TFL Painting Challenge: Sunday Update

Here are this week's entries into the TooFatLardies Painting Challenge:

  • Mark Luther takes a break from writing his amazing battle reports to paint up some more microvehicles and produce 450 square inches of paddyfield
  • There's a cracking stone barn from Treadhead, printed on his 3D printer
  • Mr Helliwell pops in a few WW2 German vehicles in 15mm
  • There's three ship's boats from Mr Stoesen
  • Matt Slade is still on those Deathguard Pox-thingies, but adds a bit of balance with a second submission of pilgrims
  • The first of our Japanese entries from Mr Haines
  • Mervyn has a few Austrians ready for the tabletop
  •  And last, but by no means least, Mr Duffell has our second Japanese-themed entry: a graveyard and temple dogs

As usual, clicking on the name of the submitter, above, will take you straight to their gallery (opens in  new window)...and keep them coming: it's September already!

Today's piccies are below:

Mounted Samurai from Mr Haines

Where they will end up if they are not careful, from Mr Duffell

Superb 3D printed stone barn from Treadhead

Ship's boats from Chris Stoesen