TFL Painting Challenge: Weekly Update
/Originally posted 27th September 2014
Here's this week's painting challenge update.
- Jim Weir is welcome back with his first Q3 contribution: a load of Old Contemptibles!
- Joakim with a double handful of WW2 BEF vehicles
- Matt Slade produces some lovely VBCW figures
- Mervyn has more Ancients
- Mr Treadhead claims a million miles of road and trenches
- We also welcome back Vidal with his first contribution to Q3: a mixture of infantry
- and Leif with some gorgeous Crusader WW2 Brits and some X-Wing fighters
Today's pictures are from Matt and Leif. I'm loving Matt's VBCW Freeminers, and Leif's infantry are lovely too...
Freeminers' Support
Leif's Infantry