WW2 British Tanks: Great Sources of Info

Originally posted 20th January 2014

Now I am not normally particularly fussed about making my tanks from specific units: I use the same Panzers for every theatre they fought in. With the Churchills, however, I am endeavouring to paint up one specific unit: C Squadron from 4th Coldstream Guards, part of 6th Guards Tank Brigade. This is mainly because Dom's Decals provide a sheet with the names of all the C Squadron tanks on them, so I don't have to go mad painting the little blighters' names myself!

I thought, therefore, I'd share some of the research I used when deciding which unit to paint up, all of which came via the excellent TFL Forum.

June tank returns:


A complete list of British tank names (this is incredible!):


The Armour in Focus page of the Churchill tank:


And, finally, the FOW page on Churchill tanks in Normandy:
