German Kettenkrad

I've been a little worried that my Gebirgsjaeger (German Mountain Troops) won't be able to move their equipment around properly, especially in harsh terrain or weather conditions.

Problem solved, however, with eight Kettenkrad (motorcycle tractors) painted up as crewed by Gebirgsjaeger.

I must confess to feeling a touch of pride here as, at time of ordering, Battlefront only provided crews in either the standard infantry helmet or the Fallschirmjaeger helmet, not the cap that most of my existing Gebirgsjaeger wear, so I bought some cap-wearing spare heads from Peter Pig and did head-swaps on half. Not exactly the apex of conversion skills, but more than I usually manage!

TFL Painting Challenge: Xmas Eve Update

The TFL Painting Challenge doesn't break for Xmas...and just to prove it, here's a quick Christmas Eve update.

Today's achievements are from:

  • The Mad Padre, with some very nice 28mm Commandos that take him to within 70 points of the 1,000 point mark
  • Jim Catchpole with some sci-fi terrain that takes him over the 1,000 point mark
  • And Jon Yuengling with sixty-four arab infantry. Jon claims to be running out of steam, but is still quite a few locomotives ahead of me!

Pictures wise, I'm going slightly back in time with some hots of Mark Luther's treeline, claimed just the other day. Forget Santa coming down the chimney tomorrow, I want Mark and his terrain collection instead...I'll even leave him a glass of sherry and a mince pie!

Website Update: Malaya Day Nostalgia

The Christmas holidays mean I have more time to finish re-loading all the content onto the new VL website. 

I'm still working my way through the IABSM AARs, and great fun it is too. I have done all the scenario pack AARs, and the one-off game AARs, and am now working my way through the TFL Games Day AARs.

I have just finished uploading all the reports from the 2006 Malaya Games Day: a colossal battle involving over a battalion of infantry on either side at 1:1 scale, with the Japanese trying to force their way through the Lardak position, held by British Indian troops.

Click here to go to the IABSM AAR page. The Malaya Games Day reports are in the right hand column, down near the bottom.

Here are a few photos to whet your whistles...


Even More Gitungi Goodness!

I have now finally finished the last of the Gitungi that I bought as part of the Micropanzer sale. This makes the army totally viable: with Big Men command figures (sadly lacking from most of my sci-fi armies), a solid mass of core troops, and plenty of support units backed up by some rather nifty specialists.

Units finished in this batch were:

  • the drone operators (very cool: loving the boom-arm aerial thing)
  • the anti-armour guns (nice AT weapons)
  • the HMG drones (I prefer the Assault Cannon drones, but got these for completeness)
  • some scouts with jump packs (I like these, and think they will prove very useful on the battlefield)
  • four huge battlesuits to bulk out my powered armour platoon.

That's it now until the sluog-riding kill team arrives...or Micropanzer release more models!

Drone Operators

The bulked-out Powered Armour Platoon

Scouts with Jump Packs

Anti-Armour Cannon

TFL Painting Challenge: Catchpole Breaks His Duck!

Not a reference to a dropped resin war-mallard, but the good news that Mr Catchpole has finally got round to submitting some entries for the 2014 painting challenge. Quite a lot of entries actually!

So, today's achievements are:

  • Mr Catchpole with a marvelous 990 points worth of painting and rebasing. Just think: if only you could paint another 10 points worth and submit them before the end of the year...
  • Carole with miles of bocage and a pond
  • Mr Bax with some very nicely painted 28 and 20mm figures
  • Mr Luther with even more miles of scruffy treeline. No photo so I had to estimate the points at the equivalent of two 28mm houses. Mark is now only 22 points away from 3,000 points with just eleven days to go.
  • Mr Slade with four delightful Minions
  • Mr Yuengling with a couple of 15mm buildings

Today's picture? Well, I think we'll do two (it is Xmas after all). Here are Mr Slade's Minions and a nice tow from Mr Bax:

The Eagle Has Landed...I Think!

I went over to Lard HQ last night for the final game of the year, billed as a Chain of Command re-fight of the climactic battle from the film The Eagle Has Landed.

