Soviet Heavy Tanks

Originally posted 5th May 2013

I've had the Battlefront Heavy Tank Company box set sitting on my painting table since Christmas. Finally got a chance to paint them up, with not a small amount of delay caused by the fact that two of them had badly damaged hulls.

I can repair a bit, or green-stuff a bit, or even paint up damaged models as battle-damage, but two of the hulls had major damage to the mudguards. Now I know they replaced them as soon as possible after a simple e-mail, but this sort of thing just shouldn't happen. I have ordered loads of stuff recently and, time and time again, it's only the Battlefront stuff that consistently arrives damaged or missing a part. Is it any wonder that people are switching to FiB or PSC or Zvezda?

Anyway, five beautiful models with the heft and weight that a heavy tank should have:

BA-64 Armoured Cars

Originally posted 21st April 2013

With the release of the late war Eastern Front supplement (Vpered Na Berlin) I've been checking that I have everything I need for the Soviets, and have found a few holes in the collection.

Here the first "plug":  a platoon of BA-64 armoured cars. Lovely little models that paint up beautifully. These are spray undercoated in black, then have a coat of GW Orchide Shade, then a heavy dry brush of Vallejo US Dark Green, then a coat of Citadel Agrax Earthshade wash. Do the tyres and crewmember, add decals and done!

Russian Houses from 4ground

Originally posted 21st April 2013

So I made the usual pilgrimage to Salute on Saturday. Much busier than the last couple of years (could this be a sign of the end of the recession?!) and with a real buzz.

There were the usual problems with the queue: it took an hour to get in which, given the show is only on for a day, is neither big nor clever. 

Met and chatted to loads of Lardies, and picked up some new toys too. One purchase which I couldn't wait to build were some Russian Front log houses from 4Ground. Very nice models which go together surprisingly easily once you get the hang of them. No need to paint them either: these can go straight onto the table, and I will definitely be getting some more. I love the smell of laser-cut wood in the morning!

AAR: Somewhere Near Calais

Originally posted 18th April 2013

Although some people are now sending me their battle reports direct*, I do still make sure that I regularly search the Internet to make sure I have reproduced every AAR out there on this site.

This does sometimes cause a few problems as my language skills are sometimes just not up to the task!

Here then is an AAR translated from the Hungarian. Google gave me the base text: all the other mistakes are mine!

AAR: West of Pierrecourt & The Campoleone Salient

Originally posted 4th April 2013

Two superb After Action Reports from Brian Cantwell, both for I Ain't Been Shot, Mum!

In the first, an American recon force tries to scout ahead in the first scenario from the Blenneville or Bust! scenario pack.

In the second, the Germans counter-attack at Anzio: their target is the Campoleone Salient, scenario 11 from the Anzio: Wildcat to Whale supplement pack.

West of Pierrecourt

The Campoleone Salient

AAR: Near Belle Maison

Originally posted 31st March 2013

I took advantage of the Bank Holiday to get in only my second actual wargame this year: plenty or writing and painting done, but not much gaming as real life bite back with a vengeance.

The game played was one of the scenarios from the Blenneville or Bust! scenario pack: #2B Near Belle Maison. Those of you who favour the Allies and have a nervous disposition may want to look away now!

AAR: TFL Stalingrad Day

Originally posted 16th February 2013

Excellent news!

I thought I had lost Kev's battle report from the TFL Stalingrad Day way back in 2005:  I had failed to slurp all Kev's content and, when he had problems with his own website, the report disappeared.

Now, however, thanks to those clever chaps at the Web Archive, it rises like a phoenix from the ashes. Hoorah!

AAR: Vartres

Originally posted 14th February 2013

Craig Ambler reports on his fourth game from the Blenneville or Bust! scenario booklet: the Americans attempt to take a German command post situated in the small town of Vartres.

As a side note, the way this game played, not who won or lost, but the way in which the game played, was exactly what I wanted when I wrote the Vartres scenario. I love it when a plan comes together!