TFL Painting Challenge: Update Seven
/A very slightly slower week this week, but still masses of entries.
In no particular order, we have:
- The Mad Padre with some Falcata Napoleonic Spanish Light Infantry
- Two Grand Manner manors from Sapper
- Chris Kay pops in a huge Warbases building and a Humber armoured car, both in 28mm
- We have some CoC jump-off points from Carole, along with some rather nice late war German infantry, all in 15mm
- John Haines is back with some early Continental line infantry from Warlord
- The Great Gatzemeyer has gone all Dropzone Commander on us
- Cabey Cabey doesn't forget the pawns: some lovely Napoleonic 'minor characters'
- A fan of Gaming Models, Jon Yuengling sends in three and a gun
- and last, but by no means least, Mr Helliwell has some AWI Hessians for us to look at
A quick set of today's pictures, as I have AARs to post:
Cabey Cabey's 'minor characters'
Mark Luther's Burma terrain, claimed in the last update but only just now photographed
I do like Dropzone Commander kit, just wish it was 15mm
Some of Carole's Germans