For those of you who have missed out on this cinematic masterpiece, Michael Caine leads a bunch of Fallschirmjaegers on a mission to assassinate Winston Churchill as he visits a small village in rural England. All is going well for the Fall-ies, who are disguised  as Polish Paratroopers, until one of their number saves a local girl from going under the wheel of a water mill but is killed in the process, with his paratrooper uniform being ripped to reveal his German uniform underneath. Now discovered, Caine's men fight a battle to hold the village against an assault by nearby-based American troops whilst Caine himself (Steiner IIRC) goes off to kill Churchill.

The game, therefore, featured me leading three squads of US infantry supported by a Staghound armoured car into the village to firstly find out what was going on; secondly to identify any disguised Germans; and, thirdly, if any were found, to kill them!

The Germans, meanwhile, who were already occupying the village, had some convoluted mission requirements that seemed to involve tracking down a local woman who was actually one of their spies in order to be told where the secret tunnel was that led to the mansion house where Winnie was staying. I say convoluted because everything for the Germans seemed to get more and more confusing as the game went on: surely nothing to do with the immense amount of champagne that Mr Clarke, who was allegedly running the game, consumed as the evening went on.

After my last Lard HQ Chain of Command debacle (which no-one seemed to have forgotten unfortunately) I was determined to redeem myself. Rather than following the course of action from the film (where the Yanks charge into the village and get shot to bits before retreating for a more cautious second approach), we arrived at the edge of the village and cautiously moved forward towards the first house in order to try and find out what was going on.

There (well in the outside privy to be exact) we met a section of British infantry who confirmed that the Germans did indeed have men in the village, disguised as Polish paratroopers. That was all they could tell us...hardly surprising as they turned out to be more Germans on a mission to stop the main German mission for political infighting reasons.

Confused? Not as much as we were when Rich revealed that he'd brought the wrong box of figures with him so we would have to be portrayed using German figures. So we have Germans using British Paratrooper figures pretending to be Polish; more Germans using British infantry figures pretending to be British, and being played by a Scotsman; and Americans using German figures pretending to be...oh, no, sorry: actually being Americans!

Anyway, having sussed out what was going on, the Americans went forward cautiously: one squad hanging back as a base of support, one moving towards the church, and one moving up to the Whippet Inn (also somewhat confusingly portrayed by a German beer hall).

The squad advancing towards the church took fire from the steeple and lost a man, but our return fire was incredibly accurate and wiped out the German Bren team that were doing the shooting. The squad then started cautiously moving into the church itself. Meanwhile the Staghound moved into a position near the first house from where it could cover the village main street with its .50 cal.

The other two squads then leapfrogged forward until one was in the inn providing a base of support whilst the other was pressed against the back wall of the first house in the village, covering both the main street and the gardens to the rear.

Stalemate then ensued until the Germans realised that firstly all we had to do was keep them occupied until the end of the game and secondly that they needed to get back into the church to find the woman to find the secret passage to find the get the picture.

As false-Polish paras hit the high street, heading for the church, we opened up with everything we had: the Staghound's .50 cal, chewing up scenery as the two squads covering the high street actually did the damage. The first German squad was effectively rendered hors d combat (no, no French on the least I don't think so...but at this stage, a bottle and half in, who knew) but another moved up and threw grenades into the church in an attempt to clear it.

This was not as effective as it should have been (one dead American), and the Germans soon suffered as a hail of grenades and small arms fire came right back at them. That squad was soon pinned and then wiped out as well.

The game then drew to a close. We occupied the church and commanded the main route through the town; the Germans needed to control both in order to fulfil their mission, but were now down two full squads against our losses of four men (three killed by a demented local high on home brew).

All in all, a great game of Chain of Command, if somewhat chaotic. I was quite rightly accused of taking the game far too seriously (it was the Lardy Christmas game, after all) and have no excuse except to say that after last time I had no choice lest my reputation be damaged beyond repair!

My thanks to Rich, Nick, Panda, Trevor, Dougray McScot, Al, Noddy, Mark, Harpers, Panda, Elton etc for a most entertaining evening, with mince pies and booze thrown in for good measure. Just make sure you save me an After Eight when the packet is eventually opened!

TFL Painting Challenge: colossal Monday Night Update!

Now I understand why the challenge has been a bit quiet of late: you lot were storing them up for me so that I could process them all in one go!

