BTR-50 PK APCs for Vietnam

Originally posted 14th April 2014

More models that I picked up as part of Battlefront's 40%-off Vietnam sale: a platoon of five BTR-50 PK armoured personnel carriers.

This is a cracking example of buying stuff that I cannot think that I am ever going to use! Well they were 40% off: bargain!

Actually, they will do for some general purpose sci-fi APCs for Quadrant 13: and will actually fit in with my Aphids very nicely.

Libyans for North Africa

Originally posted 11th April 2014

I have had a packet of Battlefront's Libyan/Italian colonial infantry hanging around in the lead mountain forever, but waiting for various orders to arrive from far, far away moved them slowly to the front of the queue until I really had no choice but to paint them.

These are nice models: the officers and NCOs in particular. I don't think I've quite got the skin colour right, but I do think they will look good on the tabletop. Time to dust off the Operation Compass scenario pack again!

TFL Painting Challenge: Update

Originally posted 5th April 2014

The first update of the new quarter, and loads of achievements to report. The thought of adding to the lead mountain at Salute has obviously galvanised people into action!

Today's entries are from Dick Bax; Mark Luther; Jon Yuengling; Leif Erikson; WillieB; Fat Wally; Jason Ralls; and the Mad Padre.

Today's pictures are from Kev and WillieB. 

Here are Kev's 15mm Seven Year War Russian Grenadiers

Some of WillieB's fifty 28mm newly-painted Marines de la Garde Imperiale:

AAR: Near Osen

Originally posted 30th March 2014

I am currently about halfway through the Bashnya or Bust! late war eastern front scenario pack for IABSM, with fifteen out of the thirty-one scenarios completed i.e. stages one to four in the pyramid. 

This AAR is a report on the playtest game for the first scenario: #01: Near Osen. You'll be pleased to hear that all went well, and the only change needed was a minor adjustment to the number of Blinds each side can bring on to the table at any one time.

TFL Painting Challenge: End of Q1

Originally posted 30th March 2014

As it's the end of the first quarter, I'm going to set up a new list of Achievements i.e. where the details and the photographs are displayed. 

This is both to encourage those who might be put off by the long lists of everyone else's achievements, and to ease the loading of the Achievements page, which has grown into a bit of a monster! 

The Scorecard page remains the same and will total everyone's scores for the whole year, it's just the Achievements that will be split by quarter.

The final list of achievements for Q1 2014 come from:  the Mad Padre; Jason Ralls; Chris Stoesen; Dave Bailey; Jim Weir; and Craig Ambler-Gambler.

Today's picture from Jim Weir: lots of 20mm WW1 Germans. Only the French to do now, Jim!

TFL Painting Challenge: Egg's Italians

Originally posted 23rd March 2014

Plenty of achievements listed in the last few days, but nearly all from the usual suspects. Those of you who haven't painted much this year (and you know who you are) need to get those brushes out! 

Today's achievements are from:  Vidal Bairos; Jason Ralls; Leif; Mr Luther; and Egg. Here are Egg's Italian tanks:

Battlefront Vietnam Sale

Originally posted 18th March 2014

The large box from Battlefront has arrived! 

All the vehicles I need to fill in the gaps in my Vietnam US forces and at a 40% discount. I'm generally no fan of Battlefront, even though I buy their models quite a lot but, in this case, they have excelled themselves.

The 40% Vietnam sale is still on until 31st March.

TFL Painting Challenge

Originally posted 18th March 2014

My call to action seems to have had an effect: I have been inundated with achievements!

In no particular order we have more from Mr Hodge (sterling work, pun intended); Jon Yuengling; WillieB; Matt Slade; Mr Bax; Mr Bailey and Mr Plowman.

Today's picture is from Dave Bailey: some nice Resistance fighters from Peter Pig:

M48 A3 Pattons

Originally posted 15th March 2014

In preparation for the large box that should hopefully soon arrive from Battlefront (well, if they will have a 40% off sale!), I thought I'd better clear the last few Vietnam-era figures on my existing lead mountain. 

Here are two M48 A3 Patton tanks painted in two distinct styles: one is straight off the ship, pristine and covered in nice bright markings; the other is a more battered, sober vehicle. 

Nice models...and if you're reading this before March 31st, get yourself over to the Battlefront website and stock up now!

TFL Painting Challenge: Longship

Originally posted 5th March 2014

A few achievements for early March:  Stumpy continues re-basing like mad (277 infantry counted at half points); Mr Treadhead builds some buildings; Manuel gets ahead of himself by painting double the usual number of Franks; Mr Luther braves the cold to finish his next batch; and Chris Stoesen completes the Peter Pig Viking Longship.

Today's picture is Chris' Viking Longship: