TFL Painting Challenge: Xmas Eve Update

The TFL Painting Challenge doesn't break for Xmas...and just to prove it, here's a quick Christmas Eve update.

Today's achievements are from:

  • The Mad Padre, with some very nice 28mm Commandos that take him to within 70 points of the 1,000 point mark
  • Jim Catchpole with some sci-fi terrain that takes him over the 1,000 point mark
  • And Jon Yuengling with sixty-four arab infantry. Jon claims to be running out of steam, but is still quite a few locomotives ahead of me!

Pictures wise, I'm going slightly back in time with some hots of Mark Luther's treeline, claimed just the other day. Forget Santa coming down the chimney tomorrow, I want Mark and his terrain collection instead...I'll even leave him a glass of sherry and a mince pie!