A colossal update tonight, we have:

  • Vidal with over 100 Austrians in 15mm. How about some pics, Vidal?
  • Mr Yuengling with some 15mm WW1 vehicles from Shapeways (the future of wargaming?)
  • The Mad Padre with an eclectic mix of 28mm figures and scenery
  • Mr Luther with a collection of odds and sods from the South Pacific (no, not the musical, Sid)
  • Steve Burt enters the challenge with a bang, a big bang. Hundreds of 28mm figures that give him an immediate 1,408 points. 
  • Mr Hodge with some more Paras and a very nice ruined building
  • Mervyn with some more 15mm Ancients that he assures me "that is definitely almost certainly it for the year". Come on, Mervyn, you can manage just one more wafer-thin figure...
  • Thomas surprises us all with 40 points worth of Martians
  • and, last but by no means least, Leif (can you see what I did there?) with some lovely 20mm figures

Difficult to choose one picture to go with tonight's achievements...but I think it has to be Leif's roadside shrine/CoC jump-off point in 20mm. Lovely.

TFL Xmas Special Released

Glad tidings of great joy: the TFL Xmas Special 2014 is now available.

Always a source of great ideas, and incredible value for money: highly recommended.

Contents are:


A Festive greeting from Lard Island.  Grab a mince pie and feel the love...

 Cocking Up Through the Mud and the Blood

We present a merger between Chain of Command and Through the Mud and the Blood. Great War gaming just got even more exciting.  

Kaiserschlacht 1918

Amid a storm of steel, we present a Great War “Pint-Sized” campaign for Through the Mud and the Blood or the Chain of Command Great War adaptation. Can you win for the Kaiser?  Sturm Auf!

Fondler’s Rebels

In the Year of Our Lord 1796, Richard Fondler takes on the United Irishmen and their French friends in a battle to save Ireland for the Crown!

4D6 Shades of Green

The Dux Peterboroughiarum himself, Mike Whitaker, presents more terrain ideas for the Dux The Raiders.

29, Let’s Go Large!

We convert our Normandy Pint-Sized campaign for use with I Ain’t Been Shot Mum and company sized actions.  Let’s roll!

Catch the Pidgeon!

An Eastern Front scenario for Bag the Hun from Winchester based Ace, Jim Jackaman.  Tally Ho Comrade!

The Irish Question

Pay attention at the back!  A nautical Kiss Me Hardy scenario to partner with Fondler’s Rebels.  Mr Baines, set course for Bantry Bay.  I’m for the Oysters!

The Roundwood Report

Star of stage, screen and his own vivid imagination, Sidney La Roundwood, chats to Big Rich about maps, and looks into the future with his crystal balls.  

Fighting Season

Respected author, Leigh Neville of Sydney, introduces us to Fighting Season, our forthcoming modern counter-insurgency rules for Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.  As we go to press Leigh will be walking down the aisle and committing himself into perpetual marital bondage.  Another good man down...

Building the Deutsche Reichsbahn

Star of the blogosphere and beyond, Pat “Sliver Whistle” Smith, shows us how to build railways for wargaming.  Toot toot!

Last Train to Fischhausen

April 1945, a scenario for Chain of Command on the Eastern Front.  Can you keep the trains running on time?

Battle of Britan – Over the Mediterranean

Jon Yuengling of Pennsylvania steps into an alternative reality with this “what if” history of 1940 for Bag the Hun.

Of Mines and Men

Da Nang is DAMN HOT in this scenario for Charlie Don’t Surf from the pen of Abingdon’s finest, Ross Bowrage.   Are you a mine or a man?

Bloody November

Alfredo Vitaller and Annibal Invictus of Madrid play a home fixture with this Pint-Sized campaign for Madrid in 1936 using Chain of Command España.  To Parsaran, or not to Parsaran, that is the question!

The Battle of Mahiwa

Charles Eckart of Denver takes us to Africa and the exploits of von Lettow-Vorbeck, with this Great War scenario for If the Lord Spares Us.  Heia Safari!

To the Bitter End

April 1945 and the Kings Own Scottish Borderers are still meeting resistance in the heart of the Reich.  This scenario for I Ain’t Been Shot Mum recreates a company sized action on the Elbe River.

