M551 Sheridans

Originally posted 2nd March 2014

Some reinforcements for my Vietnam US infantry: three M551 Sheridan tanks from Battlefront. Lovely models that come absolutely ram-jammed with stowage built into the models. The only negative point is the delicacy of the barrels of the HMGs: you can see from the photos how bent they are...and stay, despite my best efforts!

TFL Painting Challenge: Update

Originally posted 2nd March 2014

Today's achievements, the first of the month of March, are from Leif (duck-breaker 1); Jason Ralls (another painting machine!); Egg; Plowman; Bailey and Chris Gilbride (duck-breaker 2).

Today's picture is from Dave Bailey: a dark ages watch tower for Dux from Warbases, which they specially shrunk down to 15mm for him.

AAR: Fischfang Day 1 - A

Originally posted 27th February 2014

Craig Ambler has been working his way through the Anzio scenario pack. Here's an AAR from his last battle (although not the last in the pack) covering the opening phase of Operation Fischfang. 

This was a truly colossal battle (the Germans have two companies of infantry!) that gave an excellent game.

TFL Painting Challenge: Duck-Breakers

Originally posted 27th February 2014

A few duck-breakers this update. Pingu opens his innings with a septet of 28mm Zombie figures; WillieB bursts onto the scene with seventy 28mm WW1 figures (lulling us into a false sense of security, eh?); and Mr Ploughman enters the lists with fifteen 28mm figures.

Elsewhere we have achievements from Messrs Luther; Ström; and Bailey (the man is a machine!); Owen; Craig Ambler; and Danziger.

Today's pic is a little one from WillieB:

WW2 US Artillery HQ from Battlefront

Originally posted 16th February 2014

Whilst waiting for more decals to arrive from Dom in order to finish my Churchill squadron, I thought I'd polish off something that has been sitting, half-finished, on my painting table for ages: the Battlefront US Artillery HQ.

Absolutely pointless in wargaming terms for IABSM, it's nevertheless another piece of battlefield clutter with which to dress the table.

Oh, and for those interested, the maps are made from the QR code found on the cards you find inside the Zvezda boxes. Just cut out a square or a rectangle from the QR code and add a little blue line (for a river) and some green patches (for woods) and away you go.

More TFL Painting Challenge Updates

Originally posted 15th February 2014

Here's today's update: achievements from Messrs Llano; Hodge; Bax; Stoesen; Nissvik; Slade; Yuengling; and the Mad Padre.

Today's picture? No question but it's got to be Thomas', er, questionable tank. So, Thomas, me old mucker, this fascination with Japanese anime schoolgirls...care to explain?

Bashnya or Bust!

Originally posted 15th February 2014

Good news for those awaiting my next scenario book: the writing bug has bitten me again. 

I am now deep into Bashnya or Bust! - a Vyazma/Blenneville style scenario pack set in late July/August 1944 during the Kaunas Offensive i.e. the latter stages of Operation Bagration.

Can't promise when it will be finished (early summer's my best bet) but I can promise a linked campaign featuring a possible thirty-one late war eastern front scenarios.

If you liked Blenneville, you'll love Bashnya!

TFL Painting Challenge: More Achievements

Originally posted 11th February 2014

More achievements...always more achievements!

Today's batch are from: Chris Stoesen; Jon Yuengling; Egg; Topi; Richard Danziger; Warrior in the Attic;    I'm also pleased to add pictures of his previous achievements from Craig Ambler.

Three candidates for picture-of-the-update, but I'm going for Dick Bax's 20mm Fallschirmjaeger today:

Lots for the TFL Painting Challenge

Originally posted 6th February 2014

A late entrant to the campaign: welcome Jim Weir.

Otherwise, vast numbers of achievements from (deep breath): Messrs Clarke, Ralls, Hodge; Lowth; Armstrong; Bax; Ambler; and Bailey.

To celebrate the breaking of his duck, here's Mr Armstrong's achievement: two beautifully painted sci-fi vehciles...ideal for Q13!

More for the TFL Painting Challenge

Originally posted 1st February 2014

The end of another working week, and an impressive list of achievements to be added. Today we have contributions from Chris Stoesen; Mr Luther; Egg; Dave Bailey; Kev; Matt Slade; Alexandros; Jon Yuengling and the Mad Padre.

Today's picture was a toss up between Alexandros' 28mm Churchill (love the stowage) and Egg's 15mm Centurions (a very nice green)...so you get both:

TFL Painting Challenge

Originally posted 28th January 2014

So many more achievements that I can't possibly list them all here. What I will do, though, is feature some very nice Saxon-types for Dux B from munsterfan8.

Oh, okay then...if a job's worth doing...

Achievements from Andy Miller (first timer); Chris Stoesen; munsterfan8 (obviously), Egg, Manuel Llano, Benito (I've corrected your numbers!), Craig, Dave Bailey, Joakim, Jon and Vidal. And there are some more as well!

Lend-lease Churchill

Originally posted 20th January 2014

Those of you who visit regularly will know that I am in the process of painting a whole squadron of Churchill tanks: 19 vehicles if you include the full HQ Troop. 

Boxes of tanks from PSC come in fives (although they also do single sprues if you need just a single tank etc) so the four boxes I bought at Warfare left me with one left over. 

This I painted up as a lend-lease tank sent to the Soviets. It gave me a chance to practice painting a model from start to finish, which was very useful in terms of finding out if the spray paint I was using would melt the plastic (it didn't) and such things as checking and then repainting the road wheels not in black 'tyre' colour but in 'rest of the tank' metal colour - doh!

So here is my single lend-lease Mk III Churchill from PSC (with Battlefront Soviet tank commander). Lovely model but, as always, the turret was a pain to put together. I'm just glad that all my British Mk IVs have the cast turret! BTW, note the way the varnish has frosted the (very thin) gun barrel...must remember to watch out for this when painting the '19'.

WW2 British Tanks: Great Sources of Info

Originally posted 20th January 2014

Now I am not normally particularly fussed about making my tanks from specific units: I use the same Panzers for every theatre they fought in. With the Churchills, however, I am endeavouring to paint up one specific unit: C Squadron from 4th Coldstream Guards, part of 6th Guards Tank Brigade. This is mainly because Dom's Decals provide a sheet with the names of all the C Squadron tanks on them, so I don't have to go mad painting the little blighters' names myself!

I thought, therefore, I'd share some of the research I used when deciding which unit to paint up, all of which came via the excellent TFL Forum.

June tank returns:


A complete list of British tank names (this is incredible!):


The Armour in Focus page of the Churchill tank:


And, finally, the FOW page on Churchill tanks in Normandy:
