TFL Painting Challenge: Saturday Morning

Just a quick update today as I'm gaming tonight and want to keep on top of things.

Today we have achievements from:

  • Matt Slade with his Minions and Gunfighters
  • Leif with a couple of wookies
  • Mr Ralls with his usual cornucopia of 15mm delight: houses (those gardens!), French tanks, German tanks and infantry...loads!
  • and Lloyd Bowler with another unit of War of the Roses types

Pictures? One from Mr Ralls and one from Mr Slade: lovely!

Just some of Mr Slade's Minions (now we know who really does his painting!)

Just some of Mr Slade's Minions (now we know who really does his painting!)

Some French armour from Mr Ralls

Some French armour from Mr Ralls