlefront

Lion class transports from Khurasan

US medium artillery battery from Battlefront

Gallery: WW2 Italians

Originally posted 12th March 2010

A few more Italians added: Motociclisti and the first of the Fucilieri. Have now got a bit distracted painting Felids: 15mm sci-fi figures from Khurasan.

Heads up for my next scenario book: Operation Compass. Should be available within the next couple of weeks. Twenty-three early war scenarios for the Western Desert: time to get those Italians onto the table!

Gallery: WW2 Italians

Originally posted 20th December 2009

Okay, so I haven't got round to doing the rest of the Vietnam range: been too busy painting Italians for the Western Desert for my forthcoming Operation Compass scenario pack. Here are some of the Italians I've finished so far...and the Operation Compass scenario pack will be available in the early new year.

Italian tanks from Battlefront

Galleries: loads added!

Originally posted 25th July 2009

Loads added over the last few months, just haven't bothered to update "New & Updated"! The list includes:

Japanese 105mm guns

British Paras Support Weapons & Recon Troops

Soviet Partisans (lovely figures from Eureka)

British Pioneers

Japanese 105mm artillery