IABSM: Operation Compass Scenario Pack

Originally posted 9th April 2010

Fox Killed In Open!

Cruise the Blue with Robert Avery's latest pdf scenario booklet for "I Ain't Been Shot, Mum!"

An extensive history of the Italian invasion of Egypt and the British response: Operation Compass, the Five-Day Raid that turned into a campaign. Set between June 1940 and early February 1941, the booklet contains twenty-three unique scenarios for “I Ain’t Been Shot, Mum!” including attacks, counter-attacks, encounter battles, desperate defences, and the types of action typical of desert warfare: tank vs tank and tank vs gun battles.

From the 11th Hussars’ initial reconnaissance and harassment missions; through to the assaults on the network of Italian camps in the Western Desert; the Australian assaults on Bardia, Tobruk and Derna; and on to the thrilling climax at Beda Fomm, you’ll encounter British, Australians and Italians of all shapes and sizes.

Operation Compass contains the following scenarios: 

1. The Road to Fort Capuzzo; 

2. The Battle of Girba

3. The Invasion of Egypt

4. Nibeiwa

5. Tummar West

6. Tummar East

7. Alam el Dab

8. Sidi Barrani

9. Buq Buq

10. The Road From Fort Capuzzo

11. Bardia One

12. Bardia Two

13. Bardia Three

14. Tobruk One

15. Tobruk Two

16. Tobruk Three

17. Mechili

18. Siret el Chreiba

19. The Derna Wadi

20. Sidi Saleh One

21. The Pimple One

22. The Pimple Two

23. Sidi Saleh Two

Gallery: WW2 Italians

Originally posted 12th March 2010

A few more Italians added: Motociclisti and the first of the Fucilieri. Have now got a bit distracted painting Felids: 15mm sci-fi figures from Khurasan.

Heads up for my next scenario book: Operation Compass. Should be available within the next couple of weeks. Twenty-three early war scenarios for the Western Desert: time to get those Italians onto the table!

Gallery: WW2 Italians

Originally posted 20th December 2009

Okay, so I haven't got round to doing the rest of the Vietnam range: been too busy painting Italians for the Western Desert for my forthcoming Operation Compass scenario pack. Here are some of the Italians I've finished so far...and the Operation Compass scenario pack will be available in the early new year.

Italian tanks from Battlefront

AAR: More from All American

Originally posted 9th October 2009

Four new AAR's added, all from the All American 82nd Airborne scenario pack. Inspired by Martin 981463's fantastic 20mm game, I went back and loaded up the three playtest battle reports from the Durham boys. Click on the links to read the reports.

Playtest 1

Playtest 2

Playtest 3

I've also added links to all Kev (Fat Wally)'s battle reports to make your browsing even easier.

AAR: All American #10

Originally posted 5th August 2009

John Wimbush provides a battle report covering action from Scenario 10 of the All American supplement: Dog Company of the 2nd/505th PIR holds the northern flank of the landing zone.

Read the AAR here.

This brings the number of AARs on the site up to fifty: crackingly good reads with lots of inspiring photographs!

Galleries: loads added!

Originally posted 25th July 2009

Loads added over the last few months, just haven't bothered to update "New & Updated"! The list includes:

Japanese 105mm guns

British Paras Support Weapons & Recon Troops

Soviet Partisans (lovely figures from Eureka)

British Pioneers

Japanese 105mm artillery

Sicilian Weekend published

Originally posted 29th April 2009

Fancy a weekend at Bernito's?

Hit the beaches or counter-attack from the hills with Robert Avery's latest pdf scenario booklet for "I Ain't Been Shot, Mum!"

An extensive history of the first two days of Operation Husky, the Allied invasion of Sicily, covering the 10th and 11th July 1943, and accompanied by seventeen unique scenarios for "I Ain't Been Shot, Mum!" including attacks, counter-attacks, encounter battles, desperate defences, fighting retreats, and ambushes!

From the initial and largely disastrous airborne assault through to the immediate aftermath of the main landings, you'll encounter British and US Paratroopers; regular British and American infantry and armour; Italians of all shapes and sizes; and maybe the odd German or two as well!

Each scenario contains a background history, maps, a full game briefing, and a full briefing for each player. Simply print out the pages you need, unpack your figures, set up the table, and away you go!

Available from www.toofatlardies.co.uk along with Robert's previous booklets The Defence of Calais; Vyazma or Bust; Fall of the Lion Gate; Bloody Burma; and Anzio - Wildcat to Whale.

Sicilian Weekend contains the following scenarios: The Ponte Grande Bridge; The Piano Lupo 1; North of the Pachino Airfield; Gela 1; The Piano Lupo 2; The Piano Lupo 3; The Road to Scoglitti; South-East of Butera; Gela 2; The Abbio Priolo; The Gela Plain; The Biazzo Ridge; Palma di Montechiaro; Canicatti; Favarotta; Campobello & South of Priolo.