TFL Painting Challenge: colossal Monday Night Update!

Now I understand why the challenge has been a bit quiet of late: you lot were storing them up for me so that I could process them all in one go!

A colossal update tonight, we have:

  • Vidal with over 100 Austrians in 15mm. How about some pics, Vidal?
  • Mr Yuengling with some 15mm WW1 vehicles from Shapeways (the future of wargaming?)
  • The Mad Padre with an eclectic mix of 28mm figures and scenery
  • Mr Luther with a collection of odds and sods from the South Pacific (no, not the musical, Sid)
  • Steve Burt enters the challenge with a bang, a big bang. Hundreds of 28mm figures that give him an immediate 1,408 points. 
  • Mr Hodge with some more Paras and a very nice ruined building
  • Mervyn with some more 15mm Ancients that he assures me "that is definitely almost certainly it for the year". Come on, Mervyn, you can manage just one more wafer-thin figure...
  • Thomas surprises us all with 40 points worth of Martians
  • and, last but by no means least, Leif (can you see what I did there?) with some lovely 20mm figures

Difficult to choose one picture to go with tonight's achievements...but I think it has to be Leif's roadside shrine/CoC jump-off point in 20mm. Lovely.

Painting Challenge: Three New Entries

I'm pleased to announce that we have three new people entering the 2014 painting challenge, all of whom have sent me huge catch-up entries covering the whole year!

First up is Carole, with a massive entry of 15mm World War 2 figures. There's a whole company of German infantry supported by a company of Panzer IVHs and a zug of Tiger I. On top of that, there's a company of British infantry supported by a whole squadron of Cromwells (with a few Fireflies). Finally, there is a selection of houses to dress the table. All very nice, especially the Panzer IV tanks...and a total of 513 points.

Carole's 15mm Panzer IV H

Carole's 15mm Panzer IV H

Next up is an extraordinary entry from Ben Fiene consisting of stunningly painted figures in 28mm and 20mm. The 28s are all dark ages types: Romano-Britons, Saxons, Vikings etc. The 20mm figures are all for Chain of Command: French (lovely!); British Paras and German support units. There are also some 15mm Napoleonics claimed, but no photos yet. It's a fantastic entry that garners Ben an incredible 1,474 points.

20mm scale, 25mm French anti-tank gun from Ben Fiene

20mm scale, 25mm French anti-tank gun from Ben Fiene

Last, but by no means least, Ashley Pollard enters her 6mm Ogre-based sci-fi armies. Well over 100 beautifully painted 6mm vehicles, Love 'em. Ashley's entry gets her 354 points.

Some of Ashley's wonderful 6mm Ogre figures

Some of Ashley's wonderful 6mm Ogre figures

Painting Challenge: Monday Night Update

My words of encouragement seem to have had some effect: enough new achievements sent to me to justify a cheeky Monday night update only a couple of days after the Saturday night one.

Today's achievements are from:

  • Egg with lots of terrain, including a beautiful La Haie Sainte
  • Jon Yuengling with ten more of his micro-scale ships
  • Treadhead storms over the 1,000 point mark with some Finns, some mines and some Martians (must get around to painting mine!)
  • And Mr Hodge re-bases some more infantry

Today's picture is, as you might have guessed, Egg's Normandy farmhouse: aka Tiger Terrain's La Haie Sainte in 15mm.

TFL Painting Challenge: 4,000 Points Reached!

It's another quiet week on the challenge, with only a few people able to sustain the effort until the end of the year...but the perseverance of the few has paid off as I'm pleased to announce that Matt Slade has thundered over the 4,000 point mark with a host of War of the Roses painting and re-basing. 

Even though (as he would be the first to mention) Mr Slade has an advantage, being a professional figure painter, this is still a spectacular achievement, as he has only submitted figures painted for himself, not his commissions. Puts my attempts to get to 1,000 points in perspective!

The other submissions this week were from Mr Douglas (a very nice 28mm house) and Mr Hodge, who has submitted a tray of 110 stands of 6mm re-basing that I have awarded 150 points for as I wasn't going to count every single figure with a magnifying glass! Aerial recon or what!