Boots & Saddles

Myron Shipp of South Australia mounts up to present some ideas for matching US Cavalry and Plains Indians with Sharp Practice.  Additional material from Essex’s own diamond geezer, Simon Walker. 

Tweetface with the Lardies

Providing addicts with a daily dose of Lard through the limitless joys of social media, ahem.  We provide a guide for the cool kids in 2014. Kicking innnit!

The TooFatLardies Xmas Special 2014 is available to buy from here.

Painting Challenge: Three New Entries

I'm pleased to announce that we have three new people entering the 2014 painting challenge, all of whom have sent me huge catch-up entries covering the whole year!

First up is Carole, with a massive entry of 15mm World War 2 figures. There's a whole company of German infantry supported by a company of Panzer IVHs and a zug of Tiger I. On top of that, there's a company of British infantry supported by a whole squadron of Cromwells (with a few Fireflies). Finally, there is a selection of houses to dress the table. All very nice, especially the Panzer IV tanks...and a total of 513 points.

Carole's 15mm Panzer IV H

Carole's 15mm Panzer IV H

Next up is an extraordinary entry from Ben Fiene consisting of stunningly painted figures in 28mm and 20mm. The 28s are all dark ages types: Romano-Britons, Saxons, Vikings etc. The 20mm figures are all for Chain of Command: French (lovely!); British Paras and German support units. There are also some 15mm Napoleonics claimed, but no photos yet. It's a fantastic entry that garners Ben an incredible 1,474 points.

20mm scale, 25mm French anti-tank gun from Ben Fiene

20mm scale, 25mm French anti-tank gun from Ben Fiene

Last, but by no means least, Ashley Pollard enters her 6mm Ogre-based sci-fi armies. Well over 100 beautifully painted 6mm vehicles, Love 'em. Ashley's entry gets her 354 points.

Some of Ashley's wonderful 6mm Ogre figures

Some of Ashley's wonderful 6mm Ogre figures

Painting Challenge: Monday Night Update

My words of encouragement seem to have had some effect: enough new achievements sent to me to justify a cheeky Monday night update only a couple of days after the Saturday night one.

Today's achievements are from:

  • Egg with lots of terrain, including a beautiful La Haie Sainte
  • Jon Yuengling with ten more of his micro-scale ships
  • Treadhead storms over the 1,000 point mark with some Finns, some mines and some Martians (must get around to painting mine!)
  • And Mr Hodge re-bases some more infantry

Today's picture is, as you might have guessed, Egg's Normandy farmhouse: aka Tiger Terrain's La Haie Sainte in 15mm.

More Gitungi Goodness

Slowly working my way through the huge pile of Gitungi I bought using Micropanzer's coupon offer. I've also just ordered a few more bits and pieces through their 24-hour, 50%-off sale!

Today's additions are the Big Men (something that's been severely lacking); a platoon of Veteran Infantry (note the drone operator figures with the overhead booms!); a pair of Assault Cannon drones; and, my personal favourite, three Gene Recovery drones tending to some casualties.

All can be seen, along with the other Gitungi, in their gallery, which can be reached by clicking here

The Veteran platoon:

Big Men (left) and Assault Cannon drones (right):

The Gene Recovery drones:

TFL Painting Challenge: 4,000 Points Reached!

It's another quiet week on the challenge, with only a few people able to sustain the effort until the end of the year...but the perseverance of the few has paid off as I'm pleased to announce that Matt Slade has thundered over the 4,000 point mark with a host of War of the Roses painting and re-basing. 

Even though (as he would be the first to mention) Mr Slade has an advantage, being a professional figure painter, this is still a spectacular achievement, as he has only submitted figures painted for himself, not his commissions. Puts my attempts to get to 1,000 points in perspective!

The other submissions this week were from Mr Douglas (a very nice 28mm house) and Mr Hodge, who has submitted a tray of 110 stands of 6mm re-basing that I have awarded 150 points for as I wasn't going to count every single figure with a magnifying glass! Aerial recon or what!

Here are some of the WOR figures Matt submitted this week:

Site Update

The reloading of the site's contents continues apace!

I have now finished re-loading all the IABSM After Action Reports as far as the one-off battle reports up to the end of 1942. That's all the scenario booklet AARs done, and about a third of the one-off games done.

Some people ask me why I bother to try and record every game of AAR about which a battle report has been written.

Well, there are a number of different reasons. Obviously the reports can be source of inspiration: encouraging you when the 'can't be bothered to game or paint' blues have got to you.

On top of that many of the reports are just such good reads: being so well written that they deserve to be published to a wider audience - and here I commend you to Mr Clarke's body of work.

Many reports also have vast numbers of really good photos attached to them: certainly enough to get your hands itching for a paintbrush again...and I know from personal experience that my terrain collection has grown in sophistication just so that my photos look more like those of the masters.

On top of a bit of inspiration, quite a few of the one-off game reports (especially Kev's) give complete game briefings: enabling you to play the scenario out yourself. Ideal if you're stuck for a game to play and (obviously) have played every scenario in my many scenario booklets!

Note also that some of these reports are now only available here on the Vis Lardica site. There are those that have been written specifically for the site, but there are quite a few others that have been lifted (usually with permission!) from sites or blogs that, for any number of reasons, no longer exist. Vis Lardica has become the IABSM archive, and I would like to see that archive as complete as possible.

So, in summary, read and enjoy the huge body of IABSM (and CDs and Q13) AARs that appear here. Even better: submit your own for inclusion. E-mail me at I'll do all the work: all I need to know is how I get hold of the text and any photos. All standards of work are included!


TFL Painting Challenge: Update

A Sunday night update this week. Still quite quiet, but we have achievements from:

  • Doug Melville and his Scots Irish
  • Jon Yuengling and some Soviet bombers and German WW1 tanks
  • Stumpy with vast amounts of re-basing and a few 'from scratch' tanks

This year's challenge will finish midnight on 31st December, with next year's due to start immediately afterwards.

Today's picture is from Mr Yuengling: two WW1 German tanks in 15mm. 

TFL Painting Challenge: Monster Monday Night Update

Well it seems as if you have been getting the brushes out again for that last push before the end of the year. Today we have achievements from:

  • Doug Melville: eight 20mm WW2 vehicles
  • Chris Stoesen and 23 Cold War Soviets
  • Mark Luther converts some Australians to make casualty figures, and then re-bases them all
  • Mr Yuengling paints a couple of 15mm buildings that look suspiciously like egg cartons. The things some people will do for points!
  • Alexandros submits a ,lovely Italian Scout Squad for CoC. Lovely boy, lovely boy!
  • Mervyn Douglas sends in some AT Guns, some javelinmen, and some Gallic slingers with, for some reason, red feet. Must be trampling over the bodies of their enemies!
  • Mr Bax submits six asylum patient zombies. Step away from the paint pot and put the modeling knife down!
  • And finally Mr Slade submits enough 28mm Crusade figures to equal my entire year's total in one submission. You're not making any friends here, Matt, you know that, don't you? Takes his total up to tantalisingly close to 4,000 points!

That is one monster update and, to celebrate, we'll have more than one picture. Not Jon's egg carton houses (actually they are probably really expensive models!) but, obviously, Alexandros' Italians and Matt Slade's command figures. Lovely: just lovely.

WW2 Figure Reviews Reloaded

Just a quick note to say that I have finished reloading the six or so WW2 15mm figure reviews into the IABSM Figure Reviews section of the website.

Click here to go there.

The reviews on there at the moment are:

  • Gaming Models AB40 and Morris CS9
  • Battlefront's Cossacks
  • Zvezda's BA-10 armoured cars
  • Battlefront's Gebirgsjaeger
  • Eureka's Australians
  • Some of MMModels WW2 vehicles

I'll write more when the website is fully reloaded!

More Gitungi: Infantry in Powered Armour

An enforced night at the painting table (teenage party elsewhere in the house - don't ask!) meant that I managed to both start and finish several units from the Gitungi reinforcements I bought way back when.

First up are a squad of Gitungi infantry in powered armour: foot troops with heavier armour than usual and a blaster of some kind fitted into each arm. I'm thinking the squads need to be eight-strong rather than my originally planned six-strong, so I'm either going to buy a few more, or perhaps give each squad two of Hasslefree's Grymn (space dwarves) in powered armour as a sort of heavy weapons team.

Click here to see the full Gitungi gallery, but here are the basic powered armour squads: