A Russian Orthodox Church

Originally posted 16th April 2014

Those of you who encountered me in the latter part of the Salute Day will be aware that I was looking for a 15mm WW2 Russian Orthodox church to serve as a terrain piece for playtesting my late war Eastern Front scenario pack, Bashnya or Bust!

Well I found one!

A Polish company called Wargamer Company were at Salute promoting and selling their  game called By Fire & Sword. This game apparently (and I'm quoting their website here) recreates the 17th century wars fought by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth against Turkey, Muscovy, Sweden, Crimean Khanate and Cossacks. 

Well Bashnya or Bust! is set in Lithuania, and they had a Wooden Orthodox Church model, so I bought it immediately, and have painted it up ready for Saturday's playtest of scenario 2A.

Cracking terrain piece, really easy to paint, and looks very good. Here are a couple of 'model' shots; more to follow in the AAR that will doubtless follow Saturday's game.