Here are some of the WOR figures Matt submitted this week:

TFL Painting Challenge: Update

A Sunday night update this week. Still quite quiet, but we have achievements from:

  • Doug Melville and his Scots Irish
  • Jon Yuengling and some Soviet bombers and German WW1 tanks
  • Stumpy with vast amounts of re-basing and a few 'from scratch' tanks

This year's challenge will finish midnight on 31st December, with next year's due to start immediately afterwards.

Today's picture is from Mr Yuengling: two WW1 German tanks in 15mm. 

TFL Painting Challenge: Monster Monday Night Update

Well it seems as if you have been getting the brushes out again for that last push before the end of the year. Today we have achievements from:

  • Doug Melville: eight 20mm WW2 vehicles
  • Chris Stoesen and 23 Cold War Soviets
  • Mark Luther converts some Australians to make casualty figures, and then re-bases them all
  • Mr Yuengling paints a couple of 15mm buildings that look suspiciously like egg cartons. The things some people will do for points!
  • Alexandros submits a ,lovely Italian Scout Squad for CoC. Lovely boy, lovely boy!
  • Mervyn Douglas sends in some AT Guns, some javelinmen, and some Gallic slingers with, for some reason, red feet. Must be trampling over the bodies of their enemies!
  • Mr Bax submits six asylum patient zombies. Step away from the paint pot and put the modeling knife down!
  • And finally Mr Slade submits enough 28mm Crusade figures to equal my entire year's total in one submission. You're not making any friends here, Matt, you know that, don't you? Takes his total up to tantalisingly close to 4,000 points!

That is one monster update and, to celebrate, we'll have more than one picture. Not Jon's egg carton houses (actually they are probably really expensive models!) but, obviously, Alexandros' Italians and Matt Slade's command figures. Lovely: just lovely.

TFL Painting Challenge: Another Quickie

This week's entries to the painting challenge are again surprisingly light. Where has everyone gone? Or are you all, like me, just incredibly busy in the run up to Xmas?

Fortunately, I had the Warfare show to inspire me (translation: to fit all my new stuff onto my table, I had to paint some old stuff) and you will see the fruits of my labours once I can get some free time in daylight. I am desperate to reach the 1,000 point mark this year, but am still 265 points shy and am running out of time: only about five weeks left, so over 50 points a week needed!

Anyhow, today's acheivements are from:

  • Chris Stoesen, who creeps stealthily over the 500 points mark
  • Mark Luther with some more aeroplanes
  • Mr Douglas with loads of shellholes and hedges
  • Jon Yuengling makes a reappearance with the start of his big end-of-year push: 36 points today

With such a short list of achievements, not many pictures to choose from. Today's featured post is from Mr Yuengling:

On the subject of piccies, I am powering through the re-loading of the IABSM army galleries, so check them out if you have a moment.

TFL Painting Challenge: 3,000 Points Reached

Today's big news is that with two handfuls of knights, three handfulls of Vikings and a jolly big box of re-basing, Matt Slade becomes the first person on this year's painting challenge to pass the 3,000 points mark. Most impressive!

Other entries today come from Dick Bax and Mr Luther.

Yes: only three people have added anything to their total this week...and at a time when I thought things would be hotting up for the final push. So come on: get those brushes and paints out and finish the year with a bang!

I'm sure Mr Clarke will lead the way by submitting all the stuff he's painted this year, and where he treads, surely all others must follow!

Today's picture is, surprisingly enough, not from Mr Slade, but from Mr Luther: some rather spiffing Heinkel He 111s from one of his previous entries.

Oh, alright then, we can have something from Mr Slade too! Here are his latest Vikings:

TFL Painting Challenge: Incredibly quick update

Just a very quick update today. Entries from Chris Gilbride; Mark Luther; Jon Yuengling and Treadhead.

Today's picture is again from Mr Gilbride: a couple of 28mm carriers and a 28mm Panzer III painted up for the desert:

For those interested in a more general update, I have now finished re-loading all the scenario booklet-based IABSM AARs, and have just started on the (long) list of one-off games. Once they are done, then it's on to the galleries and then the other sections of the site (19th Century, Ancients and Fantasy gaming). Still a long way to go!

TFL Painting Challenge: Not At Crisis!

With many Lardies off at Crisis this weekend, we who are left behind can only console ourselves by looking at the latest entries in the TFL Painting Challenge.

Today we have entries from:

  • Alexandros, with more Italians for his desert CoC campaign that take him past the 1,000 points mark. Huzzah!
  • Chris Gilbride with some Henandoah and British Paras.
    • Chris needs to be congratulated here, as apparently the Paras were started three years ago, the Henandoah some seven years ago. Just shows the power of the painting challenge!
  • Mr Luther shows us the future by flying in with some more 1/285 'planes via Shapeways 3D printing
  • Mr Stoessen submits a tank and some cowboys
  • and Mr Ralls submits two 15mm early WW2 units: 74 figures in all

Today's picture is from Mr Gilbride: his Henandoah tribesmen carefully brewed over the last seven years... 

TFL Painting Challenge: Ron Rolls In

A Saturday night update in honour of Ron Carnegie who submits his first entries for the painting challenge: a massive year-to-date catch-up that takes him straight past the 1,000 point mark.

Speaking of Marks, Mark Luther has submitted some more 6mm 'planes and vehicles: enough to take him past the 2,500 points score: so well done to Mark.

We also have entries from:

  • Leif and some orcs
  • Melvyn and an outside loo
  • Mr Bax makes a welcome return with some steampunk Ottomans
  • And Mr Ralls' resurrection continues with a big entry of 15s and 28s

Today's picture has to be Melvyn's 28mm  'dunny' :

An Update Update

For those keeping track of how the new site is progressing, I've re-loaded AARs down to the end of the Operation Compass scenario pack part of the IABSM AAR page. All the AARs for Q13 and CDS are already done.

I've also added a link to Kev (Fat Wally)'s Painting Service at the top of his gallery in the TFL Painting Challenge section. Here's the link again. And here's a quick pic of some of his work:

TFL Painting Challenge: Quick Update

I say a quick update as not too many people have submitted entries over the last week or so...must be saving themselves for the just-before-deadline rush!

Whatever the reason, this update we have achievements from:

  • Mr Hodge and the last of his Unpronuncables that take him past the 1,500 points mark
  • Chris Stoesen with some flight stands and some AWI figures
  • Benito with some cracking SCW figures
  • and Alexandros with some equally cracking SCW and WW2 vehicles

Today's pictures are from Alexandros and Benito:

Hotchkiss MMG from Benito

Hotchkiss MMG from Benito

Staghound from Alexandros

Staghound from Alexandros

TFL Painting Challenge: It's's update time!

Always nice to update the challenge after a weekend: lots of lovely entries to catalogue, and today is no exception.

In no particular order we have:

  • Joakim Strom with some more BEF that take him just over the 500 points mark
  • Mr Topi with legions of 15mm goodness and some French walls
  • Some Roman Auxilia from Chris Stoesen
  • Continuing the theme, Mr Douglas has submitted a unit of Roman archers (technically auxiliaries as well) which will hopefully appear the right way up
  • A couple of early war German tanks from Mr Melville, whose gallery is at least present if not yet correct
  • Some more 6mm planes from Mr Luther, who's left only two points short of the 2,500 points mark
  • The Mad Padre with some 28mm foot
  • Mr Hodge with more of his Unpronuncables
  • And Thomas, unbelievably, submits another entry as well

Today's picture is of Mr Hodge's Unpronuncables: nine 28mm Cavalry for his Gŵr y Gogledd force for Dux Britanniarum 

TFL Painting Challenge: Monday Night Update

I'm pleased to see that a few of you found time for the painting challenge over the weekend! In no particular order we have entries from:

  • Benito ( a StuG)
  • Mr Danziger with some German infantry
  • a hugely unpronounceable entry from Mr Hodge in the form of a Gŵr y Gogledd  starter force for Dux Britanniarum
  • Dave Humm with a weird mixture of figures
  • and finally Alexandros with three fine looking Italian tanks for Big CoC. 

Today's picture has to be of Benito's StuG:

TFL Painting Challenge: First Update on New Site (and it's a Biggie!)

It seems hard to believe that the below are only a week's worth of entries for the painting challenge...but they are!

So, today we have achievements from:

  • Dave Bailey, with a host of 15mm infantry for the French Indian Wars
  • Benito with some more Afrika Korp
  • Jon Yuengling returns to the fray with more ships and aircraft
  • Jason Ralls is also back in action with a large, if mixed, bunch of entries that takes him smashing past the 2,000 points mark
  • Craig Ambler pops in some Napoleonics
  • Matt Slade submits WoR infantry, some knights, vikings and Normans in a big entry that takes him well past the 2,500 point mark
  • Alexandros adds some Bren Carriers and an M3 Half-track in 28mm to his total
  • Wulf Corbett (now spelt correctly!) adds some more Fortune & Glory figures
  • And finally the Mad Padre chimes with some ACW foot and a smashing German WW2 checkpoint set (that I have counted as a building)

Congrats to all the above...and all your galleries are updated if, in some cases, not yet titled and pointed properly.

Two pictures today: an alternative shot of the Mad Padre's checkpoint (I'm sure I recognise the munching German); and some of Matt's Vikings.

TFL Painting Challenge: Weekly Update

Originally posted 27th September 2014

Here's this week's painting challenge update.

  • Jim Weir is welcome back with his first Q3 contribution: a load of Old Contemptibles!
  • Joakim with a double handful of WW2 BEF vehicles
  • Matt Slade produces some lovely VBCW figures
  • Mervyn has more Ancients
  • Mr Treadhead claims a million miles of road and trenches
  • We also welcome back Vidal with his first contribution to Q3: a mixture of infantry
  • and Leif with some gorgeous Crusader WW2 Brits and some X-Wing fighters

Today's pictures are from Matt and Leif. I'm loving Matt's VBCW Freeminers, and Leif's infantry are lovely too...

Freeminers' Support


Leif's Infantry

TFL Painting Challenge: Big Update

Originally posted 21st September 2014

Been incredibly busy this week (see next story, above) so have not had a chance to do any updates.

So, here goes with a mega one!

We have updates from:

  • Owen: three entries, loads of points that takes him over the 2,500 mark!
  • Benito with more of his SCW stuff
  • Derek with seven buildings including a lots-of-work stockade that takes him crashing past the 1,000 point score!
  • Mr Bailey with more FIW figures
  • Mr Bax with some sci-fi vehicles
  • Mervyn and some Ancients
  • Joakim with a hanger that I really covet!
  • Topi with some 15mm WW2 vehicles
  • Mr Slade and loads of 28mm figures
  • and Mr Luther with a truly massive hex mat that I currently (as I'm typing this before I do the points) have no idea how to score!

Today's picture is from Joakim: a second viewpoint of his hanger (which I want!):

TFL Painting Challenge: Update

Originally posted 13th September 2014

Quite a quiet week this week: must be the end-of-the-summer-holidays effect!

Despite that, today we have entries from:

Craig Ambler with a mixture of stuff; Mark Luther with more 20mm Japanese; a big entry from Owen; a big entry from Topi; almost as big an entry from Dave Bailey;  Manuel with some slingers and ninjas; an unusually small entry from Kev; and 100 inches of fence from Treadhead!

TFL Painting Challenge: Another Big One!

Originally posted 6th September 2014

Another large upload today: not updating the challenge for a week is definitely not a good idea!

Today we have entries from:

  • Wulf Corbett, whom I have generously allowed to join the challenge even though we are almost at Christmas!
  • More ships, beautiful ships, from Egg
  • Some more Martians from Treadhead...makes me want to get on with mine
  • Mr Luther supplies some photos to go along with his previous submissions 
  • Mr Bax shows us how to do Fallschirmjaegers: there's no photo yet as they had to go straight from the painting table to the gaming table!
  • Benito submits some Spanish Civil War figures
  • and Mervyn paints some ancients

Two pictures today:  Egg's ships again (I love 'em!) and Treadhead's Martian tripods (to inspire me!).