TFL Painting Challenge: the Post SanFran Update
/Quite a few entries submitted whilst I was across the Pond in SF.
In no particular order, we have:
- Kev with some lovely WOTR command types and a new resin fence
- Mr Treadhead submits some more Taliban: lovely figures as always
- Steve Burt fires in a few more Napoleonics: a British rocket team (did you see what I did there?)
- Mr Plowman adds some more rather spiffing sci-fi terrain objects
- Mervyn D finishes his US collection, and immediately starts on the Germans
- Dave Humm adds some Biblicals, some Germans and some halflings. Generously I didn't award half points for the halflings...
- Chris Gilbride with some colonials...and a little story, told below
- Mr Helliwell with some more AWI troops and some German mortars in 15mm
- Leif enters some Star Wars figures in 28mm
- And Mr Naylor, whose entry arrived just as I was writing this post, scrapes across the line for this update with some Germans...which apparently take longer to paint that Soviets.
Before the usual pictures, we have a little story from Chris Gilbride about the troops he had been painting. I'm sure we've all had similar:
Last year I found and finished some long lost Dervishes. Well now I've found and finished the ones to fight them. These were probably started 14+ years ago and only needed basing and a couple needed rifles gluing on. Easy points I thought. I then discovered that the uniform colour was wrong, they had a more WW2 khaki brown colour and the webbing was a sandy brown. Bugger. Re-paint the uniform and the webbing, stuck them on bases and then added the quick shade. They were looking good, now for the varnishing.
It was during the varnishing that the table tipped over dumping all 23 onto the concrete floor. Those that survived the impact ended up covered in ... bits of stuff. Did you ever think that maybe some figures are just not meant to be painted and finished?
Not bad, Chris: 14 years to finish a unit!
Right, today's pictures are from Kev and, of course, of Chris' British troops, bits or not!
How lovely are these?
"Fourteen years I waited to get into the action: fourteen long years!"