AAR Two More From Amokfigure

Originally posted 8th June 2014

Two more AAR from Amokfigur. No photos this time as unfortunately the site has corrupted a bit, and the pictures for these battle reports are now unavailable...even on the Internet Archive. 

But they are a good read anyway!

Two more AAR from Amokfigur. No photos this time as unfortunately the site has corrupted a bit, and the pictures for these battle reports are now unavailable...even on the Internet Archive. 

But they are a good read anyway!

Glory in Russia

Vodka and Steel

AAR: Two from Amokfigur

Originally posted 5th June 2014

As those of you who regularly visit this website know, I love discovering new sources of battle reports. Here's another find: a website from Denmark, I think, with a handful of reports dating back to 2006!

The site is currently marked as being in hiatus, and I hope that changes, as the reports are great. Here's the first two.

The Briansk Front
Eastern Front Game

AAR: The Essel Bridgehead

Originally posted 7th May 2014

I have, for a long time, been a fan of Mark Luther's IABSM games in 6mm: his Flickr albums are a joy to browse. I haven't transferred any of them to this site because, for an equally long time, I thought I'd confine this site to IABSM played in 15mm. 

Now, however, the temptation has proved too great (and I've started including 28mm games!) so I am starting the long, slow process of uploading Mark's reports.

Here is the first one: action at the Essel Bridgehead on the western front in 1945.

A Russian Orthodox Church

Originally posted 16th April 2014

Those of you who encountered me in the latter part of the Salute Day will be aware that I was looking for a 15mm WW2 Russian Orthodox church to serve as a terrain piece for playtesting my late war Eastern Front scenario pack, Bashnya or Bust!

Well I found one!

A Polish company called Wargamer Company were at Salute promoting and selling their  game called By Fire & Sword. This game apparently (and I'm quoting their website here) recreates the 17th century wars fought by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth against Turkey, Muscovy, Sweden, Crimean Khanate and Cossacks. 

Well Bashnya or Bust! is set in Lithuania, and they had a Wooden Orthodox Church model, so I bought it immediately, and have painted it up ready for Saturday's playtest of scenario 2A.

Cracking terrain piece, really easy to paint, and looks very good. Here are a couple of 'model' shots; more to follow in the AAR that will doubtless follow Saturday's game.

Libyans for North Africa

Originally posted 11th April 2014

I have had a packet of Battlefront's Libyan/Italian colonial infantry hanging around in the lead mountain forever, but waiting for various orders to arrive from far, far away moved them slowly to the front of the queue until I really had no choice but to paint them.

These are nice models: the officers and NCOs in particular. I don't think I've quite got the skin colour right, but I do think they will look good on the tabletop. Time to dust off the Operation Compass scenario pack again!

AAR: Near Osen

Originally posted 30th March 2014

I am currently about halfway through the Bashnya or Bust! late war eastern front scenario pack for IABSM, with fifteen out of the thirty-one scenarios completed i.e. stages one to four in the pyramid. 

This AAR is a report on the playtest game for the first scenario: #01: Near Osen. You'll be pleased to hear that all went well, and the only change needed was a minor adjustment to the number of Blinds each side can bring on to the table at any one time.